View Full Version : DESPERATE! home needed for older dog!

Sara Manasseh
08-01-2004, 04:25 PM
I am on disability and have had to move to a rural area recently that provides no rental housing options for someone with pets. I have to find a home for my 11 year old dog.

Before you read further, I want to say that this breaks my heart. There are no words to describe even the thought of giving Peach away. If I had another choice, I would take it in an instant.

I got Peach from the Humane Society 9 years ago. She is blond and white, with markings much like a border collie or a Brittany spaniel. When I got her, the vet said she was about 2 years old. She had had puppies at some time before animal control picked her up from wandering in the countryside in central Illinois. I adopted her, got her spayed, and took her in as my only dog. I named her Peach, because she's a peach of a dog.

She has been an indescribably wonderful companion. She is sweet in temperament, and sensitive to one's emotions. She loves to have her belly rubbed, she loves to go jogging with me, and she loves to have a lot of people around. She gets along extremely well with my cats.

Peach went hiking on the Appalachian Trail with me, covering hundreds of miles and faithfully leading me along the trail through snows, rain, and wind. She is a good protector. She is much more wary of men than of women, but is quickly won over by a man once he demonstrates that he is safe and gentle.

Peach got socialized to other dogs late in life. She is losing her eyesight somewhat, now, and is more easily startled than before. This, and the fact that she is still in the process of learning canine social graces, makes her a dog who needs to be introduced to other dogs in neutral environments and with a degree of caution. Dogs who have a tendency to be intrusive can take a longer time for Peach to get used to. Peach needs someone who can let her know that they are in control and that they are the "alpha dog", so that she submits to her owner and doesn't provoke or exert authority over dogs around her who are unfamiliar.

Peach has no health problems other than allergies that require her to take Vetalog once every three days. Her eyesight is good except in dim light.

Her main characteristic is sweetness. And she is quite pretty! But her sweetness and gentleness towards people are endearing to everyone who has ever met her. Even people who don't much like dogs are taken with Peach. She minds well, although I have never given her formal obedience training.

This has been a dry piece of writing, I am noticing. It's hard for me to be in touch with my grief about losing Peach. It is overwhelming. So please do not read this and think that this dog is not a wonder. Her second name is "wonderdog"! Peach deserves a special, loving home for the last era of her life. She has been tried and true, and has earned well a comfortable and easy last few years. She deserves respect, I believe, as a trustworthy and steadfast dog.

Thank you for reading this and for anything you can do to help me find a home for my wonderdog.

With much gratitude,
Sara Manasseh
[email protected]

P.S. I have a way to provide a home for Peach, at a friend's house, for the next three weeks. By then, I must have found a new home for her. And say goodbye, with many, many, many tears.

08-05-2004, 11:30 AM
Well I cant take your lil sweetie as I am in Canada,, but can you investigate the possibility of perhaps rescue groups,, or perhaps your Vet might place an ad in thier office??

I feel for you having ot part with your pup... its so hard and all,, bless you for trying so hard to do your best....

08-05-2004, 11:53 AM
Oh how terribly upsetting for you. I do understand that in your situation you simply have no choice. I do hope that you can find a loving forever home for Peach soon and maybe even nearby. Would you be able to visit with her occasionally if a home were found somewhat close to where you are going? I do wish I could offer that sweet girl a home but I do have 6 dogs already and live just outside Washington DC. I will ask around though and search up some rescue sites that have been mentioned here before. Good luck to you dear.

08-05-2004, 12:14 PM
My heart just aches for you and for Peach.

Saw something about this in Dog Fancy - check out this link: http://www.srdogs.com/

08-05-2004, 12:23 PM
RobinH that's a great place to find out about! What a resource! Give it a try, Sara. Is it possible for you to post a picture of Sweet Peach?
I just thought of something. Mugsy (another PetTalker) is our chief canine rescue guru. She's in Indiana. I'll p.m. her and ask if she has any suggestions or resources.

08-05-2004, 12:29 PM
I am so sorry. I would rather not live than be separated from my wonderful animals so I can imagine how you feel. Life is so cruel for you to have to go through this. I pray that you find a wonderful home for Peach. I hate it because I feel so helpless for you. I pray God looks out for you both.

