View Full Version : Road Rescue ~ "Hey Dad, Is "Blackie" Our New #4 ??"

Cinder & Smoke
04-28-2005, 02:55 AM

NO!! "Blackie" is NOT "Our" New #4 !!

Dad gave up aftur a buncha *Yippin* & *Yappin* an sed ta "Load Up" -
but we wuz jest gonna be sittin inna Bus all afternoon whilst he run'd errindz.

Gotz part way ta Towne and hadda go back to da Ranch - SUMbuddie furgotz
ta "load up" hiz Cell Dinger Fone!

Gotz to da end of our road an wuz <lookin> fur a break inna traffik ta
pull out onna *bizzie* 2-lane Hi-way when we <spotted> him!

Lookit dat Poor Dawggie inna middel uva Hi-way!
Duzzint he <SEE da KARZ>!???

Three KLOSE KALLZ (2 karz anna truk) wuz all Dad needed ta see!
He <bailz> outta da Bus an startz <Kallin> "Blackie"!

"Blackie" seez Dad an starts <trottin> our way - anudder Near-Miss an he
wuz standin beside Dad anna Bus...

Dad reachez fur hiz Neck Belt - which he dint HAVE wun of!
WHUT ta do???

Dad opinz da back Bus door - an three nozes INside are lookin at WUN noze
onna OUTside ...

Onlee fur a Minnit!!

"Blackie" musta figgered we looked "Friendlee" - kuz he wuz INNA back seat
affore Dad kuld say "Load Up"!

NOW WHUT!?????
Wun BIG Labbie Mutt inna Bus wiff allua us!
An NUNbuddie knowz NUFFIN about him!

Dad sed "Stay KALM" - he lives rite here onna korner - we see him allua tyme!

We pullz inna drive; Dad hopz out ta *knock* onna door.
Nunbuddie but da Balck Labbie inna howze - we kan hear him <barkin>
at Dad! ... Try da next howze, Dad - dey gotz dawgz.

Judgin frumma UN-happie <barkin> - "Blackie" dont live THERE, either!

Hey Dad - are we <late> fur yur 'pointment?

"Sunna uvva ____!" :mad:

Guess so ...

Back to da Ranch ...
Dad grabz our ropey an makes a choker loop an
tosses it over "Blackie's" head ...
"Ka-mone, Bud - you're gonna <wait> inna basement!"

They took a lil <pawz> fur a *pee* - (which dint happin);
then ole "Blackie" gots a choker an a spot onna tyme-out chain in
Bowzie's old 'Partment inna korner uvva basement.

Allua way inta Towne Dad wuz kallin folkz onna Cell Dinger >>
Sheriff Guyz ...
Dawg Ketcher ...
Kupple Fiur Buddiez ...

NUNbuddie <lookin> fur "Blackie" - yet ... :(

Onna way Home - we did sum Howze Kallz onna nayburz...
Bout TWENTY uv em inn 5 mile circle around da Ranch!!
Nunbuddie lost "Blackie". :(

Home at last ...
Dad goze in figgerin there'z gonna be a BIG mess - poor guy wuz alone
inna basement for 8 hourz...
NUFFIN onna floor - well, kuppla *pee* dribbilz - but dey happin'd when Dad
walked in. ... Out fur an Outie ...

We all sed "HELLOW" inna driveway ...
I (Cinder) wunted ta PLAY, Smoke an Bowz boff gotz da Furr inna Fluff and
"Grrrrrr'd" at da Poor Guy - but Dad hollered an BAD-dawg'd em -
THEN ebberbuddie settled rite down!

Back inna basement - "Blackie" went back onna Tyme-Out chain;
we went uppy-stariz fur din-din ...

Poor "Blackie" dint like dat a bit! He wante UP wiff us!
<BARK> fur a minnit, then <quiet> fur two ...
Kept dat up fur an hour!

FINALLY settled down - an Dad ran down wiff his dinner anna Kamera Box.
Dinner went *down* inna FLASH!

Dad took Mug Shotz an kame up ... More <BARKIN>!

Aftur we had our Outie an kame in ...
Dad brung "Blackie" up thru da howze ...
Da Boy'z been inna Howze affore!
Knowz how ta DO Stepz; not a bit "afraid" uvva howze!

An now he wantz Back IN inna WURST Way!
Been out on Bowzie's Tie-Out cable fur a kuppla hourz (Its OK-Warm out) -
Quiet fur about 20 minnitz; den <BARKS> fur a minnit ...
Prolly gonna <sleep> ?? inna basement.

WHUPZ ... Pix are DUN!

Be Rite Back wiffa Mug Shotz ...


Cinder & Smoke
04-28-2005, 03:29 AM

Meet "Blackie" - da LOST SOUL who's kampin atta Ranch >>>


Dad figgerz he'z:

About 60 poundz - NOT skinny nor "starvin" ...
Gud *shiney* coat ...
Nailz purdy well trimmed or worn - NOT long ...
Tooferz are BRITE an white - but not real <pointy> sharp ...

Dad guesses he's a "Young Adult" -
kinda "jumpy" until <scolded> - then he calms down prudy well.
Knowz "SIT";
Little bitta <walkin> we dun - he'z BEEN onna leash affore!

Oh yeah ... furgotz ta mention -
He'z gotta FULL SET a "stuff" onna rear end ... :rolleyes:
Musta <missed> da Big Snip da atta White Coats!

Dad jest noticed - pix are *fuzzie* - Battz musta been low -
flash wuz slow ta *fire* anna pix aren't gud ...
Hafta *do* fur tanite!
More Pix >>>





Dat'z All, Folkz!!

Dad'z gonna <fetch> "Blackie" offa porch an move him back down
inta Bowzie's 'Partment - he's bein a lil too <BARKY> onna porch!
Nayburz won't like him <talkin> atta Shadowz inna frunt yard!

Do sum PRAYIN that we kan find "Blackie's" Reel HOME - SOON!!


04-28-2005, 04:45 AM
Phred..you are wonderful! I'm so glad you saw him and rescued him. I hate to imagine what might have happened out there on that road. Blackie is gorgeous! I'm sure he has to have a home close by. I'll keep him in my thoughts today and hope you find the owners.

You're the best Phred!


04-28-2005, 05:10 AM
Blackie's a beauty! Hope his people are able to find him.

04-28-2005, 05:17 AM
Phred, you are such a good man for picking up yet another stray! :D Blackie really is a cutie! It looks like he has a silver tinge to his coat! Glad to see that he gets along with the rest of the dogs! :D

Hope you can find his home soon Phred, until then, you're a life saver, just think about what could've happened to him! :( Are you going to go back to where you found him at those houses? Somebody there could have had 2 dogs:p

Have fun!

04-28-2005, 06:27 AM
OH MY GOODNESS! Looks like there is room at the Ranch for another soul in search of a helping hand. Blackie lucked out big time. Squashed on the Road vs. Food, Fun and a warm and dry place to bed down, not to mention TLC.

Bless your heart, Phred.

04-28-2005, 07:16 AM
Radio stations. Fast food outlets. Gas stations. Posters. I'm sure you put the word out. This latest "poster child" must certainly have a frantic fambly nearby. Oh my dear Phred... here's hoping for a verrrry soon reunion.

Pit Chick
04-28-2005, 11:03 AM
I hope his owners have a VERY good explanation and it better not start out with "he gets out all the time". I guess if you don't see any signs for him that will tell you how much they really "care". He has Pit Bull all over his face and probably some Lab thrown in the mix too. Good for you for rescuing him.

04-28-2005, 11:08 AM
Thanks for rescuing him! He is beautiful...he does look to be in good shape from the photos. And young! I also see what looks like Pit bull in his face...
I hope you find his home soon...I can't believe someone would not miss such a sweet, handsome boy.

Good luck and keep us posted.!

04-28-2005, 11:38 AM
Good for you Phred. Blackie is one lucky puppy.:D Seems like
he has not been "out & around" for long if he looks that good. I'm
so glad you decided to drive down that particular road at that time. Blackie must have a guardian angel helping him. (An angel
besides yourself that is) :) Hope he finds his people soon.

04-28-2005, 01:52 PM
Phred, what are the chances he's been microchipped?
I know, pretty slim.:(

04-28-2005, 01:55 PM
If they didn't even "snip" him
I doubt they bothered to "chip" him :(

Daisy and Delilah
04-28-2005, 02:30 PM
What a beautiful doggie!! He is so pretty and he looks real healthy. Phred, you are the nicest man on earth. When you were born they broke the mold. Thank you for being such a wonderful human being. We're praying that you find his owner and it's a good person.:D :D :D

Terry, Daisy and Delilah:)

By the way Phred......Are you married?

