View Full Version : my best buddy is gone and i m sad

01-14-2007, 10:21 PM

i saved both of them from the street;

the grey one was gone 2 weeks before christmas, it was a nice female cat, i had it since two mo, her name was "petite lady"

the black onewas very sick , find him a year ago, and he become my best body, he was old maybe 12 ...
i never had a cat like him before, his name was "bibi"

c'etait mon meilleur amis et il me manque beaucoup

jan 12, he wasn't home, and i was looking for him day and night after that , he was obei like a dog, i just had to call him and he was comming to me,

i was loving as my child, but it hurt now

i just had a bad information today ;

one of my neigbours kill him for fun, i m desapointed, i can't believe some stupid people can do that, legally i can't even do anything,

anyway he's dead, and "petite lady" is not here anymore olso,

i m sure they are both in heaven

--- i just find this website and i post here for just tell how sad i am right now ,

don't let your pet going outside, be carreful and give them a lot of love.

01-14-2007, 10:58 PM
That is horrible!! I am so sorry!! :(

01-16-2007, 03:52 PM
thecatsaver-one of my neighbors killed him for fun.

I'm so sorry for what happened to your buddy kitty. That jerk is so mean and...and...well, he's/she's a jerk. I just can't believe somebody would do that :mad:
Isn't that animal cruelity??? Shouldn't they get arrested for that??

01-16-2007, 04:19 PM
thank you for your reply,

i just come from aninal control this morning talk about that, and there is nothing to do, unless somebody witness what he did , look like nobody care about cats here,

just hope the guy will get what he deserve one day , i m sure my buddy's are in heaven now, but the way they went overthere is what 's heart me the most.

i miss BIBI a lot since last thursday , he was more than a cat for me.




01-16-2007, 04:25 PM
BIBI is on the Rainbow Bridge. He is on his way to the Heavens. He knows you loved him and always will.
Good Luck, BIBI :(

01-16-2007, 05:58 PM
It's stories like this that just make me nearly vomit. Bibi looks like my Boo Bear. It would break my heart to think someone would want to hurt him. I'm so sorry for your loss but he's at the RB, waiting til you're reunited. Take comfort in that he's well and happy and not in pain.


01-16-2007, 07:08 PM
Les pauvres bebes!


Il y a un pont qui relie le Paradis et la Terre. On l'appelle le 'Pont de l'Arc-en-Ciel' à cause de ses nombreuses couleurs. Au bout du Pont de l'Arc-en-Ciel, il y a un pays de prairies, de collines et de vallées luxuriantes.

Quand un de nos compagnons décède, il va là-bas. Il y a toujours de la nourriture et un temps printannier. Les animaux vieux et faibles sont jeunes à nouveau. Ceux qui ont été blessés ou mutilés sont de nouveau en pleine forme. Ils jouent ensemble toute la journée.

Une chose manque tout de meme : ils ne sont pas avec ceux qui les ont aimés sur terre. Alors, chaque jour ils courent et jouent, jusqu'au moment où l'un d'eux s'arrete soudain de jouer et regarde en l'air. Son nez s'agite ! Ses yeux fixent l'horizon ! Et tout d'un coup, il s'éloigne en courant du groupe, volant au-dessus de l'herbe verte, ses jambes le portant de plus en plus vite.

Il vous a vu, et, quand vous vous rencontrez, vous prenez votre compagnon dans vos bras, et vous l'étreignez. Les bisous pleuvent sur votre visage encore et encore et encore, et vous dévisagez une fois de plus votre ami tant adoré.

Alors vous traversez ensemble le Pont de l'Arc-en-Ciel, pour ne plus jamais être séparé.

Auteur inconnu

01-17-2007, 02:04 PM
I am so sorry for your loss, the are all in heaven looking down.
I know that it's hard right now but you will heal in time.

My thoughts are with you


01-17-2007, 02:42 PM
Thanks all for your support!

merci pour le pont de l arc en ciel .

01-22-2007, 07:02 PM
Bibi And The Petite Lady Have Thier Wings Now, And Are The Guests Of Honor With The Pet Angel Army Now Vacationing In The Bahamas.
Theres Going To Be A Picnic On The Beach With Seafood, Conches And Steaks.
And Pray That That Killer Gets His Just Desserts.
And Those Cats Are Waiting For You To Be Thier Companion And Will Join You In Paradise.
One Fine Day.

01-30-2007, 09:18 AM
thats just nasty why do people have to do things like that R.I.P little buddy sorry for your loss hope josh and sophie are looking after you (my cats).

01-30-2007, 10:34 AM
I am at loss for words other than I am so sorry for your loss. Your babies are there playing with all of our babies there at Rainbow Bridge.