View Full Version : October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month

10-07-2004, 06:41 AM
I have copied this from the most recent ASPCA News Alert.

Thinking of adding a companion canine to your household? There's no better time than Adopt-a-Shelter-Dog Month. All throughout October, the ASPCA and IAMS Dog Foods will be encouraging Americans to visit their local animal shelters, in lieu of pet stores or breeders, in pursuit of their ideal dog. "There are approximately 60 million owned dogs in this country and sadly, less than 20 percent were adopted from shelters," says ASPCA president Edwin J. Sayres. "This year's theme—'Sit. Stay. Love… Adopt a Shelter Dog'—highlights the importance of training a newly adopted shelter dog to ensure a lasting bond between owner and pet."*

10-07-2004, 10:19 AM
Shelter dogs are wonderful. They seem to know that they were chosen and really appreciate it!! Thanks for sharing that, Rachel. I wish everyone could know the love of a "pound puppy"!

10-11-2004, 10:27 PM
Well if all works out well I will be doing just that this month :)

10-11-2004, 11:28 PM
Our shelter is doing a special right now to try to encourage people to adopt during adopt a shelter dog month. I think it's $50 to adopt a dog that is over the age of 4 months, considering that includes shots, spay/neuter and a microchip it's one heck of deal! Since it's october, dogs of german decent are only $40. But the price on puppies is still the same for this month I think it's $95.