View Full Version : Found a Puppy today

04-23-2005, 11:21 PM
Today we took Deogee and Tank to Petsmart to stock up on food for all the pups and when we got home Deogee kept pulling on the leash and was whining trying to get over by the neighbors house. I just pulled him back and put him in the house. I went back out to the car to get the rest of our stuff when I noticed the neighbor standing on his porch turning his car alarm on and off. I took a closer look and saw a scared puppy under his truck, he was trying to scare him out with the alarm. I sat down and called to him, after a few minutes (when the guy finally stopped pushing the car alarm) he slowly came out and walked up to me.

I brought him into the house and gave him some food and water. He seems very well taken care of and very healthy, but he was only wearing a collar with no tags. After he ate we walked him up and down the block and through the surrounding neighborhoods but no one has ever seen him before. I am posting fliers tomorrow and going to get him into the vet on Monday.

He has no manners at all but he is wonderful with the kids, cat and other dogs ..... he is SO sweet. We are calling him Jake right now, he is very smart, he learned to sit very fast and already comes to his name. We are thinking he is around 5 or 6 months old and he is a very big guy. I'm thinking he might be Lab/shepherd Mix, I'm not really sure, I'm going to post a few pics and let me know what you all think:) .


04-23-2005, 11:28 PM
Aww I hope that his mom and dad are looking for him and will see your fliers...hate to think someone dumped him..

04-24-2005, 01:15 AM
He does look well looked after, so hopefully a family is looking for him.

04-24-2005, 06:46 AM
Oh He is a Cutie!!
And like you said,Looks well cared for....

Thank You for doing the Right Thing...and taking him in...
At least you can take him to the Vet on Mon....They can Scan him and see if hes' Micro-Chipped.....If he was adopted from a Pound,He will be chipped with either the pounds name & Address or the Adoptive parents...

Good Luck,Keep us posted!!!!
And Again,Thank You!!!

Great Pics by the way!!:)

04-29-2005, 12:50 PM
Any news about Jake? He sure is a cute pup.:)

04-29-2005, 04:33 PM
Nothing yet :( . We took him into the vet and had him updated on his shots and got his rabies shot. Dr looked him over and said that he looks very healthy and around 6 months. He did a scan for a microchip and didn't find anything :( . We are going to keep looking and if we haven't heard anything by next Friday (May 6th) we are going to place him up for adoption and start looking for a new home for him.

He is such a sweety and a total goof-ball, he gets along with everyone, furry or not, and LOVES kids. He likes to play ball and be right where you are. He is potty trained and knows how to sit and shake. We are beginning to think maybe he was dumped but we can't figure out why :confused: .




04-29-2005, 04:54 PM
Good for you guys.:D He'll be ready for some lucky person. :D

The only reason dogs are dumped is because some PEOPLE are
stupid & don't know a good thing when they see it.:)

Best of luck with Jake.:)

05-05-2005, 08:55 PM
i just saw this thread, and he is beyond adorable...just wondering about him...he looks like he's gonna be a good size pupper and be a big yummy dog for someone...any news? :)

05-05-2005, 11:57 PM
Jake is still with us .... no word from his owners :( . We are putting him up for adoption now and have had a few people interested but no real takers.

He is a really sweet boy and the only thing he wants is to be loved, the closer he is to you the better .... hopefully we can find someone that wants him.

Poor guy, I feel so bad for him ..... I just don't understand why people dump there pets :confused: there are so many differant options out there for people who need to rehome them.




05-06-2005, 06:35 AM
What a gorgeous find! :eek:The shine off Jakes fur is blinding! :cool: :eek: :) Sadly though so many companion animals are dumped as we all know. Does your local newspaper run free "Found" ads? Maybe a vague description of him in the paper, and his owners might see it. I leave out complete details, and word ads along the lines of "Found black dog...rightful owner describe other details". He's such a good looking guy. :)

05-06-2005, 11:44 AM
what a cutie!!! it's a shame someone just dumped him.:(

he's in good hands now and i hope he finds his forever home soon!

05-16-2005, 12:17 PM
I hope youll be asking for references before giving him to his new family whoever they are?? Cant be too careful these days! He is a dollface!!!!

05-17-2005, 12:19 AM
We definitely ask for references on all the pups we adopt out ... now a days you can't be to careful. They have to fill out an application complete with personal references, vet references and many other questions that help us determine if that family is right for that dog. We try our best to make sure everybody is happy and perfectly matched.:)

05-21-2005, 12:50 AM
Jake went to his new home!!!!!!:D

Here he is with his new Daddy ....

Mommy ....

And here he is just being his happy self :)

They really are wonderful people and Jake fell in love with them right away ..... I am so happy for our boy!!!!

05-21-2005, 07:28 AM

A Very Happy Ending!!!!

They look like they love him too!!!!!!

You should be Very Proud of yourself for How you helped Jake!!!
You are a Great Person!!

05-21-2005, 09:26 AM
So sorry I didn't see this thread earlier! :o

Good for Jake boy! He's sooo handsome. I love his adorable face, and those floppy ears! I'm so happy that he found his forever family! that's so awesome!


05-21-2005, 10:16 AM
YAY!! Jake is such a cutie and I am glad he found a great home!!!!

05-21-2005, 11:21 AM
I am really happy for him .... we couldn't have found him a better home! I was really worried for awhile there .... NOBODY showed any interested in him at all. Not only is he a big black dog but he is in that "Goofy-Looking-Teenage -Stage":rolleyes: (his legs were to long for his body, his butt end was higher then his front end, his ears wouldn't lay right and he was VERY clumsy) so even though I thought he was beautiful most people looked at him and saw an ugly dog. :( These people were interested in one of my other fosters but when they found out that he was pending adoption (we had like 4 or 5 applications on him) they looked at a few of our others and wanted to meet Jake!!! We were tickled when they said he was perfect and he was just as happy as can be. I just love happy endings like this it makes everything we do worth it. :D
