View Full Version : my boy Dusty...two years ago

finn's mom
12-12-2005, 08:45 AM
Today's my father's 63rd birthday. It's also the two-year anniversary of my cat, Dusty's, passing. He was seventeen. My dog, Bruno, was put to sleep in June of the same year, and, Dusty followed soon after. He went of his own accord, though, on his favorite blanket covered chair. What a dignified old man he was. Bruno and Dusty are both missed. I wanted to mention something about Dusty in Tubby's thread, just as a way to show understanding, but, thought better of it. I hadn't intended to open up his own thread, but, thought it'd be better than mentioning it elsewhere. I'll go find a few photos to post...

finn's mom
12-12-2005, 08:53 AM
Here are some photos...not the best, but, the ones I really love are in albums in Texas.





Anyway, I know he wasn't a Pet Talk cat, and, I don't expect a lot of responses. But, I mostly did this for Dusty, Bruno, myself and my family. ;) We love you boys and hope you're enjoying the sun.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
12-12-2005, 10:19 AM
Dusty, I know you and Bruno are having a blast at the RB. :)

finn's mom
12-12-2005, 01:08 PM
Dusty, I know you and Bruno are having a blast at the RB. :)

Thank you...it was nice to see you post in this...it's such a hard time, ya know? So it means a lot. :)

12-12-2005, 05:25 PM
You are part of PT, so of course Dusty IS in MEMORY as well!
He was a beautiful and lucky boy!


12-12-2005, 06:53 PM
Thanks for sharing those photos of Dusty with us. He was a handsome fellow!! What beautiful eyes!!! Sandra

12-12-2005, 07:19 PM
Dusty and Bruno were two Such Wonderful Pets,and now they are together at The Rainbow Bridge,where they will be Friends for all time.
And they miss you a lot,but they know in thier Hearts that they will see you again,One Fine Day.

finn's mom
12-12-2005, 07:43 PM
Yeah, my boys were sweet...those photos don't do Dusty justice at all. I can't wait for when I have all of my photos, and, I can post a few that I really like of him. So, you can REALLY see his pretty blues. ;)

12-12-2005, 09:56 PM
He was so handsome. It must of been awful to loose Bruno and Dusty around the same time. Play hard up there cuties!


12-13-2005, 10:52 AM
That must have been an awful time for you, Keri. Your guys were beautiful. RIP, and play happily Dusty and Bruno. Mommy still misses you lots!

finn's mom
12-13-2005, 03:53 PM
Hey thanks guys. It was hardest when Bruno had to go. But, once Bruno was gone, I prepared myself a little more for Dusty. We all thought he'd go soon after Bruno. It wasn't like they ever even played together. They were more just tolerant of eachother. ;) But, when I took Bruno to be put down, Dusty's reaction cemented the thoughts that they meant more to eachother than they had ever let on. ;) They were both tremendous creatures. It was a tough time, but, Dusty was living with my parents again in South Carolina (I was in Texas) when he passed. I had them both in Texas when Bruno died in June, and, Dusty left in September to go back home. So, I wasn't with him, which I think made it a little easier. I got to see him in November, though, so that was nice. :) My parents will probably never get another cat, though. It hasn't gotten easier for them, I don't think. I got Dusty on my tenth birthday, and, Bruno when I was thirteen (he was already one). So, when they both left, it was basically the official ending of my childhood. But, thank god I had them for as long as I did.