View Full Version : Hi Louie!!

Daisy and Delilah
01-13-2006, 05:00 AM
Good morning to our handsome Chi man, the honorable Mr. Louie!! What a good looking man you are buddy. Who couldn't love that picture of you with that cute little tongue of yours? We can't imagine why someone would leave you at the shelter either but it sounds like you were meant to be where you are now sweetie! Living life to the fullest and being a wonderful companion to your forever human. Helping each and every day to help him/her cope with a disability. We salute you Louie, Chihuahua extraordinaire, and most adorable DOTD!! What a happy day it is to meet you. We hope you get to have a really fun day today. Please have Mom/Dad give you some extra kisses from us and maybe some for your other fursibs. You're a very cool man Louie! We love you! :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

01-13-2006, 08:08 AM
Good morning little guy! My aren't you a cutie:D

I'm so glad your there for you momma like a good boy should be. I'm sure that's exactly the reason you were meant to be with her.

I hope you have a wonderful day today:)

01-13-2006, 08:59 AM
Hi Louis.....You are a very handsome little fellow. I don't understand how anyone would want to get rid of you. You are so pretty. So glad you found a family that will love and take care of you like you should be.
Congratulations on DOTD. Take care of your family. :p :p :p

01-13-2006, 12:50 PM
What an adorable little Chi guy are, dear Louie!:) I can't understand either, how anyone could ever cnsider giving you up!:( But your former family's loss is your devoted FOREVER human's gain! It sounds like your Mom/Dad has some tough life challenges to deal with and I'm so happy to know that she/he has you (and your two furbros) there at her side to make her days happy and bright:) As Anna has said, you and your person were meant to be, best buds for life:D Keep up the good work Louie, being the most wonderful, joyful,loving and devoted best furkid a human could ever hope for!:) Congratulations to you precious Louie, our EXTRA special DOG OF THE DAY!!! Hope you and the furry ones and your proud person enjoy a very happy day celebrating your reign as our most deserving Dog of the Day:) Hugs and kisses to you, adorable Louie:D

01-13-2006, 01:06 PM
Hi Louie,

What a handsome little guy you are. :) I would love to share that
chair with you for some cuddle time.Thanks for being such a great big
brother & and terrific friend to your person. Congratulations on being
chosen for a special day of honor as our very deserving DOG OF THE DAY. :)

01-13-2006, 03:02 PM
What an adorable Chi you are Mr. Louie! I love your sweet little Chi face and the cute pic of you sticking your tongue out! How nice you are there for your mommy, I bet you take very good care of her! Congrats to LOVELY LOUIE!! :) :D :)

01-14-2006, 03:41 PM
Love the pic of you licking your lips! You are quite the handsome little Chi! :) I hope you didn't spend one second thinking about why you were given up...I think your path was destined to be where you are now. Not only do you supply love, but support and strength, too. You are in the perfect home...just where you should be. Hope your special day was filled with love and maybe a few treats. ;) It was an honor to meet you. May God bless you with good health and lots of fun-filled adventures.
Love and purrs...
Nonie & Star (meow)