View Full Version : Looking for a nice home for an older Cattle Dog

03-23-2005, 10:10 AM
Hey gang,

Yesterday I met a neighbor in my complex. And it's lead to me assisting them in finding a nice home for this sweet old girl.

A young man was walking an Australian Cattle Dog and a Beagle mix puppy. I commented on how pretty the Aussie was and he seemed confused. He replied, "Is that was she is? We didn't know."

He introduced himself as John and told how a few days ago when he was visiting relatives in Howell they found the dog. It was raining and snowing out and there was this stray dog running around outside. No collar and very shy, but they were able to coax her to them.

No one in the area claimed her and Animal Control said if the dog was brought in they would have to put her to sleep (no room at the Inn I guess). His relatives were unable to keep her, and John didn't want her put too sleep, so he brought her home.

He suspects she may of been abused because when he's raised his hand, she cowers.

I spent the evening and had dinner with John and his fiance, Nicole. They are very nice people and they like the dog, but they have a one week old baby, Skyler, and a very young puppy, Sophie, and they feel they can't give her the time and devotion she deserves. John also thinks she'd love to have a yard to play in or may do better in a home that understands the breed.

Little Girl, as they are calling her appears to be about 9 years old. Her hips hurt (John's not sure if it's hip displaysia or just arthritis), but she's very alert and playful.

She's very gentle around the baby and when it cries, it doesn't bother her at all. She plays with Sophie and takes her antics. When Sophie is eating or drinking, she sits and waits paitently for her turn.

They did have a scuffle over a rawhide bone but as soon as John took it away from them, all was fine.

I took Little Girl to my place to see how she'd react to cats.

As soon as we walked in the door, Zam and Little Girl touched noses. Little Girl never growled or lunged. She just sniffed and then walked away to check out the rest of the apartment. Zam came over and checked her out and again, Little Girl just sniffed and moved away disinterested.

Little Girl followed me into the bedroom, where Logan was arched and puffed up. Little Girl sniffed from a distance and then turned away. She came back and sniffed again. This time Logan growled and hissed. Little Girl gave a shrill bark back but when I said, "No." she cowered and left the room.

She began to get a little more excited and started doing laps around the coffee table. This caused Zam to fluff up, growl, and hiss. Little Girl stopped and tried to climb onto the couch to investigate Zam. When she succeeded and stuck her nose in Zam's face, Zam hissed and swatted Little Girl. Little Girl flinched back and barked. I said "No!" and Little Girl came down from the couch, went into a corner and cowered.

So my opinion is, she isn't cat aggressive but merely curious of them. But had Logan or Zam ran, I'm not sure if Little Girl would of chased or not. She loves to herd Sophie complete with nipping.

John plans to take Little Girl to the vet when they take Sophie in for a follow up. I suggested they scan for a microchip.

So that's the story. :)

I'd love to take her, but my place is smaller than John and Nicoles and it'd stress the cats far too much.

I think MI has an Aussie Rescue and I'll check in with them.

I was just curious if anyone knows anyone that's looking for a Cattle Dog. :)






03-23-2005, 10:35 AM
how nice of you to take her for now.... shje seems like a total sweetheart..... her so called owners sure screwed up when they let her go!!

Cinder & Smoke
03-23-2005, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by ramanth

I took Little Girl to my place to see
how she'd react to cats.

So that's the story. :)


You seem to have left out a "chapter" ...

What does Kia think about Little Girl??

Maybe Kia would like to even out the Dog/Kat Count and have a Buddie??


03-23-2005, 10:44 AM
There is a woman in our therapy dog group that has 5 cattle dogs, and I believe does some rescue. I'll send out an email, and see if I can get you any contacts.

What a cutie she is!!

03-23-2005, 11:04 AM
It's touch and go with Kia. Little Girl licked Kia's face and Kia growled and showed teeth in return when John and I were talking outside. Then Kia just ignored Little Girl and played with Sophie.

When Kia tried sniffing Little Girl's butt, Little Girl curled her lip and showed teeth and they started growling at each other.

At my apartment, if Little Girl got too close to Kia's crate, Kia would show teeth and growl. For the most part they just ignored each other.

So I'm not sure if they like each other or not. I think they need some more off leash outdoor time.

Thanks Amy!

03-23-2005, 11:11 AM

What a sweet old girl!! I'm sure she'll find a furrever home. From what you told me on the phone, it sounds like she was abused. But I'm sure with time and patience she'll come around.

Pit Chick
03-23-2005, 12:52 PM
Here are some Cattle Dog rescue links to try:




I must say, I sure don't miss that notorious shrill bark my ACD foster had. Let's not forget the overactive bladder too. :rolleyes:

03-23-2005, 01:01 PM
I contacted Nancy, the pet communicator and wow!