04-28-2005, 02:45 PM
:eek: ;)

Pit Chick
04-28-2005, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
If they didn't even "snip" him
I doubt they bothered to "chip" him :(

No kidding. They probably want to breed him so they can get some rare silver/blue LabraBulls. :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-28-2005, 04:21 PM
Oh Phred, thanks so much for stopping to help this beautiful boy, but I know you wouldn't have been able to do anything but help him. It sure does sound like he hasn't been out long and does have a family somewhere and I sure hope you find them soon. He sure is a handsome guy.

I was thinking....you know how people let their dogs ride in the back of their pick-em-up trucks? Well I wonder if maybe that's where he was and the truck slowed down for someone turning or something and he decided to jump out for some reason and maybe the owners didn't realize it until they were long gone. I know, I know, if they let a dog ride in the back like that they shouldn't have a dog, especially if it took that long to notice, but it was just a thought. I think it's gonna be tough if none of the neighbors know where he belongs.

Glad to hear the 3 musketeers are ok with him though, and that he has been potty trained. Sure makes life a little easier for you in the meantime. :)

04-28-2005, 06:34 PM
I thought I heard the sounds of angel wings flappin!! What a great guy you are Phred!!

Hope Blackie finds his real home soon!!! He looks like a sweet guy!

Cinder & Smoke
04-28-2005, 07:03 PM
We wuz UP a bit urlee - <BARKIN> frumma Basement 'Partment soon az
Dad's footpawz hit da floor! - He *ignored* da noize till it stopped.
Inna <quiet moment> he went down an brung "Blackie" up fur an outie
on da frunt porch tie-out. (NO *messes* inna 'Partment!)

Dad started puttin on sum Fancee Dudz - where we GOIN, Dad?

"WE aren't - Youze Guyz are STAYIN!"

Den we *noticed* ~ Dad pulled out inna Bus wiff "Blackie" On Board
inna back seat! ~ ~ SUPER NUTZ!!

We headed over to Doc Mike's Place ...
NUTZ! "On Vacation" sign on the door with a note to go to the Hi-Priced Place
if it couldn't wait till Wednesday.
Pulled into the Hi-Priced lot - Hmmmmmm ... NO cars in the Patient Lot.

We <trotted in> and said "Howdy" to the Three Girls in the Office.
"Lunch Tyme" till 1:30 (It being Noon-a-clock) = NUTZ again!

"Blackie" stood up on the counter and started Makin Friends ...
I asked if anyone "knew" him?
<SNIKKER> as she pointed to an entire WALL of Chart Files -
"They all start to look alike!"
But all three <looked> & <petted> and I asked if they had a Chip Scanner?
SURE - give him to me and I'll go back and "read" him.
"Blackie" <trotted off> to return a moment or two later.
He sure is FRIENDLY! - NICE Dog! ... Oh, and NO Chip. :)

We talked about doing a fecal check -
Can Do, but we send them out now -
won't know till tomorrow.
More <chatter> about WHAT he was ...
Labby plus "Pit" kept being mentioned. :(

I asked about his AGE?
Girl said "Lemmie ask Doc Tom -
he looked at him when he <scanned> him."
We followed her towards the pass-thru to the Hospital area...

A minute later Doc Tom <bounced out> with a (cute) Tech, shook hands
<plopped himself down on a waiting room chair, and
started reciting his observations >>>

NICE, very FRIENDLY pup!
Let me look in his mouth without any fuss...
NO baby teeth, but his adult teeth are VERY clean and still pretty "sharp" -
I'd guess he's 10 Months to a Year old - no more than a year.
FULLY "intact" (I said: Yeah, I'd "noticed"!)
Little "thin", but in GOOD shape - very muscular.

I asked about a fecal check and worms>
Doc Tom said he wouldn't bother with a "check" -
just GIVE him a new One-Step Wormer and then check him later.

OK... let's Do It!
Need his weight - hop on the scale, Pal.
66.5 pounds = 2 1/2 "Drontal Plus (large)"

So - What IS he, Doc?

Well, he's a Labby-57 :D
For sure the Predominant Breed is LAB -
with probably some Pit Bull.


Yeah, I know - they get a Bad Rap ...
You could <leave out> the Pit part -
a Lab MIX or Mixed Lab would "fit" him if you prefer.

What COLOR is he?

Well ... he sort of <changes> color depending on how the light hits him ...
He's NOT a "black", and not a "Chocolate"...
and he's got some grey or white in there, too ...
What do YOU think? ( to the (cute) Tech) ...

"Brindle", Doc - he's a "Brindle" for sure!

So, by Committee Vote, "Blackie" is a

"Lab-57", "Dark Brindle" in color!

2 1/2 pills went in the bottle; after Doc supervised the chart typing -
only 2 appeared on the bill!
Rx: was $23.10; Doc's Time was a big ZEERO!
Doc Tom shook hands, "Wished us Luck!", and trotted off to start his lunch.
THANKS, Doc Tom!!

The puter printed his mini-chart as "Labrador Cross" -
I can live with that!

Off to the Dawg Warden / Pound Office ...
But <WAIT> - driving past the Pet Food Store - anudder Mouff ta feed ...
Mite as well pick up anudder Bag a Grub...

In WE go - "OH WHAT A CUTE PuP!!" says the (cute) Clerk!
We killed an hour in there and tried to "sell" Blackie to two other customers -
"I'd take him in a minute; but Hubby would KILL me!"
*nixed* the deals both times! :rolleyes:

Off to the Dawg Warde / Pound for another "scan" ...

Blackie won over three hearts in there -
Office Manager Carol (a Rabies Clinic at the Fire Station Buddie of mine) and
two of the Ketcher Guys all came out in the lobby to say "Hi!"
After new batts were put in the Scanner - another "NO Chip" reading! :(

They pulled out the "Lost Dog" clipboard and we scanned it line-by-line ...
Found only three "possibles" and I was given names and numbers.

Off to Wally's-World - we NEED a Collar!
No 22" red ones - BLUE will have to do!

Out in the parkin lot -
I ran into one of our Junior FireFighter-esses ...
(Who had been CALLED by a neighbor when I stopped ladt night).
"J" asked about "Blackie" and came over to the Bus when I said he
was with me...

"Oh, that's MOM's dog!" sez "J" ...

HUH!?? sez I ...

That's "Hobo" (that's what Dad calls him) -
he "shows up" every weekend and Mom feeds him...
He "goes away" during the week.
Been "coming around" for two months."

She and BF "called" out "here pup" a few times - he <*WAGGED*>
and looked their way...
But NO ONE came around to my side of the car to "PET" him ... :mad:

"Call my Dad - Mom's in the Hospital ..." and off they went.

Jest Freakin GREAT! :mad:

Only thing I liked about THAT development was the Name!
Hobo kinda "fits" him!

We've <tried it out> ...
Blackie, Hobo, Hey YOU, Fritz, Doofus, George, Lucifer ...
doesn't much matter. :p

We "dropped by" "J"'s Mom's Howze - NUNbuddie answered repeated <knocks>
although there were three cars in the drive. (GOOD!)

I'll prolly try to call her ... dunno about <turning him over> to her!
Or I might <find> his "real owner" ... might have to <work> on that!

Where you two BEEN, Dad!
We Three iz a lil **pi$$ed** ya ran of inna Bus wiff Muttlee!

C-mone, Muttlee - lemmie shw ya da fine art of da Livin Room CHAZE -
You'z *IT* - start <runnin>!

Ten Minnitz later ...
He kan <RUN> purdy gud!
An we dint knock a single lampy offa tabul!

We need a bigger Wadder Buckit, Dad - he drinkz a LOT!

Smoke mite have hiz NOZE a tad bit "outta joint" ...
seemz a mite DE-pressed about allua FUSS ober da New Guy. :(
Dad keepz sayin "It's only TEMP-a-rarrie!"

Hey - purdy *sharp* lookin Blue Collar ya got there, Bub!!
An two *BELLZ** - now he *jinglez & *klinkz* like da rest of us!

Now Dad'z <frettin> about iffin to kall da FireKid's Mom or <wait> fur
HER ta take sum interest ... ???

Maybee we kan <paint> him YELLER!?
BLACK Lab - nope - no BLACK wun here!


04-28-2005, 07:15 PM
he "shows up" every weekend and Mom feeds him...He "goes away" during the week.
Been "coming around" for two months
Sounds like a STRAY to me. I'd say get him neutered and rehomed FAST!!

