View Full Version : $400 and some is our "lucky" vet bill price!

Aspen and Misty
04-08-2005, 10:18 PM
Lady's old owners never spayed her, she went through several heats and increased her chances of getting breast cancer each time. Lady went in to be spayed yesterday and sadly when they first got in there they found a small lump in her breast tissue. They called me and asked me what to do and I told them to remove it and send it away for testing. We are very worried right now about our Lady Bug, I hope she will be ok and we are parying it is nothing.

However, her spay plus her lump removal/testing was $441.55!! With a $125.00 deduction on it because our vet is very kind. I am going in to pay $190 of it tomrow and hopefully something will work out for the rest of it. Thankfully this is a pay week and I can put all of that money towards her also. Her old mom has agreed to help and is getting friends and family involved and hopefully that will help out some.

If you all remember though Momma's vet bills were $420 dollars. I really do beleave that $400 and some is our lucky vet bill :rolleyes:


04-10-2005, 10:01 AM
Yes, for all that was done, I do think that $400 was quite reasonable. Heres hoping Lady's former guardian will be true to her word and come through with a substantial portion of what this is costing. Ashley, I am so proud of you for assuming the big responsibility of these two fosters. You have such a big heart. They are just darling dogs and certainly deserving of your efforts. Please keep us up on what happens and the lab results for Lady.