Be still my heart! What a beautiful, truly exquisite Lovebird you are, Percy! Your pastel plumage with its muted shades of lemon and lime, with just a touch of turquoise and peach (your signature beauty mark!) is simply gorgeous! And not only are you beautiful in looks, but just as sweet as can be! As advertised, you truly are a "love" bird, bringing so much joy and light, love and smiles to your human's life!

She knew the moment she laid eyes on you, that day at the fair, that you were destined to be hers and what a heavenly match it has turned out to be; a case of love at first sight for your human and for you! You may not have been a planned addition to your human's life, but fate will have its way! Who knows the reason for your "mark down!" Suffice it to say you couldn't be any more perect if you tried!

Maybe the breeder thought he was a pain and wanted him gone! Oh well, I'm glad I got him!
How lucky your Mom is, having a "first" Lovebird feathered family member as beautiful and joyful, as special as you, Percy! You're a treasure!!!

Thanks for the BIG smiles, sweetheart! Meeting you today, reading your proud human's love filled tribute and seeing your gorgeous photos has been such a treat! I hope you enjoy a very special Pet of the Day celebration...spending fun time with your Mom, riding on her shoulder; chowing down on some yummy birdie treats; being spoiled to the max and loved to bits! Lots of love, gentle cuddles and wee kisses to you, precious Percy, our very special and most deserving Pet of the Day, EVERY day!!!
