View Full Version : Katie

12-27-2005, 05:28 AM
Katie, you're sure a cutie! You better watch out chasing those three cats, they may join together and beat up on you! :D Congratulations on being DOTD! I hope you (and the cats) have a fun day! :)

Daisy and Delilah
12-27-2005, 06:40 AM
We can surely see why you stole your family's hearts Miss Kutie Pie Katie! Such an adorable little girl you are and quite an accomplished hunter on top of that!! We have some "hunting" instincts too. We also love to chase our neighborhood cats. Luckily, when we chase the cats, we're in the porch and they're outside. Our Mom says we really think we're tough but not too tough ;) We do get an occasional lizard though ;) We think that girly girl stuff is for the birds too Katie. We can imagine that your family's RB Doxie is smiling down on all of you every day. What a great job you're doing in helping your family get through the emptiness in their lives. Congrats to you, sweet Katie, for being our fabulous little DOTD!! We hope your day is filled with fun and plenty of celebration. Please have Mom give you tons of kisses and hugs from us and we wish you all happiness always. :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

12-27-2005, 07:06 AM
AW! What a wonderful face to wake up to! Good morning Katie. You derserve to be the DOTD! Congrats! I hope there is plenty of fun and celebration!
Alyssa,Sassy,Star,Rio,Flame,and Diamond.

12-27-2005, 07:21 AM
What a beautiful baby you are. You are so cute. I love all that hair of yours.
You remind me of my two yorkies. I bet your mom loves to brush your hair. Such a pretty color. Congratulations on DOTD. I got to see you and read good things about you. Have a wonderful life with your human family. :p :p :p

12-27-2005, 07:37 AM
Good morning beautiful girl!
That was such a great story that your family told about you coming into their lives. I'm so happy to know that you can fill the void in their hearts:)

Have a great day today, and every day!!!!

12-27-2005, 08:03 AM
You rock, Katie Lady! Congrats on being DOTD! Hope you get to do some huntin' today!!

12-27-2005, 02:35 PM
Hi there Katie, you little heart stealer, you!:D So, you're quite the tomboy, I hear!;) Looking at that beautiful packaging you've got going on there, it's hard to imagine that beneath those beautiful, flowing tresses beats the heart of a hunter!:D Bet you give the kitties and the squirrels, a run for the money! Bless you dear Katie for helping to heal your humans' hearts after the passing of their beloved Doxie...More than a few of us have sworn to never relive the heartbreak of losing a furkid. But then comes along a girl as sweet and precious and life loving as you and miraculously, our hearts are once again yearning for that priceless, unconditional love!:) Congratulations to you dear Katie! Your family is truly blessed to have you in their lives! I hope you all are enjoying a very happy, fun and love filled Dog of the Day celebration!:) Hugs and kisses to our most deserving honoree, Katie!

12-27-2005, 03:28 PM
Katie, what a pretty, feminine girl you are! Bless you for coming along to heal your owners' heartache - an ache that can only be healed by another beloved pet like you!

Congratulations to the huntress Katie!!

12-27-2005, 04:35 PM
Hello Katie,

Well, it seems that you are much more than just a gorgious pupster,
you are 100% all around wonderful girl. :) I'm so glad to meet you today
Katie girl and offer my congratulations on being our DOG OF THE DAY. :)

12-27-2005, 08:26 PM
Congrats on being DOTD! So you are a "chaser" of critters! :D Well, you are one beautiful girl...and such gorgeous long hair. Hope you have had a wonderful day filled with lots of attention and a few treats. May God bless you with good health and lots of wild critter chasing adventures! :) You have filled your family's hearts with love...and eased their pain. Take care little one.
Love and purrs...Nonie & Star (meow)

12-29-2005, 10:35 AM
What a pretty Shih Tzu you are Katie! How funny you don't like the girly things - no bows for you, right cutie? Your long hair is so beautiful! Congrats to SWEET KATIE!! :) :D :)