View Full Version : An Unusual Way To Keep Our Furkids Forever

10-31-2005, 09:32 AM
Though the prices are off the charts, it's quite a beautiful way to always have our babies nearby. Nothing in my price range however. :eek:

11-02-2005, 10:23 AM
Hmmm... having a ring made out of a pet's ashes, sounds kind of morbid to me. :eek: :confused:
I don't think it's something I would do.

11-26-2005, 06:41 PM
I read once on the news that a woman made her husbands ashes into a egg timer

I just laughed so much!

11-26-2005, 06:48 PM
When we lost Sarah,my son's first cat to a liver and kidney illness it was earth-shattering tough. Sarah was our "old laughing lady" who'd cackle her jowels at the birds outside the window. She actually and honestly "chose us" to live with by showing up at the door one day and waltzed in when I opened it. A true love-cat she always found her way into our laps or perched ontop my chest. We loved her affection that she gave us daily. Losing her was hard on all of us. My son and I blamed ourselves for making her suffer more because we did'nt want to lose her and tried to "make her well again" by feeding her liquified food through a syringe. We did'nt want to give up or let her go...but we knew we had to. It broke our hearts tolose her because she was such a part of our lives. When we dug the hole in our yard and to lay her to rest we shared our final goodbyes to a wonderful friend. I remember my son clipped off a lock of her fur to keep and I thought that was very nice. A simple act of removing a lock of her fur to keep. The rest we keep with us in our hearts. A stone that reads: Our Loving Sarah-kitty,a wonderful companion and friend.

11-26-2005, 07:19 PM
Good Grief - I'm with Van. A wee bit morbid.

We have all ours buried in the back yard - it's quite large. Each one has a marker. We buried them in places where they used to spend time.

11-27-2005, 10:30 AM
I also have read about the ashes being made into all sorts of things. I have our deceased cats' ashes in different things. Mickey is in a ginger jar, Ashley in a Chinese incense burner with a cat on it, Boo in a canister with poppies on it, little Sylvia in a little teapot with spring flowers on it, and Spunky in a biscotti container with roses painted on it(he LOVED to eat roses!). I have a favourite toy, photos, and the tribute that I wrote for each cat. I think I have some fur in a few of the containers. I tried to make each container that the ashes were put in, have a personal meaning to the cat. Sandra

11-27-2005, 10:33 AM
WHOA!!! I am still sitting on the chair AFTER checking out the prices!!! I guess I will just keep doing what I have been doing!! Sandra

11-27-2005, 12:05 PM
Hubby is making a nice little purple heart box for Merlin's ashes and the paw print the lady vet made for us. I have a ball of the yarn I spun from him over the years It's so much easier to spin some one elses and knit the article,but I just can't figure what to make from him.

11-27-2005, 10:48 PM
...one of our members wrote and told her grandkid that cats are angels sent to us in cat bodies....i'm not religious and i think my cats are anything but angels (lol) most of the time....but i thought that was really nice to say.