View Full Version : parvo virus

09-30-2000, 02:20 PM
can anyone tell me about parvo?
and what i can do to help my dogs,they have been to the vet and all he could tell me was to push fluids.

09-30-2000, 09:55 PM
Does your dog have parvo now? I don't mean to alarm you, but if so, please be aware that the disease could kill a dog in 2 to 3 days, if it is a severe case. Get veterinary help ASAP if it seems to be. I've seen shows on TV that showed puppies with parvo hooked up to IV drips, and the pups did not look well at all. Your vet told you to push fluids to prevent dehydration that comes with the diarrhea that these dogs get.
If your dog does not have Parvo right now, there are Parvo vaccinations that can be given at the vet's office.
All the best to your dog!