04-28-2005, 07:36 PM
Sounds like you had a very busy day "Dad".:) Blackie is sweet,
good natured, dog & people friendly and house trained.What a
great dog & so deserving of someone to look out for him & keep
him from wandering in the future. :D Can you hold on to him for
a bit while word gets around about him? Maybe there is a real
owner looking for him.

04-29-2005, 12:03 AM
Originally posted by Daisy and Delilah
D :D :D

By the way Phred......Are you married?

NOPE - He's single but comes with an afinity to pick up strays and a Kat named Bootz! ;)

What a pretty boy Phred! :)

04-29-2005, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
Sounds like a STRAY to me. I'd say get him neutered and rehomed FAST!!

I agree!!!

He will just end up in the highway again! :(

Cinder & Smoke
04-29-2005, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom

NOPE - He's single
but comes with an afinity to pick up strays and
a Kat named Bootz! ;)


Annnnnd ...

a desire to chase Fire Trucks! :rolleyes: ;)

04-29-2005, 12:57 AM
And he makes the best darn chocolate chip cookies EVER!

Cinder & Smoke
04-29-2005, 01:52 AM

SUMbuddie just *<Urrk'd & Gurk'd>* his dinner!


Dinner was "served" over an hour ago -
Nobody did much of anything after eating.
Went like this:

"Queen" Cinder got hers in the kitchen;
SmokeMutt got his under the cawfee table in the living room;
Bowzie got his beside the #2 Kliner chair in the living room;
I had to <shoo> Hobo away from each other Mutt's bowl, but he was
keeping his eyes on the stacked bowls and followed along to the
next stop without TOO much pushing & shoving from me...

"FeedMe-FeedMe I'm STARVING" followed his bowl into the puter room
and began <gobbling> beside me.

I made him <SIT> and he dug right in, but wasn't <bolting> it -
more like a very determined, steady, continuous <munching>!
I could hear him "crunching" the Krunchies, and he didn't seem to be
taking *giant* bytes - but I thought he could be going a LIL bit slower -
so I raeched in (NO aggression from him :) ) and picked up a handful then
picked up his bowl. Hand-fed him a few 3-4 nugget bites from my palm
(he took them *nicely*) - then put the rest back in the bowl and
put it down on the floor agaim.
He finished up in a couple bytes, licked the bowl, then lay down with
the rest of The Gang to sleep it off.
I don't thik anyone much moved from their *spots* till i heard "IT" ...

*Urrrrrrrrk*! ... *Urrrrk* ...
I was turning to check on WHO was having the prob...
*Gurrrrrk* answered the question ... :(

It came up in 3 quick stages ...
First a few nuggets + a lil gooey foam;
then a larger glob of dry, chewed stuff;
then the Big Glob of most everythin else - semi-chewed but kinda dry.
(We got #3 into the bowl!) :rolleyes:

Wunder what's up (besides Dinner) ???

He had the Wormer Tablets 9 hours before -
they should have been Long Gone.
And they went down with "lunch" at about 3:00 PM.
No Problemo with lunch, or his first meal last night.

He's had a few 1" long dawggie bisquits all afternoon;
and a BIG Drink around 5-7 PM after he and Cinder played Living Room Chase ...
Not much "activity" since then.

He's outside on the porch tie-out ...
I CONTINUOUS "I wanna come IN <BARK> mode" ...

PLEASE SHUT the Heck UP - at least long enough
for me to bring him in AFTER a Quiet Spell -
I'd go for even 5 minutes of <silence> right now!


He's <winding down> ...
we're down to a <BARK> or two every 2 minutes...
He otta be back inside before dawn at this rate.

So back to the Tossin Dinner problem ...

Are LABS considered a deep-chested BIG Breed and subject to the
:eek: "Bloating Problem" ???

He's getting about One Cup of krunchies twice a day.
Krunch is decent quality ("Premium Edge" Adult Lamb & Rice) that
Cinder & Smoke have thrived on for years.
Krunchies are small - 1/4" by 1/4" hard nuggets.
( The Bag suggests 2 3/4 cups for 65 # mutt ...
and I "under-feed" Cinder, Smokey and Bowser, too.)

And he sure didn't "over-exert" after dinner ... took about two steps away
from the bowl and lay down for a Nappie! ... :rolleyes:

He rode around in da Bus - happie azza Klam!
(Rides like Pet Rock Bowser - looks out every once-in-a-while; but spends
most of the ride SOUND ASLEEP!)

His day after we got home ?? UPstairs with The Gang all day!

Suggestions, Please!

He's "down" to softer *YIPP* - *Yaps* avery minute or so ...
Guess I'll give in and let him back in before the Sheriff shows up!


/s/ Phred

04-29-2005, 02:05 AM
even tho you hand fed him could it be that he just ate too fast?
He didn't have any shots today right - just the wormer tablets?
how many hours b/n meals?
Sometimes Keegan gets gurky if she does eat for a long time. Which is fun b/c a lot of times she doen't eat if we go away to my parents cottage over a weekend.

hope he feels better - got any pepto?

04-29-2005, 02:19 AM
Is his food bowl elevated? Sara throws up alot if we don't elevate...

He's cute!

Cinder & Smoke
04-29-2005, 02:32 AM
Welllll .... :rolleyes:

He FINALLY Shut-UP long enough for me to get to the door with him
STILL quiet - so he's Back IN!

The rest of The Gang is OUT,
and Hobo <gulped> a bit of water ~
(<BARKIN> for an hour must "dry ya out"!)

Today's Meals ? ~ About 3 PM and MidNite

Shots ?? ! NO - just the wormer tabs at 3 PM

Ate Too Fast ?? - Dunno ... not much faster than Cinder & SmokeMutt
<polish off> a bowl!
And judging from the "returns" - he <chewed> at least half of it into dust.

Nerbus ?? Maybe ... he had an "Audience" for the last half of his meal.
Last Served and the Biggest Helping - the Gang had assembled in the
puter room to "help" if he needed any;
but he didn't act intimidated and didn't *eat* any faster as they each
showed up. And they did NOT really <crowd> him.

Pepto ?? - Yeah - In Stock! :p
Hate to have to use that, though.

Elevated Bowl ?? - NO, it's not!
Wondering :confused: if LABS <need> an elevated bowl ???

Gonna wait till morning and try again.
I'll watch more closely and slow him down if he <gobbles>.

I'll give jim a bisquit when The Gang comes in and see if THAT stays down.
If it does, he'll get another one when I take him down to His (Bowzie's Old)
'Partment. (PaLEEZE go to sleep withOUT an hour's worth of <BARKIN>!)

/s da Foster Parent

04-29-2005, 02:39 AM
He isn't as heavy as Keegan and not sure how tall he is but I do feed Keegan on an XL Rubbermaid tote that I keep her food in.
How peeved would that Kat get if you fed him in the bathroom maybe having an audience made him nervous. Being a stray.... or it could just be the new life.......stress

04-29-2005, 02:52 AM
Phred - once again a LEGEND!!!

Boy is he a cutie pie!!!!!

Thank you from ME .... you are simply wonderful for doing what you do!!!

Cinder & Smoke
04-29-2005, 03:17 AM
Originally posted by shais_mom

How peeved would that Kat get
if you fed him in the bathroom ?




I don't think "Peeved" would do the situation justice!

Boots would have a SERIOUS HiSSSSSSSSSy Phitt!! :mad:

Da Baffroom is HIS Room!

So far - Boots has only <seen> Hobo one time.
(Bootsy spent today in "Lock Down" (in JAIL inna Baffroom) -
he decided his BOX was in need of a Tidy-Up ( a wash + fresh sand)
and left a "note" to that effect - he *pee'd* BESIDE da Box last night -
I "read" the "note" with my left (bare) foot this morning! :mad:

Boots got his box-wash today, so I'll have to "parole" him in the morning ...
And that means an <Intro> with Hobo will have to be done.

Have NO idea how Hobo is going to react! :confused:
I KNOW how Bootsy is going to take ANUDDER DWAG inna howze =
NOT WELL! = :mad:

The Kawfee Tabul has always been *solid* enough to secure the likes of
Cinder, SmokeMutt and da Bowz for Kat Intros ...

I'm afraid Hobo can <drag> that table ANYwhere he'd want to go
if he's a Kat :eek: CHASER!

Maybe a short leash around a Dining Room Table-leg will slow the BIG Kid
down enough to judge his Kat Tolerance??

Things are never EE-zee! :(

/s/ the Frazzeled Foster Parent ;)

04-29-2005, 05:07 AM
First I'd like to say that you have the patience of a SAINT! (waiting the barking out to greet him only when he is quiet) You have my envy.

Seems that barking is his only fault. Sounds like a very good dog.