Sara Manasseh
08-05-2004, 09:01 PM
you all are so sweet i can't believe it!!!!

i am posting a few pictures of my wonderdog.

i am now thinking (since i only have 8 more days of housing for Peach) of looking for temporary housing for her to at least buy some more time. someone in or near central Michigan would be ideal, but at this point, i'd try to rent a spaceship to get Peach to a new home, temporary or not...

Sara Manasseh

08-05-2004, 09:04 PM
Good lord,,, I am in love!! Shes beeeuuuutiiifull!!!!! I have not doubt you will do your very best for her.. she a very sweet looking girl.....

I am hoping for the best outcome possible for you both!!!!!:)

08-05-2004, 09:21 PM
I have read this thread at least ten times, and cry every time. Now, after seeing sweet Peach, I am bawling my eyes out.
There HAS to be something we can do, there just has to be.

I cannot even imagine being put in such a terrible situation, and my heart is breaking for you, it really is.
If I lived in Michigan I would not even think twice about it, I would take Peach, and bring her to see you at every possible time.
The great journey you and Peach have had just cannot end without you knowing she is in a safe and loving home.

I wish I had more rescue contacts, but I do not. Although I am far away, and it's a long shot, I will contact a few people around here who do rescue, if anything for some suggestions.

You've come to a great place looking for help, let's all hope that we can do it.
My prayers are with you and Peach regardless.

08-05-2004, 09:33 PM
Sara I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. I can't even imagine the grief you feel right now having to give up your
sweet Peach (and oh my yes! she does look like a peach of
a dog:)).

I don't know if there is anything I can do to help, but I know a couple of people in rescue and I will get in contact with them.
Where do you live?

Please keep us updated.


leslie flenner
08-05-2004, 09:51 PM
She is a beautiful dog and her eyes show how intelligent she is! I am mostly on the cat side but have been checking on this dog rescue site from time to time to see if anyone can help peach. sometimes I get it in my head that i'll just drive out to MI and take her in myself (don't want her to go to a bad situation or euthanized). but she would be scared, I think in my small apt. with 9 cats and me gone 10- 12 hours a day at work? Of course, I could have my towns shelter find her a home... but it's so far from you sara! It seems like you ought to be able to see her at least! I feel for both of you! Do you recognize the name Mugsy? I think I pm'd you her name as a possible someone who could assist with this problem. I'm glad someone else is going to contact her - don't know if she would remember me! please keep us posted and hope you are doing ok!

08-06-2004, 06:59 AM
I was crying before, too. Now, after seeing her, makes me even sadder. She's such a sweet looking dog. She does look intelligent and something else. Can't quite put my finger on it. I hope to goodness that she will be near enough for you to get to see her when you move. This is so sad because we all know how special our animal bonds are and that shouldn't be tampered with! I wish you had more time and I know you do. Life can be so cruel and unfair. If you were in Florida, I'd take her in a heartbeat, even though my Duke would be jealous. I hope you find a good solution soon.

08-06-2004, 07:17 AM
I just sent Mugsy a message (although I did get Peaches age wrong, I said 9 instead of 11). Hopefully you will hear from her with some words of wisdom and hope.

Sara Manasseh
08-06-2004, 02:02 PM
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you all are AMAZING!!

i plan to follow up with srdogs today. i also plan to prioritize finding a temporary home for her at this point, since after 8 days she either goes to a temporary home or to the shelter (NO, NOT THAT!!)

i live in central michigan, in case i haven't said that yet...

love, sara

08-06-2004, 02:31 PM
All my prayers are with you hoping you can find a good home for your Peach. She's a beauty. Keep us posted with your progress.

08-06-2004, 09:24 PM
I wanted to make you something special so here it is. I didn't want to resize it so I'm doing it as an attachment. Hope you like it! Wanted you to have something nice so as to always have her with you.

leslie flenner
08-06-2004, 09:31 PM
are you smart and artistic or what? where do you live and can I bring you peach??!! I'm kidding (kinda)! I hope sara sees this soon- it's really SUPER! WHAT A GREAT PT-ER YOU HAVE BEEN! (as have others!) Hope some from MI see this website and respond with some rescue groups asap! Great job on picture it's definatly worthy of salvaging for her memory (waaaaaa....). such a pretty and innocent gal caught in the doings of mankinds wierdness regarding pets (ok i'll say it- stupid landlords!)

Sara Manasseh
08-07-2004, 03:22 PM
i'm speechless!

