View Full Version : Our best friend stuie

stuies mom
10-02-2006, 03:26 AM
Our best friend stuie had to be put to sleep today.
He was 21 y/o and up to about a week ago he was doing fine.Hyperthyroid disease and old age just got the best of this spunky tabby.We did everything we could to keep him healthy and when he became very ill, we did what we thought would make him comfortable.The vet wanted us to bring him down but we decided to let him go in piece as she said he would probably not make it back to us.
The reason he is so special to us is that he adopted us.One day prior to meeting my husband,Stuie barged into my husbands house,after being taken out of the house he was right back there the next day.Well my husband could not resist and Stuie moved in.This was also a time when my husband experienced a great loss in his life so Stuie was needed more than he knew,or maybe he did know? He still played outside every day but would charge into the house when he came home.When I moved in Stuie welcomed me with open arms and I haved loved him since that day.He was so independent we had to iinstall a Kitty door for him which made him so happy.When he came in from playing outside he always said hello and would not stop meowing until you said hello.I could go on and on about my best friend stuie as he will be deeply missed.

10-02-2006, 09:24 AM
A Cat who had 21 Years of a Very Good Life is a very fortunate Cat indeed.
It must be very difficult not seeing Stuie , as after 21 yeras you would be so used of seeing and loving your Companion.
Stuies an Angel now, and while hes very happy, he will drop in on you and see how you are doing, until you are reunited with Stuie at The Rainbow Bridge.
One Fine Day.

10-02-2006, 12:30 PM
I'm sorry for your loss of stuie. the fact that he was an outdoor cat part of the time and lived to be 21 says alot for how well you cared for him and loved him! it sounds like that kitty door sure made him happy! you know he loved you and is watching over you now.these next couple weeks will be the hardest. soon all the memories will make you happy, not sad. open up the photo albums and hang pictures of him on the wall, when you are ready.

stuies mom
10-02-2006, 09:55 PM
Thanks for your thoughts,We miss him so much already.It is so hard coming home and not seeing him, as he always waited by the door for us to come home.i know the sadness will go away but right now we just feel so sad.

Killearn Kitties
10-03-2006, 01:37 AM
What a wonderful cat Stuie sounds. I am sure that you miss him very much indeed, but if you want to go on and on about him, there is no better place to do it than here, where people understand how much it hurts to lose a beloved furry friend. We will be happy to listen to more stories of Stuie.

Rest in peace Stuie, but don't forget to watch over your people for us, they miss you very much.

10-03-2006, 04:00 PM
Stuie was surrounded by your love for so many years!!! How lucky you both were to have a relationship that long!!! Sleep softly, sweet Stuie....

stuies mom
10-04-2006, 08:32 PM
Thanks again to all of your kind words.Today I picked up Stuie's ashes at the Oldest Pet Cemetary in the world.The Hartsdale cemetary and Crematory in Hartsdale NY.It was founded by a Very wealthy man who donated the land to people who wanted to honor thier pets.They also pay special tribute to pets that served in the army as well as pets that lost thier lives in 9/11.It was so sad to be there but I found comfort in all the love that people gave to thier Pets.Our best friend Stuie is now with us forever.

10-05-2006, 06:57 AM
Stuie lived the ideal cat's life. Long, happy and with a gentle conclusion.
We can see how much you loved him, and how much he'll be missed.

Godspeed to the Bridge, Stuie.

10-07-2006, 11:51 AM
Sorry to hear about the loss of your Stuie...sounds like he had a wonderful, long life and plenty of fun with you and your husband. Why can't they live forever? No matter how long they're with us, it's never long enough. RIP, sweet Stuie.

10-12-2006, 04:22 PM
I'm so sorry for your loss of Stuie.That's so sad :(

stuies mom
10-15-2006, 08:30 PM
Its been two weeks since we lost the Stuebs (Stuie) and for those of you who have lost a pet recently it does get better with time.Still miss him but we are remembering all the loveable things about him and have placed his picture on the fireplace.
Thanks again

10-15-2006, 09:53 PM
Stuie sounds like he was an awesome cat! I'm so sorry for your loss. But like Rosethecopycat said, Stuie lived the perfect cats life with people who loved him unconditionally. Stuie was truly blessed to have such wonderful people in his life.

RIP Stuie. Know that you were loved and cherished. :(

10-16-2006, 09:25 AM
What a wonderful life your Stuie had and how fortunate you were to have 21 wonderful years with him! We lost our beloved Leo (Bobo) 3 months ago and it is still so hard coming home at the end of the day without him to greet us. Time does help to heal the pain but we never forget our special friends.

10-16-2006, 09:34 AM
SO sorry to hear about the passing of precious Stuie. :( But what a wonderful long life he had. think of all the memories you will have to cherish him with.

My beloved Lucas is gond almost 4 months now and although the grief gets easier the empty spot is still there. Because no other pet will ever be THAT pet, they are unique unto themselves.

RIP Stuie. Have fun at the bridge.

stuies mom
10-16-2006, 09:25 PM
I totally agree with the above posts.stuie was actually my first pet and will always be remembered and stay close in my heart

stuies mom
12-15-2006, 02:34 AM
It has been two months since we lost stuie and it just amazes me how he touched everyone who met him.I was Holiday shopping and ran into a friend of mine that i have not seen in a long time.The first thing she said was How is Stuie?.Not how is your family,husband etc. :)
We miss him alot but have great memories of our best friend.

12-15-2006, 05:18 AM
It has been two months since we lost stuie and it just amazes me how he touched everyone who met him.I was Holiday shopping and ran into a friend of mine that i have not seen in a long time.The first thing she said was How is Stuie?.Not how is your family,husband etc. :)
We miss him alot but have great memories of our best friend.
That's really nice how people remember your Stuie so well.I bet that makes you feel so good when people mention him.
I was a hairstylist 27 years and when I lived in Massachusetts...I'd run into my clients at the market all the time and everyone would ask about my KiKi and BooBoo.I loved when people mentioned them.They were my closest to my heart.
I'm sure all your friends knew how much you loved Stuie too and if they met him,they loved him as well just seeing the love between you guys.
I hope your doing OK.I know how hard it is :(

12-16-2006, 09:40 AM
stuie was actually my first pet and will always be remembered and stay close in my heart

This is so true ... Although I have not had or lost many pets, they are all with me in spirit and I will always cherish the time I had with them.

Stuie chose to be with you and you gave him the best life. His spirit will never leave and soon you will smile when you think about him and the joy he brought to your life.

Rest in peace sweet boy and visit mommy often - she will like that.

Hugs, Betty

stuies mom
12-17-2006, 10:44 PM
Thanks everyone for your warm thoughts.