Now, as for the vomitting, if he were a cat I'd say he had a hairball. :rolleyes:

04-29-2005, 09:06 AM
Let me know how he does with Boots. I have several. My cats spend alot of time in the backyard with my mutts but there is no chasing by anyone. But if it's OK with [Hobo? Blackie?] I just may be able to offer a home. I'm due :rolleyes: My dog pals are fine with extras and you certainly have enough on your plate as it is. We can do a "meet half way" transport or something.

04-29-2005, 09:34 AM

Labs are considered deep chested dogs and subject to bloat.
How much water did he drink before he ate dinner? I learned
that if Maggie comes in from playing outside and drinks all the
water she wants, I have to wait a while before I feed her dinner
b/c she'll barf it right back up. Wonder how Cincy & Sadie do with
this? Try giving a little water before supper & save the big drinks
for a little later on.:)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-29-2005, 10:55 AM
Laurie, are you serious?!?! Wow, we have another saint here on PT!!! :D :cool: :D :cool:

Phred, it sounds like the firekid's mom was just feeding him because he came around. Somehow I don't think she would be broken hearted if he found a "real" home. Especially since she's in the hospital and that's probably why he was on the road - he hadn't gotten fed lately and something told him that you would be coming by real soon. ;)

I have no idea about the throwing up. You can tell how much of a dog person I am that I've never heard of a deep-chested breed. :confused: But it sounds like Liz might be on to something.

Never a dull moment at "the ranch." :D

Cinder & Smoke
04-29-2005, 11:00 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach

Seems that barking is his only fault.


Barking ~ His only MAJOR Fault.


And it IS a Fault - A MAJOR, BIG-TYME, Serious, Deal-Breaking,
FAULT, Problem, Defect ,"Issue", etc! :(

Call it what you will-
his POWER BARKING is quite probably why he Has No Home!

I think the ONLY reason he ever <quieted down> the First Nite or
last night on the front porch was - He had to catch his breath and
take a Power Nap!

He came close to returning to life as a "Street Waif" last night!
He probably got IN off the porch due to a <pawz> in BARKING due to
needing (and taking) a Power Nap.
When BedTyme came - he reacted to being put in the Basement 'Partment with
almost constant, non-stop BARKING! :mad:

He probably went a good TWENTY Minutes at a
<BARK><BARK><BARK><BARK>{Breath}<BARK><BARK> ... rate!
The longest <quiet period> was maybe 15 minutes (Power Nap).

I finally drifted off to a combo of Power BARKING and the drone of the
IdiotVision box doing re-runs of Jay and ?Conan.
Morning arrived with Power BARKING and Katie's Today Show. :rolleyes:

TYME for an "Behavioral ADJUSTMENT"!!
Down to the Bus (without so much as a "Hi Ya" to Mr. BARKY -
to fetch Cinder's ole Anti-BARK Collar!

Quick battery test (OK) and some <fumbling> to lengthen the collar;
and Tyme for a Trial Run!!

Put it on him and went half way up the steps ...

Bump it up to Stage 2 Shock power setting ...
and went half way up the steps...

<BARK><BARK><BARK><BARK> ... <BARK><BARK><BARK> ... <bark>

Did he <NOTICE> ????????

All the way upstairs and <close> the door ...

<BARK> . <BARK> .. <BARK> ... <BARK> ... ... ...
<BARK> ... ... ... ... ... <bark>

Is it ... izzit ... izzit Making a DIFFERENCE!??

In ten minutes he'd ALMOST <stopped> BARKING!!
(Meaning he was "down" to only one or two BARKS a minute!) :)

I told myself he'd been <quiet> for TWO whole minutes and
<dashed> down to tell him what a GUD Boy he was and let him

Then it was OUTside on the tie-out for Poddy Tyme.
I sent Cinder along for "moral support".

Ten minutes went by - hadn't heard a <SOUND>!
Thinking Cinder had prolly <wandered off> - I looked out the windows ...
WOW! Cinder still in the front yard; but where's Hobo???

<SNARLED> up on a bush and <<QUIET>>!!


We're all *IN* now, and Cinder initiated a Living Room CHASE Session -
SmokeMutt even participated again :) -
and I'm not sure WHO all was <Barking>??

It's probably WAY Too Soon to declare Victory in the BARKING War -
but we MAY have a solution in the making.

Now the BigMutt is making up for last night's Lost Sleep -
he's SOUND Asleep beside me! :rolleyes:

For those who think I'm being "CRUEL" with the EVIL Anti-Bark Shock Collar ...
Give me your Address - I'll send him over!
YOU try "explaining" the fine art of SHUTTING-UP to him!
And remember - he won't make a *peep* if he can <SEE> you -
THAT's all he wants - to BE with someone!

/s/ (tiurd) Phred

04-29-2005, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
And remember - he won't make a *peep* if he can <SEE> you -
THAT's all he wants - to BE with someone!

/s/ (tiurd) Phred

Seriously Phred - Sounds like a bit of separation anxiety. If barking is the only thing he does, You are lucky. My Shaiainne wasn't a barker, but when I first got her I had her in the garage -pre crate. And she ripped the curtains down, clawed the door and the door jam, and clawed the walls. Then thinking she didn't like the garage, I put her in the bathroom one nite when I went to work. Night One was good. Night Two - when I got home, she had ripped the heater off the wall (very lucky she didn't electrocute herself) and ripped the trim off the door.
By Day 3 she had a C-R-A-T-E. Which was the best investment I ever made for a dog. B/c I still have it and will have it forever.

Off soap box - not saying you need a crate- altho I got one you could borrow if need be. But mebbe bringing him up to the bedroom after the intro with Kat and shutting him in with a baby gate at nite will help. Just an thought.....

04-29-2005, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom

Off soap box - not saying you need a crate- altho I got one you could borrow if need be. But mebbe bringing him up to the bedroom after the intro with Kat and shutting him in with a baby gate at nite will help. Just an thought.....

extra crates here too, if need be!

04-29-2005, 12:39 PM
Goodness, gracious, mercy me!
Phred what have you done now? :D

Sure sounds like Hobo is a stray to me! Hence the name, Hobo!

How interesting that he changes colors, sort of like your own lava lamp, huh? ;)

I really think you need another kat too! Bootz must be feeling left out!

I'm not surprised he hurled. After all the excitement of the day, plus that medicine, I'd hurl too!

Good luck!!!!:D

04-29-2005, 12:41 PM
Small confession here, but Maggie is a big time barker.:o Quite
a change for me & my neighbors as Smokey rarely barks at all.
On neighborhood walkies, people stop me to see Maggie and then say, "Oh, she's the one I heard huh?":o

She doesn't bark in the house, but she isn't kept separate from
anybody else. She does bark outside at many things. If it's annoying, I just bring her inside. A lot of times she's just tired
from non stop playing & like a little kid, has to be told to just go
lay down & chill. She usually will.:D

Pit Chick
04-29-2005, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Yeah, I know - they get a Bad Rap ...
You could <leave out> the Pit part -
a Lab MIX or Mixed Lab would "fit" him if you prefer.

When trying to rehome him, I would not leave out the Pit Bull part. He is probably half and half and if someone wanted to adopt him, they need to know that. People have been known to return or dump a dog after they found out it was a Pit Bull or mix so best to be up front to avoid such drama. And there are things that a potential home would need to know about the breed so that they can provide a responsible, proper home for him.

04-29-2005, 01:31 PM
Whoa, he's gorgeous! :D He's definalty got pit in him. Look at that head! ;) I wan to hug him.

Cinder & Smoke
04-29-2005, 01:42 PM

"Brunch" has <stayed down> for 1/2 hour - 45 minutes!
An we had NO <gulping> of water this morning.

BigMutt just walked up and >>STARED<< intently ...
then gave a soft *whine* ...
I took that as Hobo-speak for "May I go OUT?"

The Herd is OUT - Hobo on the tether line.
We'll <lissin> for <barking>.

If no one <says> anything, I'm going to try letting everyone EXCEPT
Hobo in - just to see if he <BARKS> (the Zapp! Collar is *ON*)
when he gets lonely.


Well, dunno if that will help or not.
For SURE he won't bark if he's UPstairs with me & the Gang - loose.
If he's UPstairs but IN a Crate - dunno = ??

DOWNstairs (Basement 'Partment) ??
IN a Crate isn't much different than the 'Partment ...
NOW he's on a 5 foot Tyme-Out chain - fastened to the corner of the basement.
That gives him more "space" than even a Jumbo sized Crate would.

