View Full Version : Help/ideas?

09-18-2005, 05:46 PM
I got the following email today from a friend I used to work with. I have emailed a few people here at PT and other contacts to try to get some ideas, but hoping the more I posted/contacted, the better chance I had of finding a way to save this dog.


Hey Amy,
I have a quick question for you. Do you have any ideas for Ben at work in
regards to getting rid of his dog? He currently lives in Lansing MI. Here is
the situation...Ben has a St. Bernard he will have to put down unless he can
find a new home for her. The dog bit his son and him and his wife can't keep
her anymore. The dog is almost 8 years old, a female, and was abused before
they got her. Ben was telling me that when they got her at the age of one,
she did not know her name or how to act. During the first year of having
her, his wife and him watched her go through her puppy stages and she has
been a good dog. However, she bite his son twice. The first time he said it
was an accident, this time, his wife was right there and his 13 month old
son was petting her when she bite him on the face. They have tried to find
some friends to take her, but to no avail. I told him that I would talk to
you to see if you knew of anyone that might be able to help out. His wife
contacted a St. Bernard rescue group, but she is too old to be taken in by
them. If you could let me know, I would appreciate it.

09-18-2005, 06:04 PM
Having already bitten twice, I wouldn't think it looks to good
for her chances of adoption.:( I'm very surprised than any breed
rescue group would refuse a dog because of age.:(

09-18-2005, 06:32 PM
I am sort of having the same feelings..having bitten twice, and being 8 years old, a rather advanced age fora giant breed. I had to at least try...

09-18-2005, 06:35 PM
Oh Amy, you should try anyway. Maybe someone without
children & who love the breed.:) I'm just saying, between you
and I, it looks like she would be hard to place.I hope I'm wrong.

Ginger's Mom
09-18-2005, 08:34 PM
I did a quick search to see if there were any rescues in Michigan that specialized in older dogs and found this:

Jethro's Place Animal Sanctuary, Ferndale, MI,
has a wonderful website that features the senior dogs currently in their guardianship. The sanctuary makes every effort to find homes for these dogs, who are already housetrained, current on their shots, and have had their health checked by a veterinarian. Please visit the website and click on "Adopt a Senior Pet" to see photos of the dogs and to find out more. Phone: 800-459-3886. E-mail: [email protected]
I tried to connect to the site, but got a message saying unable to locate petfinder.org, so I am not sure what their status is. And of course he should inform them of the circumstances that caused her to bite (even if it was something like, I was watching TV and she walked over and bit my hand). Good luck.

Den Anne Pen
09-19-2005, 12:23 AM
Is he just not good with babies you said the kid was 13 mths right? Is he friendly with other dogs ? Can you get some more info on him i think my sister would be able to take him but i need more info.

House broken?
Knows commands?
Food aggrestive?
Likes Cats?
Altered ?

Would you be able to get more info on him ?

Den Anne Pen
09-19-2005, 12:27 AM
Sorry HER not him :o

Does she get along with other female dogs ??

MY sister has 2 other female dogs one a husky and the other an akita mix

09-19-2005, 05:21 AM
At thispoint, I have notmore information then the email I posted. I will assume, that living with a family for 7 years she is housebroken, vaccinated, and altered. Those are assumptions. I will call my friend today, and see if she has more answers, or if I can talk to her boss, whose dog this is, and get the full story. Thanks for the thoughts an ideas...

09-19-2005, 10:28 AM
Here's a little more info:

She is UTD on shots and spayed. About a year and half ago she was diagnosed with mild arthritis, and although she is slower getting up, espically in the winter, it does not seem to have gotten worse since then. She also has a few hot spots.

She gets along somewhat with other dogs. There is sometimes initally tension over toys, but once things work out, she is fine. She has shown no food aggression at this point, and the humans (adults) can take things fromher without a problem.

09-20-2005, 04:28 PM
Good news. I have found a rescue group in Colorado that is willing andable to take Lucy! Now I have to get a transport arranged to Colorado!!

Anyone in Michigan, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado able to help? I'll post when we get dates and route planned!

09-20-2005, 04:40 PM
Taht's great news!!

I was about to ask though, WHERE was the son petting her when she tried to bite him?? He could have been petting a sore area on her, she could have been sick or hurt or injured! A dog that has been as well-behaved as implied in the original message doesn't just bite for no reason unless they have a reason to... have they brought her to the vet lately to get her examined??

You mentioned she has arthritis... the child could have been petting her and hit a sore spot, and she reacted that way because she was in pain. It's very common, and she isn't biting for "no reason" in that case.

09-21-2005, 01:21 PM
Oh Great News!!!!

Pit Chick
09-30-2005, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Jessika
Taht's great news!!

I was about to ask though, WHERE was the son petting her when she tried to bite him?? He could have been petting a sore area on her, she could have been sick or hurt or injured! A dog that has been as well-behaved as implied in the original message doesn't just bite for no reason unless they have a reason to... have they brought her to the vet lately to get her examined??

You mentioned she has arthritis... the child could have been petting her and hit a sore spot, and she reacted that way because she was in pain. It's very common, and she isn't biting for "no reason" in that case.

I agree.