View Full Version : Awesome Lucifer Lizard

09-25-2014, 01:52 AM
Oh, Lucifer, we are so very glad you are now in a good home! You must have been so cramped and uncomfortable in that small tank at your old home! You look great now, though - must be all the kale and goodies they feed you! We are glad your people were patient and let you become used to humans being friendly, and did not give up at the first hiss or tail whipping. I would pet you if I could, just to see your happy head bobs! I hope you have good, long life being a loved lizard, and your past fades into a distant memory!

We know Lucifer means Light Bearer - and will think of you that way, as the guy you are named after was once an angel, and we know you are an angel, in lizard form!

09-25-2014, 07:56 AM
Congratulations on being Pet of the Day.
People need to do research when they get exotic pets.
Fortunately you now have a family who knows what to do.
You can tell how happy you are, each picture, you have a smile on your face.

09-25-2014, 09:27 AM
Greetings Lucifer! Happy Pet of the Day to you!!!:)

You truly are a survivor, Lucifer, and your transformation is nothing short of miraculous! Looking at your beautiful, healthy self, seeing all of those heartwarming pics of you looking SO content, is truly an inspiration! It's heartbreaking, thinking how neglected you were during your formative years. But blessedly you landed in a committed, responsible, Iguana savvy forever home, in the loving care of humans who will love and cherish you all the days of your life! It took a bit of time and patience for you to heal, physically and emotionally, to learn to trust humans, but just look at how your true inner spirit shines now!:cool: You're finally living the good life, and deservedly so!

Enjoy your well earned day of honor, beautiful boy, tanning in the sun on your pedestal, perhaps taking a stroll around the 'hood with your humans, chowing down on yummy treats, being loved and pampered to pieces!:)

Lots of love to you, beautiful Lucifer! Long and happy life to you!:love::love::love:

*Just look at that smile!*


09-25-2014, 02:04 PM
It is so heartwarming to see Lucifer looking so content and relaxed and totally handsome of course! So glad he has the best , loving family to care for him and all of his needs now. Hurrrray for Lucifer, our spectacular POTD!