View Full Version : Sniffer

12-01-2000, 11:02 AM
Sniffer, you are SOOOOOOOO cute!!! Those long ears are just adorable. I loved reading about how Sniffer "chose" his owners! That's the way my cat chose me! I'm glad Sniffer is such a loving, huggable little bunny. Congrats, Sniffer! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

12-01-2000, 03:47 PM
I am so happy for you and your family, and of course beautiful Sniffer, that he "found" you! He wanted a home so badly, and you needed an empty space in your heart filled, and voile! a perfect match! I think he is just precious, though I do admit to having a special fondness for these incredibly sweet, cuddly creatures! I wish you a very happy and long life together! I'll just bet Sniffer will be having a very special Christmas! Congratulations "Sniff!" Tons of hugs from here.