View Full Version : Kitty Boy....

11-03-2006, 02:12 PM
My poor little Kitty Boy- he had multiple myeloma and died a few months ago. It was heart-wrenching to take him to the vet and have him put to sleep, I don't care how many times I hear what a "kind, loving & humane" thing I did! It was awful! I had him for about 12 years and he was the most loving cat I've ever had. He had a personality that was unparalleled! He is sort of a legend throught my extended family, that is how unique & special he was. I work in a funeral home, so I had some resources.... and I had a funeral for him in my back yard, where we buried him. Sounds silly to some, I'm sure, but I cannot stress enough how much it helped me through the grieving process. I HIGHLY recommend it! He was buried in a baby casket, complete with a tiny casket spray on top. We lowered him into the ground and a dear clergy friend of mine volunteered his time and we had a brief service for him. It was really great! Kitty Boy deserved it, for sure.

On a lighter note, I've since adopted a 5 y.o. Bengal- he's gorgeous and what a loverboy!

To all who come here with a heavy heart- I am so sorry for you- I know very well how bad it feels. If it's any consolation, it does help to have another kitty to love.


11-03-2006, 02:21 PM
Thank you for sharing some of the life of your Kitty Boy.
He was fortunate to have a loving environment.

We like to remember our Bridge babies here. Please come join us in all the forums.

Godspeed to the Rainbow Bridge, Kitty Boy

11-03-2006, 03:33 PM
Laura, you are so right. A proper funeral DOES help. And really, a gravesite visit is a calming thing, too.

But nothing will take away that awful empty feeling in the pit of your chest, even another little one to love or time, although both help.

You gave Kitty Boy 12 good years of love and devotion and he'll give them back to you in memories to cherish.

Rest in Peace, little Kitty Boy.

Laura's Babies
11-03-2006, 04:18 PM
You were so lucky to be able to give your fur baby such a funeral as you did. It IS hard to loose one and it does help to get another one, although some need to catch their breath first.

11-03-2006, 05:23 PM
Thats woderful that you were able to have a service for Kitty Boy.
I wish I could have done that for The Found Cat Angels.
And noone is happier than Kitty Boy that you gave that Bengal a second chance at a Furr Ever Home.
And hes withe the Pet Angels now, taking notes so you can enjoy your time when youre together again.
One Fine Day.

11-03-2006, 07:09 PM
What a nice reply- thank you! :D Yes, Ringo is here to stay. I told myself after Kitty Boy died I would not go through that pain again, but......... you know how it goes....!

Here are a couple pics of the new Boy! Tell me about your Kitty babies!

11-03-2006, 07:15 PM
My goodness- I am overwhelmed by the nice comments here- thank you! I think it would be a great idea, profitable too, to start a pet funeral business. People are torn to pieces when their pets die and society does not want us to grieve- they think we should just "get over it," .... after all, it was ONLY an animal!

11-03-2006, 07:17 PM
You've got some cutie pies there- great pics!

Laura's Babies
11-03-2006, 10:17 PM
Pensacola, Florida is the only place I know that has a pet cemetary and I think it was full years ago. To me, there is a need for places for people to be able to go find the things you had for your baby and a place to bury them (other than in the back yard).

Kitty Boy's grave is simply beautiful, one of the nicest I have seen. All these babies deserve good homes, pampered lives, and a nice send off to Rainbow Bridge when the time comes.

11-03-2006, 11:44 PM
I told myself after Kitty Boy died I would not go through that pain again, but......... you know how it goes....!

So little time and so much love to give and receive.
Don't waste a minute. They really need us.

11-06-2006, 06:44 PM
Oooooohhh, that title reminds me of the Stephen King novel! Anyway- there is a pet cemetery not too far from where I live, but I am so happy to have Kitty Boy here in my back yard- close to me.

I gotta tell y'all this: My boss was the person who got me the baby casket and the spray of flowers. He went to the vet (2 days after I had him put down), picked up my Boy, placed him in the casket- he curled him up in a kitty-like position in the casket. I took one last look at him before we sealed the casket & lowered him into his grave. In fact, my boss even dug the grave in the POURING RAIN! Some boss, eh?

I feel like everyone's gonna get tired of hearing about all this, but I thought it was a nice story.