Baby Gate ??
Never saw a 6 foot tall "Baby" Gate! :p
Normal "Baby" height Baby Gate prolly would only slow me and
maybe Bowser down. I can just SEE *ME* trying to get over it at
Oh:dark:Thirty for a Fiur Call or a *pee* call!
NOT a pretty thought!
Hobo could <jump> a baby gate with his eyes closed!
(And prolly <BARK> to be let back IN the bunkroom!)

Da KAT presents his own set of "unique" problems to the question...
WILL da Hobo see him as "sibling" - or a :eek: *SNACK* ??

OUTIE Report ~

A Raging <<SUCCESS>>!!

Cinder was the only NAW-Tee Dawg :rolleyes: ~
She stayed in the yard for the first 5 minutes ...
then wandered into the Naybur's yard (and prolly <took a DUMP>) :mad:
She DID <trott> back when called.

SmokeMutt (the ALWAYS-Good Child) just did his thing and was standing
in front of the door.

BOWSER - <IMPRESSIVE> - I saw him out in the yard ...
then he returned and LAY DOWN on the porch!
May be some Hope for that Kid!!

Hobo ??
He either has a sore throat from 6 HOURS of overnight barking -
OR He GOT the Message from the Collar!!

I hope he remembered to DO something; but when I went out to <holler>
Cinder back home - Hobo had wrapped his tie-line around the
bush THREE times!
I un-wound the mess and ushered the Three Amigos INto the howze ...
Hobo wanted IN in the WORST way (even spit out a Gud Boy So Far bisquit) -
but I pushed him out and closed the door. He was :eek: *ALONE* on the porch!!

There was a good FIVE MINUTES (not seconds) of Total, Blessed, <SILENCE>!! :D

I <peeked> out the window ...
There he was - <sitting> pretty at the railing, staring at the Pond.
OMG! Did somebody <switch> Dawgs ??

Not really trying to push my luck ... I decided to see what he'd do
when he REALLY got bored and wanted in ...

The answer came in another two minutes - TOTAL "alone tyme" on the Porch
was up to at LEAST 7 minutes!! WOW!!

ONE single very *soft* **woof** ;)

I about <FLEW> to the door and <yanked> it open!!
There he was - standing in front of the door - <QUIETLY>!!

I think there's a Bus Trip in the wind to PetsMart -
gonna lay in a supply of NO-Bark collar BATTERIES!

Maybe we'll ALL <SLEEP> tonight! :D

Hmmmm ...
Where's da KAT ???

/s/ :) Phred

04-29-2005, 01:50 PM

I can hear the silence from here. :D:D

Now, what's this about Laurie? You have the need for a new doggie? :D:D Suonds like a nice plan.

04-29-2005, 01:54 PM
Yippee Phred.:D Blackie is a quick learner. Smart pup.:D

Cinder & Smoke
04-29-2005, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Pit Chick

When trying to rehome him,
I would not leave out the Pit Bull part.

He is probably half and half and if someone
wanted to adopt him,
they need to know that.

And there are things that a potential home would
need to know about the breed so that they can
provide a responsible, proper home for him.


Yeah, I know that ... :(

I asked Doc Tom if "maybe" it was ROTTIE rather than PIT ??
I think he thought *I* was the Future Owner when he said "OK - call him
a Lab-Rott or just a Mixed LAB, SOME folks will never know."

But for generating "interest" in him - I'm going to say Lab MIX -
and leave OUT any mention of the "Pit" part.

Reason ??
WAY too many folks will "want" him for JUST the "Pit" part! :mad:

AFTER they pass MY pre-adoption requirements ...
THEN I'll tell em what he REALLY is!
Better THEY be uppy-set with ME for the con job,
than *I* be uppy-set because Hobo went to the Wrong Crowd!

As for the "Rules for Owning a Part-Pit" ~
*I* NEED to know what they are!

How young a two-legger is TOO young for a Part-Pit ??

What about other "little" dawgs - how small is TOO small ??

And I suppose ALL forms of Pocket Pets are OUT??
(Wabbitts, G-Pigs, Hamsters, Rats) - what ELSE ??

And while we're on the subject -

Hey FINDLAY Folks !

Are ther ANY Part-PITs that visit the Dawg Park at Findlay ??

And WHO "won't come" if Hobo DOES come ?? :(

/s/ Now WURRIED Phred

04-29-2005, 02:42 PM
We have had some pits, or part pits at Findlay before. Just a warning though, some of the rangers don't like Pits and IF they recognize him as one, they may say he can't stay. Since we rarely see a ranger, not too much worry. I would register him just as a lab mix though, if you choose to.

Cinder & Smoke
04-29-2005, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom

... some of the rangers don't like Pits and
IF they recognize him as one,
they may say he can't stay.


WHY can't I find the Rule Book when I NEED it!

IS there a real "RULE" for the Park which mentions Specific BREEDS ???

Never thought *I* would have to worry about this.


/s/ BAD-dog Owner :p

04-29-2005, 03:10 PM
/s/ BAD-dog Owner

YOU?!?!? :eek:


04-29-2005, 03:20 PM
:eek: :eek: **slaps hand**
Oh my, I simply must visit the dog side more often.

Phred, bless your heart, you've gone and done it again. I just spent the last 20 minutes reading carefully through this whole thread and again, I was laughing and crying at the same time. What a sweet pup Hobo is.

Dearest Hobo, if you only knew how lucky you are....and Laurie.....are you really going to take him? :) :)

I'll be keeping in eye on this thread fur sure.

04-29-2005, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
YOU?!?!? :eek:


EDIT: Oh wait.....did you mean "bad.......dog owner" OR "bad dog.........owner"??? (2 different things)

04-29-2005, 03:57 PM

Please don't worry at all about the dog's heritage. He's a Lab
mix, PERIOD.:D I wouldn't go hanging any signs on him at all.
Anyone who gets a look at the well behaved and friendly dog
that you've described, will not have a problem with him at all.

Hugs & kisses to Blackie, the Lab mix pup.:D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-29-2005, 03:57 PM
Phred, I know el-zippo about pit bulls except what we all hear in the news, but I've always been of the mind set that the behavior is learned, and Hobo - so far - seems to be exhibiting more of his "lab side" rather than his "pit side." Me knowing nothing about pits, I would never have guessed that he was part pit, so I wouldn't worry too much about the rangers. And besides, they know you and know the PT gang, and know we would never bring a dog into the park that we thought might cause another dog harm.

I think it's a little too early for you to be getting all worried about him. I agree that it will be good for you to know what to expect from him, but like I say, so far he has not exhibited any type of behavior that would indicate he'd be dangerous. Loud and barky, yes - attention deficient, yes - dangerous, no. ;) :)

Now go home and take a nap! You'll feel much better about the whole situation once you've slept a little. :)

Cinder & Smoke
04-29-2005, 04:27 PM

Originally posted by jenluckenbach

Oh wait... did you mean
"bad.......dog owner"
"bad dog.........owner"???


Didn't realize I phrased it with a DOUBLE Meaning! :eek:

What I MEANT was ~

BAD-dog ... owner ;)

Gonna call him * KILLER * from now on! :cool:

Think we'll head over to the BigLake Park -
and :eek: ** SCARE ** some Folks ...
and maybe find a lil KID to *chase * and **EAT**!

Sounds like *Phunn* to me!

/s/ Proud Owner of KNOWN *VISCIOUS* Dawg


Daisy and Delilah
04-29-2005, 04:32 PM
Phred, if you haven't written a book already, please do it!!! Share these hilarious stories with the world. I've never laughed so hard in my life. And you make chocolate chip cookies too?? What next? Keep those stories coming!!:D

Terry, Daisy, and Delilah:)

04-29-2005, 04:47 PM
The only rule I could find seems to have a loop big enough to drive a truck through... It says" Ohio Revised Code 955.11 prohibts dogs deemed "dangerous" from obtaining a park permit."

Doesn't say any breeds are prohibited, and certainly Hobo has not been deemed Dangerous!! And let the rangers come try to take you your "dangerous dog" and 20 or 30 of his closest friends away fromthe park!!!

4 Dog Mother
04-29-2005, 06:47 PM
From what I heard one ranger told a person she had to get out because her dog was a pit bull. The dog was not mean or aggressive. All the pits and pit mixesI have seen at the park have been friendly dogs - I think the breed has got a bad rep and so most people think they are mean. I think it has a lot to do with their temperment comes from inbreeding and how they were raised - after all some are raised to fight whether they want to or not. I believe that Tim had to make an apology to the person that the ranger kicked out of the park because again not all pits are mean. And if you had to choose a "mean" breed, wouldn't a lot of the breeds insurance companies are refusing to insure be included - like rottweilers.