I misspelled that the first time, and wrote "speachless" (sPEACHless)...!


08-07-2004, 03:42 PM
Sara - try your church or other local churches. As she is a "senior" herself, perhaps some pastor will know of a senior citizen who might be helped by having a Peach in residence. Often senior people fear getting a dog, as they worry about the animal outliving them, but as Peach herself is no young pup, she might be ideal for some recently widowed (of either gender), someone newly dogless, or some other lonely person.

08-07-2004, 04:26 PM
I heard from Mugsy, she said she's not on PetTalk anymore but wanted me to attach this thread to send to her. I don't know how to do that. Can someone.. DDMom? Karen? Attach this to a private message to Mugsy? Whatever happened has no bearing on Mugs' abilities to have compassion and desire to help an animal in need. doG Bless.
p.s. DDMom, you are amazing!

08-07-2004, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by lbaker
I heard from Mugsy, she said she's not on PetTalk anymore but wanted me to attach this thread to send to her. I don't know how to do that. Can someone.. DDMom? Karen? Attach this to a private message to Mugsy? Whatever happened has no bearing on Mugs' abilities to have compassion and desire to help an animal in need. doG Bless.
p.s. DDMom, you are amazing!
lbaker, Can this thread be emailed to Mugsy? There's a link at the bottom, which you must know about. I'm really hoping a good loving home comes through soon for beautiful gentle looking Peach. :) Dukedogsmom...that's a beautiful and creative masterpiece for Peach! ;)

08-07-2004, 10:28 PM
I emailed Mugsy.

08-08-2004, 06:53 AM
Thanks Karen, sorry I'm so computer illiterate but this old dog can only learn so many new tricks :rolleyes: Whether Mugsy can help or not remains to be seen but I just want no stone left unturned for this sweet, dear old girl Peach. What a dear love of a dog she seems to be.

08-08-2004, 10:25 AM
I would take Peach in a second if I could! But Snowy is very afraid of dogs that are just a little larger then her. Plus, my mom said no more dogs. I will be praying that you find Peach a loving home soon!


Sara Manasseh
08-08-2004, 01:14 PM
i have found a possibility for a temporary "home" for Peach, for her to stay until a permanent home is found. she'd be in an outdoor kennel, with a sheltered area for getting out of the rain. She'd be near where i live, so i could visit her daily. that situation would obviously be far from ideal -- she's used to being indoors with me -- but it's better than a shelter, and it's much better than the local shelter, which only keeps animals alive for a short time.

i'll find out later today, or perhaps tomorrow, about whether that temporary housing is available to Peach.

continuing to hope and to pray,

leslie flenner
08-08-2004, 02:22 PM
Well, that is better than being on time limit here on this earth! Hopefully a better solution will come forth soon! Peach is an older house dog but daily visits from you will certainly help her with adjusting. This is a sigh of relief even though not the best and only a temporary solution..

Sara Manasseh
08-08-2004, 04:33 PM
does anybody know how I can get in touch with the Animal Placement Bureau that's located in Grand Rapids, Michigan? That's only an hour and a half from where I live. They have a foster care network and place older dogs. I found out about them via srdogs, but have found no phone number or email address.

'sorry i need so much help! i'm so overwhelmed! not only with moving and losing my pets and trying to find homes for them, but also with a friend being in the hospital in a drug-induced coma while doctors struggle to save her life...

everything i can do is not enough to face all of these crises and also do all the practical things that i want and need to be doing! this is why i'm leaning on you all so much!

i did find an organization called Pets for Seniors based in Peoria, IL, which is very near where I used to live. When I find a ride to that area to take my cat Romeo to his new home with an old friend, I could also be taking Peach to a new or temporary home in Peoria, if one is available.

thankfully still hoping,

P.S. another picture of Peach is attached. it's from when we used to go hiking together.

leslie flenner
08-08-2004, 06:13 PM
Maybe pets for seniors would know info on the bureau in Grand Rapids? I'm sure you must have gone to the original source of the info and asked? Use transport groups if needed for Romeo! why can't this friend take Cora? (i'm not being pushy, right?!)

08-08-2004, 07:26 PM
I found this when I did a search: http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI289.html
I did call the 866 number and am waiting to hear back from them. I really hope I do. If I do, I'll post the answer here and I'll email you. Don't give up hope, ok? We won't.

leslie flenner
08-08-2004, 08:03 PM
Right in Michigan no less! well, there may be hope for the pretty gal yet! good job! You guys have been beyond kind! I wish Sara had a computer! Or whoevers computer she uses, would check from time to time and call her with new info so she could follow up via telephone!

