View Full Version : In Memory Of Cookie

12-19-2006, 06:40 PM
One year ago my grandmom's cat, Cookie, died. She lived as long as she could, but my grandmom just had to put her down. Cookie suffered a lot. She had siezures almost everyday and night. She could barly meow and walk around. :(

Cookie was a great cat. She was born as a stray. Her mother had other kittens along with Cookie, but they all died because they were very sick. My grandmom found Cookie and her mother in her neighbor's backyard. She took them in and fed them.

One day my grandmom took Cookie to the vet for her usual check up, but Cookie didn't like it at all. She was scared of the dogs she was in the room with and was scared because it was too loud. Many people say cats forget a lot but not Cookie. After that day she was scared of everything. The only person she would let to pet her was me and my grandmom. She trusted us. She knew we would never hurt her.

Now I really miss Cookie. She was a great cat even though she stayed in hiding whenever I (or anyone else) came over. I loved her so much! Oh, Cookie! I love you! :(

RIP: Cookie

12-19-2006, 07:00 PM
That is so sad, I never knew u have an cat name cookie.
What did he look like? :confused:

12-19-2006, 07:20 PM
Cookie loves his life as a Pet Angel.
The Pet Angels gave him his wings right away , and has travelled All over the World.Hes having a Great Time, but that will become even better when his Guardians join him and the love starts all over again.
One Fine Day.

12-19-2006, 07:57 PM
It is good to have those sweet memories of Cookie!!! She knew she was loved by you and your grandmother, and she will never forget that!! Sleep softly, dear Cookie....

12-20-2006, 02:34 PM
-Answer HorseDreamer101-

Cookie was a black and white cat. I'm not so sure what kind of breed she was. I ask my grandmom tonight. I'll get back to you with that question today or tomorrow!

Thank you everyone for making me feel less sad about Cookies death. Cookie was a speacial cat and will always be in my heart!

12-20-2006, 03:30 PM
-Answer HorseDreamer101-

Cookie was a Tuxedo cat. She was black and white with beautiful yellow eyes! :)

Don't you remember seeing her at my grandmom Pat's house? You saw Cookie a couple times before she died. :( Now my grandmom has Mickey!

12-20-2006, 05:40 PM
Poor Cookie... at least she is at peace now. Hopefully she'll meet up with Bear and Mac and play together.