View Full Version : can you help?

03-29-2005, 03:37 PM
I wasn't going to write about this 'cause I thought that it would just roll over and my friend would have a change of heart. But it's not and I'm just about in tears. I just got back in touch with a guy/friend and he had told me that he had gotten a puppy and that he was really happy and stuff. Well the other day he was mad at the puppy because he ran off, he spent two hours looking for him and he was mad. He got the puppy back and that was the night I happened to call him and ask him how things were and stuff and he told me that the puppy ran away and the whole story. I was trying to talk to him and tell him that the puppy needs attention and I was giving him the whole talk. He told me that he wanted to get rid of him, I told him that I wish that I had a house 'cause I'd take him and he'd have a wonderful home then. Well I was just talking to him on the phone a min ago, I asked him how the pup was doing and he said "oh I got rid of him" so I asked, "did you find a good home for him?" he said that he gave him back to the A.S.P.C.A. so I started to cry (i dont know if he knew that) and had to change the subject quick, by saying "ok, I can't talk about this anymore, so what else is going on" and he asked me why and so I told him that it made me very sad, and he just said "oookkkk". Oh I am so so mad right now I could break down in tears right now, but unfortunatly I'm at work! Does that A.S.P.C.A find homes for the pups after there returned? I am so very mad at him I almost hung up on him. I wish that I could have him, oh I wish. My heart hurts!!!!

I will drive him to you if you need. Remember, I live in N. Va.

http://photobucket.com/albums/v203/Lilly_Maggie/th_picofBriansolddog.jpg http://photobucket.com/albums/v203/Lilly_Maggie/th_dog2.jpg

03-29-2005, 03:42 PM
Again :o I would put people in VA please help. I am sorry sorry about this :( I wish I had room and lived closer many hugs to you hun.

03-29-2005, 04:18 PM
Is this the SPCA that your friend returned the puppy to? http://www.spcanova.org/

If so, I am sure the pup is in safe hands. You could try emailing them to verify though. I read on their site that they don't have a facility and are just a cluster of foster homes. That almost always means they will not put animals to sleep due to lack of space (they just wouldn't take them in if there was no room). I would send them an email to make sure though.

03-30-2005, 03:09 PM
bumping for VA people.

03-30-2005, 08:27 PM
Did you Try Searching for No-kill in Va.????
How about Bestfriends.org????
try e-mailing them...
They have So Many Contacts throughout the states
The Pup is Gorgeous!!!
AndNeeds a Home!!!!
Hoe Dare He?????
Not a Friend!!!!

03-30-2005, 08:54 PM
This is so sad..that poor little pup, I hope he finds a good forever home