Well, I did it. I have a new puppy. She has been with me for almost a week. She is an 11 weeks old Tibetan Terrier. Her name is Prue. No, I don't have any new photos of her. I have attached a little one, taken two weeks ago.

I have fallen in love with Prue. She is nearly potty trained and is really in love with her crate and walking on a leash. I know I have her first year ahead of me, but so far, and according to her Mom, she is a laid back puppy and was the smartest of the litter.

I have posted this on the cat side of Pet Talk, because that is where I usually post.

So.....here she is. The second photo is of some other dog, but is how Prue will look when she is an adult. She will be on the large size since both her parents were large for their breed. Her color is brindle. They are called terriers but don't have a terrier personality or disposition. She seldom barks and is not high strung at all! Her name is really Prudence. I didn't name her but thought Prue was a cute, short name and it took some pressure off me to come up with some silly name....that didn't collide with my cats' names.

By the way, she is fine with the cats. They have had their moments, but in general, they all have a healthy respect for each other.

Juni took off for three days right after Prue arrived but came home Wednesday night..... and has been oh so friendly to me..... as though I HAD BEEN GONE!