The long and short of it is that Little Girl likes me and Sophie. Kia is very tense and unsure of the whole thing. I kinda shell shocked her by bringing Little Girl over and not letting Kia know first.

Nancy feels Little Girl shouldn't go into a Foster Home or into a Rescue. She's quite comfortable where she is, but she is laid back and easy going.

Now to see if John and Nicole would really like to keep her. :)

03-25-2005, 02:30 AM
awwww! Little Girl is so cute! :p if I lived anywhere near MI.... LOL

That's very interesting, what Nancy said. It sounds like she found your neighbors for a reason! She is an older dog, so she would definitely not require as much activity/space as a young ACD. Maybe they might be willing to keep her? Especially if you offer to babysit and help out with her? ;)

03-25-2005, 04:32 AM
Awww Kim,
She is a Beautiful Aussie!!!
Yes,It sounds like she is comfy with your neighbors....and a Dog sit from you!!

I Hope that they keep her!!!
Good Luck,and Thank You for Trying to Help Her!!!

Let us know!!

03-25-2005, 09:01 AM
Oh I hope they keep her!! But if they are not able to I hope she understands!!:(

03-28-2005, 03:15 PM
I don't know if you have talked to your neighbors, or what the current status of Little Girl is, but I did get an email back from my therapy dog friend. I will send her the pics you posted, but here is her reply...

I can probably help through the Cattle Dog list. Can you get me location of dog and contact info so I can get more details. A picture would be really helpful if possible. Is it for sure an ACD ( not an Aussie) and does she have a tail?

03-28-2005, 03:36 PM
She looks so sweet. It breaks my heart to see such special dogs thrown away and abused. I would love to have a huge dog rescue place(and unlimited funds) There would never be a "no room at the inn" sign at my place. Also, has Nancy considered writing a book of all her readings? I think it would make a great book!

03-30-2005, 09:22 AM
About the reading that Nancy did. It made my hair stand on end.

Little Girl was in a home where the man didn't like her and would yell at her but the woman did like her.

She said to not bother looking for her old owners. Little Girl pretty much just walked away from that home and didn't look back.

During the conversation, Nancy suddenly said, "She likes Sophie. Who's Sophie?"

Now, I didn't tell Nancy any of the names. Just that she was living with my neighbors, their baby, and new puppy.

I got goosebumps.

I told Nancy that Sophie was the puppy.

She said that Little Girl really likes Sophie and likes to mother her. She's a bit like a grandmotherly figure.

Little Girl doesn't mind the baby and enforced that she would not hurt the baby.

She understands that John and Nicole want what is best for her but she reassured that she is not high maintence. But she still has spunk. She doesn't want a yard to run in, she wants a nice warm, comfortable, and loving home.

I gave John and Nicole all the information and they appeared to want to keep her.

I haven't talked to them in a few days, so I'll give them a call and touch base.

Val, I think Nancy should write a book too!

03-30-2005, 09:29 AM
That would be great if John and Nicole would keep her! Sounds like she likes them!

If not, let me know, and I'll make sure she gets on the Cattle Dog List. I sent my friend pictures, and she said she was beautiful...she thought for sure someone would be willing to take her in.

03-30-2005, 08:41 PM
Any Word on Little Aussie Girl?????

Please Let us know how she is doing!!!!

04-04-2005, 11:58 AM
Stopped by with Andy to visit John and Nicole.

Little Girl is doing very well. Andy fell in love with her and it didn't take Little Girl long to bring Andy a toy so that they could play 'fetch'.

John and Nicole are still discussing if they can financially keep Little Girl. (The apartment manager found out about her and are going to charge them an additional $50 a month)

If they feel they can't, they'll call me.

04-04-2005, 12:15 PM
I missed this until now (sorry), but it sounds like she has viable options, which so many others, don't have. That is a positive thing for sure!!!!

Gotta tell you that the pet psychic report sort of freaked me out! How does she know that stuff????? :confused:

04-18-2005, 10:15 AM
Looks like John and Nicole intend on keeping her. :)

Sophie (the puppy) was beginning to get too rough with the baby, so they gave her to Nicole's mom (who is now enjoying the puppy's antics).

I found this out when I ran into John walking Little Girl last week.

Yesterday, when Andy and I were leaving for an appointment, we saw John playing with Little Girl outside.

So it looks like she has a forever home.

I'll need to find out what they named her. :)

04-18-2005, 09:45 PM
Glad to hear Little Girl found home! Too bad Sophie couldn't stay too, but at least she is still in the family!