View Full Version : Rest in Peace Chase 01/07

03-18-2007, 09:29 PM
On November 9th of 2006 it was 3 years since my father passed away & everytime that year mark hits it hits hard. My fiance knowing how hard this
time of the year was got me a kitten from the shelter who was 8 weeks at the time. He has the most precious thing and always the center of attention with his 7 toes on each of his front paws and 6 on his back. He loved to cuddle all of the time and especially loved it when i would sing him right to sleep. Lets just say he was little bundle of joy. In december we went to visit
the shelter again and found a litter of 2 week old pitbulls and ready for adoption seeing the mother was not with them. We couldnt resist when we seen the little girl who we now have.(Neelah) Chase & Neelah became
the best of friends. The played together,slept together,and even at together.
Well it was one night in January when Chase was jumping from counter to counter.. as usual there was no stopping him. If we blocked off the kitchen he just found a way to get right back in there.Well, as he was jumping to the counter he missed and fell then he broke his neck. It was the most terrible thing i ever had to witness because there was nothing i could do. There it was weeks after he had been gone and Neelah was still looking around for him. She'd realise she wasnt finding him then she would lay down & start to
cry.. everytime i seen her cry it would always make me cry.We had a stool in the bedroom that chase used to sleep on and we'd wake up in the middle of the night to neelah barking at it. There are days my cousin will bring over her cat and neelah gets overly excited but then when she gets up close to him and realises it isnt him she mopes around the rest of the night. So i dedicate this memorial and i love you to Chase...
you are missed dealry baby and momma,daddy,& neelah loves you.


03-19-2007, 09:44 AM
Chase is at the Rainbow Bridge with the Pet Angel Army , and misses you all and Neelah.
Hes still a jumper, but now he has wings so he can soar all over the World wherever the Pet Angels visit.And he still visits and keeps in touch and lets Neelah know that hes there.
And Chase will see all his friends when you are all reunited at the Rainbow Bridge.
One Fine Day.

03-19-2007, 07:43 PM
O how tragic!!! and Chase was just being a kitten!! He knows how much you love and still miss him. Sleep softly, sweet Chase...

03-20-2007, 09:02 AM
Chase being a kitten, has a special job at the RB, reminding and teaching the older ones who have just passed over how much fun it is to play again and not have pain and suffering holding them back. He's going to be busy but he'll alway remember you, his mom. And he'll be waiting to greet you again at the RB. A candle burns for you both.