Hi everyone. With the help of my mom, I made 4 cat condom beds. First I'd like to thank Jazzcat and Sirrahbed for their instructions and Debbie for her extra help. I really only made one of them completely by myself and I do agree that it gets easier each time you make them.

My mom made this circle pattern for me so it would be easier to cut out the base of the bed. I made the 24" size but the circle was actually a little over 24" in diameter. I also used fleece material and used two different kinds. I bought 2 2/3 yards of each so that I could make two beds out of each material. I also had some left over.

Once I cut the first circle, I found it easier to use this as a pattern because it layed flatter. I bought this material at Walmart. I cut out 4 circles total to make two beds.

These are the strips that I cut out for the tubing. This material was only about 58" wide so I needed a little extra to make it the right size. I cute three strips and then cut the third one in half. I forgot how long my tubing was but it was a little over 72" long. You stitch one of each of the shorter strips to the longer strips.

This is what the tubing looks like pinned to the base. We only ended up pinning the first one. For the others we just pieced them together and slowly stitched them with the sewing machine.

Here's what it looks like before it's stuffed. I used polyfil and needed almost three 20oz. bags. We found that leaving a 4" hole was better and we also used a zigzag stitch on the finished edge at the bottom of the bed to help it hold it's circular shape better.
Here's the finished cat condom bed. We were only able to make this one on Saturday and then made the other three on Sunday.

More pictures coming up.>>>>>