View Full Version : Help for galgo's in Spain needed!!!

01-11-2005, 09:58 AM
Hi all,

I am not a regular poster, but read a lot here.
I am Dutch, but I adopted my first galgo from Spain 4 years ago.
Since I read about the plight of the galgo's and saw what they do to them, I became a volunteer for GINN.

This time we need help from all over the world, so please read on.

More info can be found on www.scoobymedina.com in the news department or on www.greyhoundsinnood.nl
Petra Hartlief
Greyhounds in Nood Nederland

Dear dog lover,

You are, no doubt, aware of the barbaric treatment of galgos (Spanish-bred greyhounds) cruelly discarded by the coursing fraternity in Spain. Last week produced further evidence of callous conduct towards these beautiful dogs.

Late in the evening on 5 January, Scooby was informed of barking coming from a well (30 metres deep) along an isolated road in the village of Alaejos.

A rescue operation was mounted at first light on 6 January by Scooby in conjunction with the municipal firemen and 5 galgos were pulled out alive. Each dog had a rope around its neck. This had clearly been a deliberate act to kill the dogs. It is believed from the stench coming out of the well that it is a dumping hole for unwanted galgos and decomposing bodies remain.

The galgos were immediately taken for emergency treatment to the Scooby refuge, where they are presently recovering. It is expected they will all survive. Two are still in a fragile condition, as can be seen in pictures taken that day. All of them remain under the care of a veterinarian.

Galgos are protected under article 337 of the Penal code. This is a federal law and overrules any regional/autonomous laws. There are penalties for disposing of unwanted dogs in this manner, which can lead to imprisonment.

Two men have surfaced since the rescue claiming to own the galgos and demanding they be returned to them. One of the men showed up at the well just before the dogs were pulled out and afterwards he officially reported his dogs as stolen. On the day after the rescue, the other man claimed his dogs had escaped from him. The dogs have tattoos, which could lead to the identification of the owners and an arrest for irresponsible abandonment of the dogs.

Please take a minute to use the sample text below (original letters incorporating the facts presented are also always appreciated) to urge Spanish officials to sign the dogs over to Scooby and undertake a thorough investigation to bring those responsible for this crime to justice. If a prosecution is successfully achieved on this occasion, an example will be set to other perpetrators of animal abuse in Spain.

Please find enclosed a list of relevant contact details for your use. If you would like to send a free fax, please send your message requesting one to [email protected] and one will be sent for you. We urge you take the fax route if you can because experience has shown that the faxes often work when email mysteriously does not!

This is an urgent appeal as we expect the case to be decided quickly by a judge in the vicinity.


Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I write to draw your attention to the case of 5 galgos rescued by Protectora de Animales Scooby (Registered No. 93458) in collaboration with the municipal fire brigade from a well 30 metres deep in the village of Alaejos on 6 January 2005.

Late in the evening on 5 January, Scooby was informed of barking coming from a well (30 metres deep) along an isolated road in the village of Alaejos.

A rescue operation was mounted at first light on 6 January by Scooby in conjunction with the municipal fire brigade and 5 galgos were pulled out alive. Each dog had a rope around its neck. This had clearly been a deliberate act to kill the dogs. It is believed from the stench coming out of the well that it is a dumping hole for unwanted galgos and decomposing bodies remain.

The galgos were immediately taken for emergency treatment to the Scooby refuge, where they are presently recovering. It is expected they will all survive. Two are still in a fragile condition. All of them remain under the care of a veterinarian.

Two men have surfaced since the rescue claiming to own the galgos and demanding they be returned to them. One of the men showed up at the well just before the dogs were pulled out and afterwards he officially reported his dogs as stolen. On the day after the rescue, the other man claimed his dogs had escaped from him. The dogs have tattoos, which could lead to the identification of the owners and an arrest for irresponsible abandonment of the dogs. I am also aware there may be evidence, which indicates that at least one of the owners or even both of them could be responsible for throwing the dogs down the well.

I understand that galgos are protected under article 337 of the Penal code (a federal law and overrules any regional/autonomous laws). I therefore urge you to ensure a full investigation is carried out and the perpetrators of this crime are brought to justice. In addition, I strongly encourage you to formally accord responsibility for the dogs to Protectora de Animales Scooby with immediate effect. To return the dogs to the men claiming to be the owners would surely mean further barbaric treatment and possible death of the dogs.

It remains for me to congratulate the local organisations, including the fire brigade, the police and Protectora de Animales Scooby for their prompt action and the obvious seriousness with which they are treating this case; I want to stress that I am adding my voice to that of every decent person in the locality who I am sure will wish to see justice done in this case.

Yours sincerely
You can write, mail or call:

President of the Spanish Government
José Luis Rodrßguez Zapatero
Presidente del Gobierno
Complejo de la Moncloa
Avda. de Puerta de hierro s/n
28071 Madrid
[email protected]

Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Excma. Sra. Ministra Da Elena Espinosa Mangana
Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion
Paseo de Infantana Isabel 1
28014 Madrid
[email protected]
Fax: +34 91 467 5854

Regional Government: Castilla y Leon
Juan Vicente Herrera Campo
President of the Regional Government of Castilla y Leon
Plaza de Castilla y León, 1
47008 Valladolid
Tel: + 34 983 411 119 / +34 983 411 120 / +34 983 411 121
Fax: +34 983 41 1269

Regional Minister for Agriculture in Castilla y Leon
José Valßn Alonso
C/ Rigoberto Cortejoso, 14 - 7ª Planta
47014 Valladolid
Tel: +34 983 41 9022
Fax: +34 983 41 9510
Emails to José Valßn Alonso can be sent via http://www.jcyl.es
(via "mail" / "correos")

Director General de la Guardia Civil
Don Carlos Gómez Arruche
C/Guzmán el Bueno, 110
28003 Madrid
Tel: 0034915146008