View Full Version : Transport help OH/Penn

06-13-2005, 08:21 PM
This is a transport I am helping with this weekend. Still needs legs filled in East Ohio and Pennsylvania. Anyone available?

Elliot was so sweet, the shelter was going to sell him for research.. so
Tails of Hope is taking him so he can find a new home instead! So now he
just needs to get here!!! If you can help, please contact me privately,
libby4dogs @ adelphia.net (remove spaces)


DATE: Sat June 18

COORDINATOR: Libby Marquardt, [email protected]

FROM: Jackson MI shelter, to temp fostered by Hillsdale Mich Shelter,
Hillsdale MI Sue Fitch [email protected]

TO: Tails of Hope www.tails-of-hope.org <http://www.tails-of-hope.org/>
410-549-4760 Libby Marquardt [email protected]

RIDER: Elliot, 7 yr old male German shepherd, UTD on shots, will be
neutered by rescue, will travel with collar, lead and vet records


Ann Arbor MI to Toledo OH - 80 miles filled, Thanks Sheri

Leave 6:30 am arrive 8 am

Toledo OH to Sandusky OH - 70 miles filled, Thanks Amy

Leave 8:15 am arrive 9:30 am

Sandusky OH to Akron OH - 75 miles NEED

Leave 9:45 am arrive 11 am

Akron OH to Youngstown OH - 50 miles NEED

Leave 11:15 am arrive

Youngstown OH to Monroeville PA - 70 miles NEED

Leave 11:15 am arrive 1:30 pm

Monroeville PA to Bedford PA - 80 miles NEED

Leave 1:45 pm arrive 4 pm

Bedford PA to Hagerstown MD - 87 miles filled, Thanks Susan and Gary

Leave 4:15 pm arrive 5:45 pm

Hagerstown MD to Mt Airy MD and on to foster home - filled by rescue

Leave 5:45 pm arrive 6:30 pm



Cinder & Smoke
06-13-2005, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom

This is a transport I am helping with this weekend.
Still needs legs filled in East Ohio and Pennsylvania.
Anyone available?

Elliot was so sweet, the shelter was going to sell him for research

Akron OH to Youngstown OH - 50 miles NEED
Leave 11:15 am arrive

Youngstown OH to Monroeville PA - 70 miles NEED
Leave 11:15 am arrive 1:30 pm

I just sent Miz Libby a note saying I could do either or both
"Akron" > Youngstown
Youngstown > Monroeville (Pittsburgh)

Let me know if you hear anything.

/s/ Phred

06-14-2005, 06:32 AM
I got a thank you email from her for finding someone to help.

Thanks Phred!!

Usually Libby waits til the finally run sheet is ready then sends out everyone's contact info so you can make arrangments with those you are meeting as to where.

06-14-2005, 09:57 AM
Only 1 leg left...

Monroeville PA to Bedford PA - 80 miles NEED

Leave 1:45 pm arrive 4 pm

Cinder & Smoke
06-14-2005, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom

Only 1 leg left...

Monroeville PA to Bedford PA - 80 miles NEED
Leave 1:45 pm arrive 4 pm


I told her I'd do half of that one if needed...
to Donegal or Somerset ...
but "Bedford" might not want to come that far west.

Wonder if UN-neutered "Elliot" could BE-HAVE himself
so Cinder could ride along for company on the way back?? :confused:

/s/ da Bus Driver

06-14-2005, 01:18 PM
I sorta wondered the same thing, about taking Sadie or Cincy along.

There was talk about combining Elliot's run with another GSD that was making a similar treck, but they decided two un-neutered male GSD's that didn't know each other may not be the best idea. Don't know about an altered female. I'll see what Ralph thinks, but maybe I could try with one of my girls and see how it works (I usually pass back pretty close to home with where I pick up). If it doesn't seem like it will work, I can drop them off at home, and let you know so you don't bring Cinder...

I'll give it more thought, talk to Ralph, and get back to you

Cinder & Smoke
06-18-2005, 11:26 PM

In an e-mail from Libby ...

I want to thank you all again for helping to get Elliot
here to us and safe…..

I just got back from dropping him at his foster home...
as I get more on how he’s settling in,
I will certainly let you all know.

He’s a very handsome dude!!! And so sweet

Thanks again, without you,
he would have been a research subject!!

/s/ Libby

from Phred (wunna da Bus Drivers) >>>

I'm Back!!

Sandusky to Akron must have *hauled-BUTT*!
Akron/Cindy got to me On-Time;
and I managed to make Pittsburgh/Monreoville On-Time, too!