08-09-2004, 02:52 PM
The woman from the rescue called today while I was in the shower. Her call back number was a calling card. So, I've sent her an email with the link to this thread plus what you first wrote about Peach. I sure hope you hear from her soon.

leslie flenner
08-09-2004, 07:52 PM
No word yet from this person? Well maybe soon! Keeping my pet prayers in tact for Peach! Thanks DDM! You have been one of the sweeties for sara!

Sara Manasseh
08-10-2004, 09:09 AM
hi! i'm at a computer again. i'm still hoping and i am thankful that you all are helping me!

Peach's temporary housing here fell through, but a friend offered to help pay for boarding so that Peach can have until the end of the month for a new home to be located for her.

still praying,

08-10-2004, 10:35 AM
You have a good friend. So sorry that your temporary home fell through. I have called another place: http://www.petfinder.org/shelters/MI234.html I'm at work and hoping they'll call back. However, the voice mail said most calls were returned during the evening. So, I hope to hear from them. I don't have a lot of money but I would be willing to donate some for the boarding. I'm sure some other people would be willing to, also.

Sara Manasseh
08-10-2004, 12:29 PM
incredible and wonderful, dukedog'smom!!


08-11-2004, 11:38 PM
Any news for Peach? I hate to see her put to sleep because her 8 days ran up...!
ps- I am not a newcomer- same ole leslie- just got rid of my last name on pet talk- seems like a bad idea and didn't intend for that to happen in the first place!

08-12-2004, 12:17 AM
I heard from the first woman I contacted but she said she was getting out of the rescue stuff. I think she misunderstood me because she was giving me hints on how to check if people were right to take Peach. I haven't heard from the second agency. I'm still willing to give some money for her board if others would be willing, also.
Leslie, you lost all those posts :(

08-12-2004, 08:29 AM
Originally posted by leslie
Any news for Peach? I hate to see her put to sleep because her 8 days ran up...!
ps- I am not a newcomer- same ole leslie- just got rid of my last name on pet talk- seems like a bad idea and didn't intend for that to happen in the first place!
Wow Leslie...You at least managed to change part of your name. Geesh it's so hard relying on the internet to try placing pets. It happens, but it's such a short time to arrange things. I hope Peach hs found a safe haven. :(

08-13-2004, 06:41 PM
Yeah, finally got rid of last name but lost all my "posts" as DDM says. by the way, she is in the midst of a hurricane right now so we should all be crossing our fingers and toes, doing a rain dance (not) chanting, or quietly asking for the forces of mother nature/god/buddah/your belief help her and our other pet talk friends (kfmar) finish getting through this. They are keeping posts up on general.

08-13-2004, 06:59 PM
I'm on that one too. doG bless :(

08-13-2004, 08:46 PM
Thank you so much everyone! The storm is finally past and though scary, wasn't as bad as I feared it would be. We were lucky and had the eye part of it.
Sara, please call these people! The second woman I contacted sent me this in an email:
Hi, Valerie,
Try the Animal Placement Bureau (e-mail apbpets.com). They can be
reached by phone at 517-346-4505. They're located in Lansing, MI. Last
time I spoke to them about helping with a rescue their funds were
depleted. They had said that if I could help with the medical expenses and if
they had an available foster home, they would help. The dog I called
them about ended up going to our local humane society. If Peach is
current on everything and spayed or if Sara is willing to pay for these
expenses should they not be current, they might take Peach provided they
have an available foster home. Good luck. Sue/Animal Rescue

I'm going to email you also. Good luck!

Sara Manasseh
08-13-2004, 09:02 PM
I will definitely call them! I had been wanting to know how to contact them. I will do whatever it takes to get Peach current enough on everything to go into a foster home through their services.

thank you!!

I will be out of email touch for several days starting this weekend sometime. Please know that it's just that I can't get to a computer. I am still looking desperately for a home for my Peach; lack of responses from me will not mean that I've checked out or anything, and they won't mean that Peach no longer needs a home. And they won't mean that I've forgotten you all!

I will call APB, like I said, and get back to all of you who have helped me so much, just as soon as I can!