I don't think any of the rangers at the park are qualified to look at a dog and tell what breed it is (in fact, most of them probably can't tell a Great Dane from a Jack Russell - oh sorry, that is showing my feelings about the rangers). And as Amy said, I think most of them feel that the dog park is okay and stays away unless someone calls them with a real complaint. And let me tell you, there are some dogs that should have been reported and haven't been!

In conclusion, I don't think there will be any problem with you bringing your new find to the park with you. Oh, and by the way, Carl says if you wanted a new dog, you didn't have to go looking the streets for strays, we would have given you one of ours. (Of course, he would have started with ____________?. oh not___________ we are to attached to him/her.

04-29-2005, 07:50 PM
Gonna call him * KILLER * from now on!

Guess he'll need a big spiked collar too! :p (the ones with the points sticking OUT...not a prong collar :mad: )

Cinder & Smoke
04-29-2005, 08:00 PM
We're back frumma BigLake Park ...
an EBBERbuddie is still "talkin" ta each udder!

Sorrie ta report - no Ole Ladies knocked ober,
an no lil Kidz chazed or eaten ... weren't nun inna Park.
Onlee wun Lady anna nice Collie giben a minor heart attack ...
We wuz all up at da Ticket Booth in TWO'z -
Cinder had Hobo, an SmokeMutt had Bowzie on two seperate Y-Thingiez.
Dad wuzzint holdin either leashy. (BAD Dad!)

We (Cinnerz & Hobo) *spotted* da Lady / Collie Combo headed fur
their car ... so we <ambled off> reel "casual like" till we wuz around
da lil building - OUTTA Dad's site! <**ZOOM*>>
We wuz inna parkin lot inna >FLASH<.

Kinda a non-event - nunbuddie did any Grrrrrin or jumpin;
an we eben Kame Back after Dad hollered.

Too bad der wuzint anybuddie ta Watch da Show we put on.
Fua Furst Tymer - Hobey dun PURDY GUD onna Y-Thingie!
He got da hang of dodgin treez & poles purdy quick.

Our wurst problemo wuz NOT <snarlin up> wiffa Lil Dawgz Y-Thingy!
WOW ~ Did we make sum SNARLIEZ!!

An Dad'z <whinperin> bout da back of hiz ankel-bones -
kupla ropey burnz frum Y-Thingz hittin him frum behind.

Da BigDawgz waded inna Lake an gotz our tummiez wet;
SmokeMutt <dipped a toe or two>;
an Bowzie put all 4 in Back-em-up an dint get NUFFIN wet!

Dad sed Hobo did az gud < lissnin > az ole Block-Hed duz
(Bolck-Hed referrin ta CINDER Mutt)!
He <Lookz> when dad hollerz ANYthing 'cept Cinder, Smoke, or Bowz! :D
Dad tried random shouts of Hobo, Fred, Sam, Lucifer, Hey YOU ...
Dey ALL got da BigDawg'z 'tenshun an he started heading (more or less)
back towardz Dad.

Too Bad we kant all get it tagether an <pull> inna SAME ditekshun -
We kuld havva *BLAST* wiff Dad hangin onna leash stringz!

Sure hope dat Glashur Gurl nebber tellz Dad how ta hook up a SLED Line -
he'd prolly wanna get skates or a lil red Wagun an have us TOW
him around on walkiez.

Az fur diss note >>>

Originally posted by 4 Dog Mother

Carl says if you wanted a new dog,
you didn't have to go looking the streets for strays,
we would have given you one of ours.

Dad sez we <picked up> da Hobo ta ADD ta YUR Kollekshun! ;)


04-29-2005, 08:11 PM
Guess you have figured out by now that dogs are addictive,they seem to multiply fast. (cats do to thats why i have 3)
You Hobo looks kike the pup my son in law rescured.

04-29-2005, 08:51 PM
Phred, I love to read about your adventures! You are such a great dog dad...I'm glad your adventure at the park went well, minus the rope burns of course. It sounds to me like you are the hero Hobo has been waiting for in his life...what a wonderful man you are....:D:D
Give all the pups kisses from me and I pray for a nice quiet evening and night for you all....

Cinder & Smoke
04-30-2005, 02:40 AM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom

The only rule I could find seems to have a
loop big enough to drive a truck through... It says
"Ohio Revised Code 955.11 prohibts dogs deemed
"dangerous" from obtaining a park permit."

Doesn't say any breeds are prohibited, and
certainly Hobo has not been deemed Dangerous!!
And let the rangers come try to take you your "dangerous dog"
and 20 or 30 of his closest friends away fromthe park!!!


Hobo sez "Thanks for the Vote of Confidence";
but your Kind Thoughts aren't backed up by the provisions
of the State LAW you found reference to (ORC 955.11).

There's a big *IF* that goes along with all this ~
The *"IF*" being:
IS Hobo considered or LABELED by the
County Dog Warden as a Pit Bull MIX??

Since I wasn't trying to buy him a License - none of the three Wardens
who saw and touched him actually SAID he was a Pit / Pit MIX -
they just "hinted" maybe he was. :(

Here's what the Sandusky County Dog Warden's web page says:

What dogs are considered Pit Bulls?
Any breed of dog that is commonly known as the Pit Bull. These breed include American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Bull Terrier or
any of these breeds mixed with another breed.

If I own a Pit Bull or a dog with part Pit Bull, what do I have to do to be in compliance with Ohio Law?
You have four major responsibilities as a Pit Bull owner, harborer, or keeper under Ohio Law:

1. License the dog. All dogs in Ohio are required to be licensed when they reach three months of age. The dog must be licensed as a Pit Bull, Staffordshire Terrier, American Pit Bull or mix of any of these breeds. If you do not know the exact breed, register the dog with us as a Pit Bull mix. Registration of a Pit Bull dog or any of the Pit Bull family merely as a mix will not be accepted by this office. The license will be considered invalid. You may also be charged with violation of 955.25 (unlawful tag) or 955.25 (fictitious tag).

2. Confine the dog. Pit Bulls must be kept in a kennel with a top and lock or a fenced in back yard with gate(s) locked.

3. When walking you dog, it must be muzzled and
walked on a chain-linked leash or tether not more than six feet long.

4. The dog MUST be covered by a minimum $100,000 liability insurance policy. If you own your home, you may be covered. If not, you must purchase liability insurance from an agent. Two companies that cover Pit Bulls are listed at the end of this page.

*If you give away or sell your Pit Bull dog or puppies, you must fill out a transfer form (available ONLY at the Dog Warden's Office). Failure to transfer a Pit Bull is a Minor Misdemeanor.*

Who determines when a mix breed is a mixed Pit Bull?
The Dog Warden and Deputies are trained to recognize Pit Bulls and Pit Bull mixes. We attend seminars and classes where experts in the field of dogs teach the Wardens.

The Ohio Attorney General's Office has issued an opinion #OAG 89-0912. Any individual charged with the enforcement of Ohio Revised Code 955.11 and 955.22 is qualified to identify Pit Bull dogs in order to enforce the provisions, provided such identification is reasonable.

If you disagree, after being issed a citation for any violation of the dog laws you can appear on the court date on your citation and state your case to the Judge.

Why are Pit Bulls the only dogs considered vicious
because of their breed?
This was enacted by the State Legislature in 1987 as an answer to the concerns voiced by Ohio citizens after several persons were killed by Pit Bulls. It is the Law! This office is mandated to enforce the law. The law can only be changed by the State Legislature.

What other dogs are considered vicious?
Any dog that has bitten and caused injury to a person or killed another dog or person.

What are the penalties for violating the vicious dog laws?
Violating any of the four responsibilities listed above is a First Degree Misdemeanor on the first offense punishable by up to a one thousand dollar fine and six months in jail. A second offense is a Fourth Degree Felony.

Above from:
Sandusky County (Ohio) Dog Warden (http://www.sanduskycountydogkennel.com/Pit.asp)

The LEGAL Mumbo Jumbo is available on the Anderson Publishing site at:

Anderson's "Ohio Revised Code" (http://onlinedocs.andersonpublishing.com/oh/lpExt.dll?f=templates&fn=main-h.htm&cp=PORC)

The *link* will probably open the Index page -
Select "Title IX (9) Agriculture - Animals"
Select "Chapter 955 Dogs"
Scroll down in right panel to find:
"955.11. Transfer of ownership or possession of dog."

The Bad News starts with the daffynition of a "Dangerous Dog":
You become a "Dangerous Dog" if you just Chase or otherwise THREATEN a human.
No Byte has to take place - just a "threat" earns ANY dog (breed)
the "Dangerous" label.

