View Full Version : Dippy and Lady

Aspen and Misty
04-05-2005, 10:12 PM
Dippy and Lady are my two newest fosters. Dippy is a 2.5 year old "cocker spaniel/pointer" mix. Lady is a 8.5 year old, "Akita/rotweiler" mix. There owners moved and she couldn't take them with her. She was heart broken but she lived in a bad neighbordhood with terrible schools and has a daughter. She got offered her parents house for free and deced to take it, however they just spent hundreds on hard wood floors and she couldn't take the two with her. So who does she choose? A better life for her child? Or to keep her dogs? She loves them dearly, and it is clearly eveident in the way she talks about them, I know she was heartbroken to give them up.

Here are pictures of both of them, I will post more later.



Group Shot with my dogs, Connor (laying down) and Nova (far right)

Both dogs are exellents with Children. Both are house broken and will be brought up to date on shots. Lady is getting spayed tomrrow, Dippy is already neutered. Both have loving, personlities.


04-06-2005, 02:22 AM
Their adorable :)

I know that I don't have knowledge of the whole situation but she gave her dogs up because there was hardwood floor in her new house? That doesn't exactly seem fair.

Would she give up her child because the new house had new rugs and she didn't want the child making marks on them?!

Aspen and Misty
04-06-2005, 06:55 PM
I hope you don't take it as I'm defending her or her situation. To me, dogs, or any animal, should NEVER be re-homed because people are moving.

They are renting, or buying (I'm not sure) the house from there parents who spent hundreds of dollars on the new hard wood floor. Her parents said she could have the place as long as she didn't take the dogs with her since they go the flooring. She didn't want them to mark it up or whatever she was thinking. To me, it's a stupid reason, I have hard wood floors and lots of dogs come through here and we have no problem at all.

She did love her dogs though, and that was my whole point. It just is nice to see dogs come from a truly loving enviroment instead of homes who think of them as "just dogs"


04-06-2005, 10:10 PM
How Sad!!!
I Wish I could take them!!!!
They look like Beautiful,LOVING Dogs

You are doing a Great thing by helping her...
I'll refrain from my opinion!!!

Those Furkids Need a FOREVER HOME!!!!!!! Immediately!!!

04-10-2005, 09:54 AM
As Delidog said, these look like wonderful dogs. It breaks my heart that they were left behind. I know this woman will regret her decision. On the other hand maybe I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and assume it wasn't her decision but that of her parents seem to be in a position to call the shots.

Ashley, I love all the pictures of them, especially the one with your dogs. It seems to depict how congenial they are. If I were in a position to add more dogs to my family, I would scoop the both of them up. The look in little Dippy's eyes is so sad. He seems to be watching for his family to come pick him up. I'm sorry, but I have to go cry now.

04-11-2005, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
I hope you don't take it as I'm defending her or her situation. To me, dogs, or any animal, should NEVER be re-homed because people are moving.

RIGHT ON, Ashley!!!

I moved five times in three months (not related to animal issues)and I have declined a lot offers from "NO PETS ALLOWED" homes. I'll DO ANYTHING to keep my precious!!!! :mad: :mad: as of now, sorry I couldn't help you- if I move out into a house, I'd take them! well I would have 10..12...17 dogs by now :rolleyes: :D