08-20-2004, 02:07 PM
Any new news on the Peach situation?

08-20-2004, 03:10 PM
Yeah,, I second that,,, whats happening with Peaches??

Aspen and Misty
08-20-2004, 04:42 PM
I agree, does Peaches still need a home??


08-20-2004, 04:49 PM
I just now got an email from Sara's friend Tina who live's in Colorado and has found a home for Peach there in CO.! Now the trick is getting her there! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Thanks to everyone here for their PT prayers and good wishes! It worked again!!! I am tearing up!!!

08-20-2004, 04:58 PM
Well good! Please see if she can join here when she gets Peach so we may have an update with pics. I am so glad that Peach has a home!

Sara Manasseh
08-27-2004, 11:05 AM
Hello everyone!

Peach is adapting to her new home. She has some children to play with, and enjoys rides in the family car. I am convinced her new owners will take very good care of her.

Now the grieving must be faced. I had quite a bit of time to express heartfelt love to Peach and to say goodbye. She felt my sadness and seemed to understand a little of what was happening.

I can't really bear to feel the full extent of my grief. That will have to wait until I am stronger to be able to carry it. But the fact that Peach has a loving home helps more than words can express.

Thank you all for your extraordinary support and help!!! I would not have kept going doggedly (haha) as I did without your encouragement. My love to you all, and to your canine companions as well!

and Peach

08-27-2004, 11:38 AM
well this is indeed VERY good news! :D I am sorry you have to deal with such pain over losing her from your home and all.. but youre a good person and loving lady who did WAY more then most ppl would have done for thier pets. you found her a loving home and this is the very best thing that could have happened,,, well aside from you being able to keep her of course....

Yay to you and yay to PT and the great support you all offered!!!!

08-27-2004, 11:52 AM
Having had to give up the best dog in the world, I know how difficult it is. My ex & I broke up, & he had the dog. I wanted to take him, but couldn't because my landlord doesn't allow dogs. My ex eventually gave him away. Fortunately, it was to a loving family. I know because I tracked them down. However, that was back in February, & I miss & think of him every day. He was my puddin' pie. When I saw your Peach, she reminded me of him with those beautiful soft brown eyes. I'm sure she's going to do fabulously well with her new family.

08-27-2004, 02:32 PM
I'm so happy Peach got a good home...she deserves one. It must be terribly hard giving her up Sara, but always keep in your heart the good times you had together. ;) Hopefully her new family will keep in contact with you? Maybe send you pictures? Hope so! Jan

08-27-2004, 08:03 PM
Sara, glad Peach is doing ok. I hope you might be able to visit her or at least get pics. I hope you're doing well.

08-27-2004, 09:11 PM
oh sara! I am so glad for peach and you! I know that Peach is YOUR baby... but at least she didn't go to outdoor pen or the humane society. When I moved to MA., I fully intended on getting my dog back after a one year period (let my ex keep her for one year while I settled) but by then, Amber was settled herself and fine with my ex's parents, quite happy and living the high heaven that I, as a student and working knew i couldn't provide her. She lived her long life happily with 2 owners and didn't seem to mind (just me!) We have to remind ourselves that THEY are happy. It would be nice if you could visit her, is that possible? Again, I am so glad that she is ok and in a home, that is what counts!

Sara Manasseh
08-28-2004, 12:50 PM
Peach's new owner has promised pictures. I can't wait!

I'm not visiting Peach at her new home because her new owner is worried that that would confuse Peach. I want to respect her wishes. My beautiful dog will fit in and grow to love her new family greatly, I am sure. Peach has lots of love to give, and takes to people quickly, and in a deep way.

I like the image the vet technician gave me; she said she saw Peach riding around town in the owner's truck, sitting in the front passenger seat and looking happy, with her head up high. That's my dog!


08-28-2004, 07:14 PM
Well that is just great! I hope they send some pics via digital (can you ask?) as I am sure many of us on pet talk would love to see her in her new environs! Hope you are sleeping well with this! Have yet to see what is happening with Cora! Take care- You DID GOOD!!

Sara Manasseh
08-28-2004, 07:37 PM
thanks! I would have been hard pressed to have gotten the job done without help from you and PT...


08-29-2004, 05:45 AM
i didnt see this thread until now but i'm so glad everything worked out for Peach!!! you did a GREAT job making sure your baby went to a place as wonderful as she is. Cheers.

Take care