More Serious is the Section 955.11 (A)(4)(a) Vicious Dog label!
You earn Vicious Dog Status in any of three ways:

i) You killed or caused serious injury to any person;

(ii) You caused injury to any person, or has killed another dog.
(Probably includes jumping up an knocking down a human).

(ii) Belongs to a breed that is commonly known as a pit bull dog. The ownership, keeping, or harboring of such a breed of dog shall be prima-facie evidence of the ownership, keeping, or harboring of a vicious dog.

Isn't this just GREAT!???

Get born with Pit genes or looks and you are
No "byte" or other nasty behavior required -
you ARE a "vicious dog" by Birth!!

The "Park RULE" cited by Amy seems to be a "twisting" of what
ORC 955.11 actually says -
That ORC Section doesn't say anything about Dog Parks ...
Hancock Parks probably MEANT that any dog labeled as "Dangerous"
under 955.11 cannot obtain a Dog Park Permit.

And any dog labeled as "VICIOUS" is also a member of
the "Dangerous" classification ...
So a PART Pit is a Vicious dog, is also a Dangerous dog;
and thereby NOT allowed to obtain a Dog Park Permit.

Did I say This Situation really *SUCKS*?

No Wonder Hobo Has No Home! :(

/s/ :mad: + :( Phred

04-30-2005, 02:42 AM
Oh Phred!! You're so sweet to rescue sweet Hobo!! :)

The situation really does suck. Hobe (and most pit x) are SWEET dogs!!! People really have no clue, do they??

Thanks for helping him...you are an angel!

04-30-2005, 05:00 AM
Rules like that burn me up.....but let's not even GO there!

Maybe a certain OUT OF STATE pet talker cough * cough......Laurie was really meant to be Hobo's new mom. Could be they WHY behind why you found him in the first place.

04-30-2005, 09:40 AM
I was hoping Hobo's owners (assuming he has some and that they are worthy of this dear young man) would have been found by now. He appears to have no problems with other dogs, obviously. Keep me advised re: the KAT sittyattion.. my sanity would depend on it. Any dog in my home sleeps with the rest of the mutts, usually in my room and/or on my bed. So I'll need a bigger bed - big deal :rolleyes: my back door leading to my rather large, semi-shaded, fenced in back yard is almost always open so mutts and katz can come and go as they please. I don't worry about bungling burglers, not with my crew;) they are quite protective of their two-legger and their home

04-30-2005, 09:59 AM
Gee if Laurie came to the Memorial Day Pet Talk meeting in Ohio, she could go home with a shiny brindle "door prize?" *hint hint hint*

Ginger's Mom
04-30-2005, 10:01 AM
Oh Phred, you really are an incredible human being. I cannot believe you have rescued and are harboring another needy pup. Good luck to you Smoke, Cinder, Bowser, and Hobo. I am still hoping that you will find his initial owners. Maybe they went away for the week and someone else was watching him? And lbaker your offer was so generous. I am sure with such wonderful PTers looking out for him Hobo will be just fine.

04-30-2005, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Karen
Gee if Laurie came to the Memorial Day Pet Talk meeting in Ohio, she could go home with a shiny brindle "door prize?" *hint hint hint*

Sounds like a winning idea to me!!

Cinder & Smoke
04-30-2005, 10:49 AM

The LONG-awaited KAT Test was JUST held - moments ago ...

My Hand-Paw is still *drippin* red stuff. :(

Hobo was leashed to the dining room table...
Boots (da KAT) made his appearance cradled in Dad's arms.

The 10 feet away from each other reaction was instantaneous...

Hobo <BARKED> and *LUNGED* ...
Boots <PUFFED> <HisSSS'd> <GRRRRrrr'd> <TOOK a BYTE> AND
turned on the 4-Paw Drive to vacate the area!

Hobo had the ZAPPER! collar on - and wiff allua *Hissin* & *Grrrin* goin
on - I'm not sure how many <BARKS> there were -
But it was LOUD!

I released da KAT when it was obvious he was headed *west* towards
the bed/bath end of the house.

My, that went well!
Let's Do It Again, Phred.

FIND da Kat ...
(Table and Dog had remained more or less in the dining room).

Kat was <puffed> to about Double Size - <pouting> in the bunk room.

He *GRRrrr'd* all the way back into the dining room; and as Hobo came
into view - he switched to "stereo / surround-sound" with a combp
*Grrr* / *HIsss* / *YEE-Owllll* for max effect.

Can't remember if we got a <Bark> or not - but Hobo was a little LESS
"agitated" and didn't <paw> as much - and actually alternated between
a <SIT> and a <Down>.
I got da KAT a little closer - and Hobo sort of looked away - but certainly
was NOT really "afraid" of the Mouthy Kat.

Of all the Dogs I've "introduced" Boots to - Hobo got the WORST "greeting"!

Hobo remains "free" in the UPstairs, but is now <towing> a short leash;
KAT is safely <tucked> in the Baffroom.

We'll Do It Again a few times to see if Hobo calms down at all in the presence
of da Kat; judging from da KAT - HE won't be approaching Hobo for quite
a while - if ever.
So far - Hobo doesn NOT appear to be "On the Hunt" for the KAT he now
knows is In the Building.

"TRUST" Hobo around a Kat - not by a long shot -YET!

Originally posted by lbaker

Keep me advised re: the KAT sittyattion...
my sanity would depend on it.

"Initial Report" is in ...
Results / Conclusions = "Mixed"

/s/ *drippy* Phred

04-30-2005, 12:52 PM
All in all, not a bad first (second time) introduction.:D

Maggie at 4 mos old was VERY "interested" in the kitties here.
I kept a leash on her while they came around. I definately let the
cats set the time when they wanted to get closer to her. Maggie
eventually lost interest & decided the cats didn't want to play
as much as Smokey did.:D

04-30-2005, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

The LONG-awaited KAT Test was JUST held - moments ago ...

My Hand-Paw is still *drippin* red stuff. :(
/s/ *drippy* Phred


I am confused as to how you got the red stuff was it a Bootz bite or Hobo bite?

04-30-2005, 01:25 PM
I'm guessing it was this.....

Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
Boots <PUFFED> <HisSSS'd> <GRRRRrrr'd> <TOOK a BYTE> AND turned on the 4-Paw Drive to vacate the area!

Cinder & Smoke
04-30-2005, 04:17 PM
Originally posted by shais_mom


I am confused as to how you got the red stuff ~
was it a Bootz bite or a Hobo bite?

It was BOOTS da KAT, for sure, that drew blood!

"Boots <PUFFED> <HisSSS'd> <GRRRRrrr'd> <TOOK a BYTE> AND
turned on the 4-Paw Drive to vacate the area!"

Da KAT went from "uppyset" to REALLY PI$$ED in the blink of an eye!

I *thunk* I had a FIRM grip on him as we approached Hobo ...
all I remember was da KAT turned into a LION with 4 FLAILING sets
of steak knives - I was trying to prevent him taking the Up & Over route
which would have been UP my chest and OVER my face & head! :eek:

I looked down as we backed away and noted the Kat's MOUTH was
firmly attached to the base of my left hand middle finger;
his slashing Knives were covering a WIDE area including my left arm.

When the fur settled; only two holes in me ...
a Toofie mark on the finger, and a small hole on my wrist ...
along with several non-leaking scratches.

/s/ Kat Tester

04-30-2005, 05:20 PM
Oh poor Phred I'm sorry these critters don't realise that you are just trying to help them all out. Hope no major fire stuff happens with the hands cut up so bad.

04-30-2005, 08:48 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke
It was BOOTS da KAT, for sure, that drew blood!

"Boots <PUFFED> <HisSSS'd> <GRRRRrrr'd> <TOOK a BYTE> AND
turned on the 4-Paw Drive to vacate the area!"

Da KAT went from "uppyset" to [b]REALLY PI$$ED in the blink of an eye!

I *thunk* I had a FIRM grip on him as we approached Hobo ...
all I remember was da KAT turned into a LION with 4 FLAILING sets
of steak knives - I was trying to prevent him taking the Up & Over route
which would have been UP my chest and OVER my face & head! :eek:

oh my gosh! the visual!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

05-01-2005, 10:21 AM
Oh wow, I just saw this. Hobo is gorgeous. Poor boy. I wish we could have a 4th. :(

05-01-2005, 11:18 AM
That scene reminds me why my attempts to add a cat to this group have been rather half hearted. It also verifys what a SAINT you are, Phred. Poor Bootz must be thinking....*Wasn't I here first? and why am I so outnumbered?* 'Cause Dad has a heart of Gold, Bootz, and he has to do what he can to help a needy Hobo.

Hobo remains "free" in the UPstairs, but is now <towing> a short leash;
KAT is safely <tucked> in the Baffroom.