I should have taken Cinder - Elliot was a Really Mild & Mellow Fellow!

He didn't want to go potty after 10 minutes of pleading - but DID
inhale a pint of water before we started!

NO problems on the trip - he'd get up every 10-15 minutes and
give me a *nudge* or a *lick* on the ear - *HINT* to
*Pass me a Bisquit*!

Monreoville was a treat -
crossing 11 toll booth lanes with a strange dog!
But he "heeled" right along, stopping at each lane
to let cars & trucks pass - never flinched once!

Another 10 minutes of pleading and he finally did a little pee and
also a loose #2 - then hopped right into Kathy's ride
and off they went!

I Picked up the Kids from Unka Pat's - and grabbed an "extra" -
Cali was going to be alone till 10:00 pm or later while Pat & Joan
went to a wedding - se we all went to the BigLake for a stroll.

KAT was at the top of the stairs >countin noses< when
we came in ...
Got to Dawg #4 and he took off for the tub/shower!

Amy ~ Glad I saw your original post - was a Rewarding & Phunn day!

/s/ Phred :D

06-19-2005, 07:20 AM
What a great dog Elliot is!! If I thought Ralph would go for number four, I think I would have kept him!! I had alittle extra time with him, as the woman I was handing off to was a little late. He walked good on a leash, new sit, stay, and shake. He was good with other dogs, not possive of his toys, great when some little kids wanted to pet him, took treats very gently...he should have no problem finding a great home!!

Here's Elliot!



Ginger's Mom
06-19-2005, 09:14 AM
Amy and Phred, you guys are the best!!! Elliot is gorgeous, and by all reports a real sweetheart. To think he would have been used for research just breaks my heart. Thank you for saving this handsome and deserving fellow. I hope he gets a wonderful new home where he will be loved and appreciated.

06-20-2005, 12:34 AM
You guys are so great! Thanks for giving this cutie your time and love. :)

06-20-2005, 12:40 AM
Elliot is soooo gorgeous!!!
Pats Amy and Phred on the back! :)

Cinder & Smoke
06-23-2005, 01:23 AM
Here's a few of the *snappies* I took while I had
Elliot, the Rescue Shepherd, on Saturday, June 18, 2005.

I picked him up from Cindy - his Bus Driver from Akron to Lake Milton,
a lil town north of and near the Ranch.

First Order of Business -
*Inhale* a fresh pint of Water!


Cindy reported he just HAD a pint when she picked him up!
(And he hadn't *pee'd* for at least two hours!)
He >*sniffed*< for 10 minutes; but wasn't In the Mood
to *DO* anything!

Cindy wished him well and WE were off to Pittsburgh
via the Ohio and PA Turnpikes ...


Elliot hasn't *missed* too many meals;
and he filled up most of the back seat!
He'd go about 10 - 15 minutes, then either *nudge* my elbow or
give an ear *SLURRP* - Dawg-Talk for:
HEY, Bus Driver! I'd lika anudder Bisquit, Please!"

Next Stop = Monroeville (far eastern suburb of Pittsburgh, PA) ...
And an *exciting* crossing of ELEVEN very Active Toll Both lanes
to meet Kathy ...
Thankfully, Elliot walked & heeled very well on a leash -
he *paused* with me at every lane to let vehicles roar past!
Time for a poddy break ...


Kathy says "Hello" - and <whispers> some encouragement to
*go DO something*!


Elliot (finally) made a damp spot and did a lil #2 -
Kathy "held" while I "bagged" ...


All that stompin thru the tall grass makes ya *thirsty* ...
MORE Water ...


A final {{{HUG}}} and a G-Bye;
his Favorite *Stuffie* safely On Board ...
Elliot <hopped> into Kathy's Ride and they headed east ...

GOOD LUCK finding your FurrEver Home, Elliot!!
You were a GOOD Boy and will make someone a Wonderful Pet!!

There are a few more *snappies* in the ImageStation Album >>>

Elliot's Rescue Run ~ Saturday, June 18, 2005 (http://www.imagestation.com/album/pictures.html?id=2124854238)

/s/ Phred

06-23-2005, 11:46 AM
great pics Phred - he sure is gorgeous!!!

hmmm that infamous water bowl looks familiar! ;)

Cinder & Smoke
06-23-2005, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom

Hmmm... that infamous water bowl looks familiar! ;)


"Wondered" if you'd recognise that!! :D

Be honest - I *TRIED* to give it back once! ;)
That Bowl has been to a LOTTA places!

06-23-2005, 01:55 PM
no worries!!
I think you tried to give it back more then once!!!
Just glad to be of help! ;)