View Full Version : Hi Cooper!

Daisy and Delilah
02-23-2006, 05:19 AM
We could just bury our faces in that fluffy little coat sweetie!! Aren't you just the cutest little fella? With a mix of those two wonderful breeds, you have to be just a perfect package little man! After reading your bio, we can tell that you're definitely all that and more, Cooper! Our first thought, upon looking at your pic, was.... you're so cute, you resemble a cute little stuffie and we would love to play with you buddy! Actually, you're not too too far away in Macon ;) Congratulations to you Cooper on your very big day!! We hope you have a wonderful day of fun and celebration! Have Mom give you some kisses from us. Hi to your Kitty brother and tell Mom to join Pet Talk so we can see more pics of you!! You're adorable Cooper!! :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

02-23-2006, 05:57 AM
Oh be still my heart! Cooper when I saw your thumbnail come up when I clicked on Pet Talk today my finger couldn't get to the button to make you larger quick enough!!! LOL! You are such a handsome boy and a blend of two terrific breeds so how could you be anything else. I am a poodle mom and must say that I see those poodle genes poking through. :) What a precious boy you are Cooper. I hope you have a wonderful day playing fetch (Bella would love to join you) or whatever it is that your little heart desires. Congratulations to you Cooper, our very adorable Dog of the Day! :cool: :cool:

02-23-2006, 12:27 PM
Hello Cooper,

How's it feel to have two threads for all your admirers here.
Everybody loves you precious Cooper.I'd snap you up in a minute. :)
Happy congratulations for being chosen for honors as our super
special & very deserving DOG OF THE DAY.Lots of hugs & kisses
coming your way. :)