Seems like Hobo has partially graduated to Level II status at the Ranch. Won't be long before he'll be sprawling on the Big Bed with the rest of the happy campers. Maybe time for Dad to add another Bed to the bunkhouse so he'll have a place to rest his own probably very weary head as that Big Bed can't have much space left.

05-01-2005, 01:08 PM
Gosh, I was going to ask it the Kat test had been performed yet. I see it WAS! OWIE!!!! Phred that's gotta hurt!!!

Does Kat usually live in the bathroom? He seems to spend lots of time there. Maybe he pre-furs it though?

Hope you aren't feelin too poorly today with all your owies!!:eek:

Suki Wingy
05-01-2005, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by Pit Chick
I hope his owners have a VERY good explanation and it better not start out with "he gets out all the time". I guess if you don't see any signs for him that will tell you how much they really "care". He has Pit Bull all over his face and probably some Lab thrown in the mix too. Good for you for rescuing him.

Cinder & Smoke
05-01-2005, 01:44 PM

I'm heartbroken to report that the Big Black Kid "took a hike"
and went on an unauthorized Hunting Trip - and hasn't returned.

Yesterday, just after lunch and the Kat Test, I let the
Three Amigos out for an Outie. Lil Bowser went out on the
front porch tether line; C & S romped down by the pond.
In ten minutes all were back on the porch, lookin for treats.

Holding BigKid, I opened the door for C & S to charge in;
Bowzie had "hung up" his tether on the steps and couldn't
reach the door. NUTZ!

I slipped out and un-snarled Bowz and opened the door.
BigHead jammed his head out and caught his shoulder on the
door and jam. *BACK UP*! - He pushed harder.

OK - Stay there - I unsnapped Bowz and reached for the
ring on BigKid's collar - which had rotated up behind his head.
I pushed him back and opened the door enough to find the
collar ring and ALMOST had him *snapped* when his eagle
eyes *spotted* The Kritter near the light pole bush.

It was over in an instant - he *launched* and *charged* -
tearing my grip loose on the collar and almost knocking me
over. By the time I turned around - he was almost at the light
pole on a bounding dead run. He cleared the road in two bounds.

He *lost* his target on other side of the road, but dashed back
and forth on the clear strip at a dead run, staring into the woods.
I *SCREAMED* at him as I ran towards the road ...
but he was into the woods before I got half way to the road.

Long story short - Cinder ( his "better buddie") and I spent HOURS
in the woods and driving around the block last night - calling.
"The Woods" are almost a forrest, with dense brambly undergrowth,
covering several square miles; over a mile deep, and stretching
a mile in both directions from the house. It's half "Public Hunting
Grounds" (State Land) and half owned by the Church of God;
the Church "Camp & Retreat" cleared area is a half mile east of
the house. Just dense woods across from the house
wher BigKid went in.

I brought his bed up from the 'Partment and put it on the porch.
Last night I put his bowl out with some Krunch - the Krunchies *vanished*
sometime between 3 AM and 6:30 AM - but the bed wasn't touched.
I don't think HE came back -
I think / hope he would have <BARKED> to come in.
(He didn't wear the ZAPP! collar when he was UPstairs
with the Gang.) The Krunch prolly went to some lil kritter.

It's been 24 hours since I've seen / heard him. :(

Please, God, Take Care of the BigKid.
He's a Good Kid ~
Help him find a Loving, FurrEver, Home.

/s/ :( Phred

Suki Wingy
05-01-2005, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

Labby plus "Pit" kept being mentioned. :(
Yeah, I know - they get a Bad Rap ...
You could <leave out> the Pit part -
a Lab MIX or Mixed Lab would "fit" him if you prefer.[/i]

:confused: :confused: I thought he was all pit, and why:( ??
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
- seems to be exhibiting more of his "lab side" rather than his "pit side."
WHOA!!! From the way you discribe him, he sounds like more of the pit side, American Pit bull Terrier.

05-01-2005, 01:52 PM
Ohhhhh Phred. I don't even know what to say :(.

I'm so sorry that this happened. I hope you are ok and not feeling too bad. You have done such a wonderful job.

{{{BIG HUGS}}} for you, Phred.

Yes, God, please take care of the runaway pup! We are going to be so worried about him. Keep a watchful eye on him and help him to find a wonderful forever home.

Bless you, Phred.

Ginger's Mom
05-01-2005, 01:57 PM
Aw, Phred I am sorry to hear that. Now we know how the BigKid got out there in the first place. But at least he had a very safe and happy place to stay for three days. I really really hope he finds a furever home that he will stay at, without insisting on doing his own hunting. Silly dog just doesn't know when he has it made. He just may be back at your door some night, when he realizes what a big mistake he made. Thanks Phred for doing so much for the BigKid while he was there.

05-01-2005, 02:01 PM
Oh crap.:( :( I was wondering if his hormones would kick in
while he was staying there. The urge to wander is a hard thing
to fight. I hope he finds his way back to you.:(

Daisy and Delilah
05-01-2005, 02:16 PM
Oh goodness Phred. Didn't you mention earlier that he belonged to somebody that only saw him during the week? Maybe he knew it is the weekend and he'll be back soon. We sure hope you don't feel too bad either. You did more than most people would do for him and what happened was beyond your control. You are definitely one of those people that God put on this earth that we certainly don't see very often. Bless you Phred. We will pray hard that Hobo is safe and will be making his way back to your place soon. Remember that everything happens for a reason. Hugs to you and all your precious furkids!!:)

Love, Terry, Daisy, and Delilah

05-01-2005, 02:22 PM
:( :( Oh Phred, I just don't know what to say.

God, please take care of the BigKid and lead him back to where he is much loved.

05-01-2005, 03:54 PM
Aw, Phred! This certainly stinks! Hang in there!
You couldn't have done more for him if you tried. He may still show up. Lots of people know you were looking for his family and may give you a call. He could very well show up again on his own after he gets his adventure over.

Sometimes we are only meant to lend a helping paw er hand, for a little while on anothers journey through life, be they human or nonhuman. Sort of like a pit stop on the road of life.

Maybe you were meant to help him overcome his barking problem so he can find his forever home.

Prayers on the way for BigKid and you too!

05-01-2005, 05:14 PM

05-01-2005, 05:36 PM
Oh, Phred, I am so sorry he has taken off like that. Prayers and positive thought going out for him, and you too. {{Big big Hugs}}

05-01-2005, 05:39 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Cinder & Smoke

Please, God, Take Care of the BigKid.He's a Good Kid ~
Help him find a Loving, FurrEver, Home.
amen! come home bigkid!

05-01-2005, 09:07 PM
Fingers crossed Phred ......... I am sure he will realise what side "his bread is buttered on" ..........:D

05-02-2005, 06:44 AM
Well, he is better off than he was before. At least he knows he has a place to go. He's a smart kid and I'm sure he'll be able to find his way back if he wants to. Had you put any tags on his collar? If so, he has another way of coming back.

Maybe this was meant to be. I was getting to feel a bit sorry for Bootzer... and you too. Four can be a real challenge, especially when those outies have to be negotiated with tie outs, etc.

Hobo, God be with you on your journey to where ever you deem you need to go. Stay safe.

Pit Chick
05-02-2005, 10:02 AM
I'm sorry to hear that Phred.

Hobo, what is your problem boy? Quit thinking with your testicles and get your fuzzy butt back home.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
05-02-2005, 12:58 PM
Oh no. :(

Be careful Hobo, and come back where you know you'll be safe - dangerous/vicious breed or not!

05-02-2005, 06:01 PM
Sorry Phred :( I hope he comes back when he realizes how good he had it there with you. Be safe Hobo.

05-02-2005, 06:41 PM
Any Hobo sightings yet? If my guess is correct, you've been driving up and down the road looking, haven't you? Come on, Cinder. Tell us what is going on with Dad. Is he okay?

Dixieland Dancer
05-06-2005, 02:53 PM
Just wondering... have there been any Hobo (or Phred) sightings lately? How are you doing Phred?

05-10-2005, 07:54 PM
For all the lost ones. Especially you Hobo.:(

A Prayer for Animals

Hear our humble prayer, O God,
for our friends, the animals,
especially for those who are suffering;
for any that are lost or deserted
or frightened or hungry.

We entreat for them all
Thy mercy and pity,
and for those who deal with them,
we ask a heart of compassion
and gentle hands and kindly words.

Make us, ourselves,
to be true friends to animals
and so to share
the blessings
of the merciful.

Albert Schweitzer

07-20-2005, 08:47 PM
What ever happened to Blackie? Is he still missing?