View Full Version : Stray Dog

04-03-2005, 09:07 PM
Today a young male German Sheperd dog showed up on our farm. He had a friend along with him but we could not get near him. He is in our garage resting. I checked his rabies tag & called the veterinary & I have to wait till tomorrow when the girls get in the office & turn on the computers where all the data is stored. He is a young dog & seems very sore all over, probably from running around the country side. I spent over an hour removing burrs from his hair. I have never seen a dog with such big paws & big bones in his legs. He is a sweet heart & will spend the night in the garage with plenty of food & water. I hope we can find his owners with the help of the veterinaries office.

04-03-2005, 09:41 PM
Dog Bless You!!!

Give him A Hug & a Treat from Us

Please Keep us Updated on his safety!!

Thank You!!

04-04-2005, 09:44 AM
I called the veterinaries office this morning & found out who the owner is & have their telephone number. I called them around 7:30 & got an answering machine but left a message as to who I am, phone number, etc. I thought this dog came from the West of our place but he came here from the Northeast. We feel the other dog had something to do with this pup running. We have not seen the other dog at all. The pup let me pull burrs out & he sure was exhausted. We didn't hear a peep out of him all night. I had him out this morning on a leash so he could relieve himself. The hair was up on his back at first then he settled down after we talked to him calmly & pet him. I can't get over his big paws. MY husband calls him Bruno. :) Will fill everyone in more as the day unfolds. ;)

04-04-2005, 10:31 AM
Bless you heart of taking this dog in & helping him out.:)

I hope the owners are found soon. He must be scared & exhausted.

04-04-2005, 04:49 PM
Well, Buddys owner came by & picked him up awhile ago. He was well rested after a good nights sleep. I guess their older dog that we tried to get also to come to us, was chained up & broke his chain. Buddy followed the older dog & they both ran off. The older dog did return home last night. Their are two little girls that will be happy to see Buddy also. I found out Buddy is only 6 months old & is already a huge dog. :) I am so happy they put his rabies tag on his collar so we would trace his owners. :D A Happy Ending !!!

Ginger's Mom
04-04-2005, 04:58 PM
Well, it was a happy ending, but that was because of you. It is wonderful that you not only took this dog in for the night, but also cleaned him up, and took him out on a leash. It was a wonderful thing that you did. :)

04-19-2005, 03:58 PM
Very good deed, glad to hear people like you still exist,
Thanks from the dog world
Buster and Trouble