View Full Version : Cody

jim whatley
12-21-2005, 12:06 PM
You are a great looking Dog. I have one just like you. His name is Bo and he is 9 years old, and yes, he likes to chase birds and squirrels. He "busted" his knee on his right rear leg trying to climb a tree after one. He had to have surgery on the knee to replace the knee and cartliage. He is OK now but it took 6 months to heal, yes, he still chases them.

Bo is also very friendly at 112 lbs. he "bowls' everyone over, especially kids with his greetings and love.

Bo's Dad Jim

12-21-2005, 03:03 PM
Hi Cody!!! Awww, what a handsome Santa's helper you are, sweetheart! I'd love to find a preicous pup like you under my tree this Christmas!:) Yes, that face could melt the hardest of hearts!:) What a lucky family to have such a beautiful, gentle and loving doggie best bud like you to cherish and adore! And you know what, Cody? I'll just bet today (and tonight!) you won't have to lift a paw to get one of those coveted treats, or 5 or 10!!!:D Now Cody, be careful chasing those squirrels, scaling those trees...just ask Bo's Dad, Jim!:eek:

Congratulations to you precious Cody, our handsomest, most special, most deserving DOG OF THE DAY!!! Big hugs and kisses to you on your special day, Cody!!! I hope and your terrific family are having a very happy, fun, love and treat filled day of partying!:) And to you and yours, Merry Christmas!!!:)

P.S...Hi to Bo and his family, too! Glad you're better, sweetie!:)