View Full Version : Keeper

07-06-2006, 11:35 PM
I've read lots of fantastic stories during all my years on Pettalk, but this one, really made me reinforce my belief in miracles. I'm so thrilled that Keeper turned out to be a Keeper! It's so cool to be able to spend 24/7 with her! I love velcro dogs too! Congratulations sweet Keeper on your prestigious honor as our Dog of the day!

07-07-2006, 05:49 AM
Such a wonderful ending, to a horrible beginning.

Keeper, you are one terrific pupster. And lucky to boot.

Congratulations for being The Dog of the Day!

Hugs and kisses to you. I suspect you get lots of these anyway, each day.

From Sas and the Campers :)

07-07-2006, 06:22 AM
Keeper...You are so beautiful. I am so glad that you found a lot of people to love and take such good care of you. You derserve it. An animal can bring you so much love and comfort. They know when you feel good and when you feel bad. They give unconditional love. I could not live without mine. They are a member of the family. You are a member of the family now to Keeper.
I also love your name. Keeper, I hope you and your family will have a long and wonderful life together.
A Dog lover :p :p :p

07-07-2006, 06:35 AM
Keeper your sweet story had me moved practically to tears. Aren't you the clever one to jump right into that car! ;) I agree with Karen. Some things are almost magical in the way they unfold in our lives. Your story is an absolutely perfect example of this. :) I know you and your human are going to have many wonderful years together and I thank them for sharing your story with us. It sure started my day off with a smile. :) Oh, and by the way, I love your name! :cool:

Daisy and Delilah
07-07-2006, 06:38 AM
We're just smiling all over after reading your story little girl. What a wonderful day that was when you chose your new Mom. You were destined to be with her weren't you? We can picture you sitting in that car, like it was meant to be on that fateful day. Did we mention how cute we think you are too? We love your shiny brindle coat. You're just adorable sweetie and we would love to scoop you up and give you tons of kisses. Thanks to your loving Mom for saving you and also for making us feel like dancing at our house this morning. We love you Keeper!! Enjoy your day and congratulations. We hope your day is filled with fun, fun, and more fun. If ever there was a keeper sweetheart, that is certainly you!! Happiness always and kisses for Keeper from us please Mom!! :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

07-07-2006, 11:05 AM
Just look at that sweet face!! It is sure easy to see why everyone loves you and your story certainly touches the heart strings.

And now here you are..........our very own DOG OF THE DAY!

I wish you such a long and happy life - and all of the loving and treats you can handle.


07-07-2006, 11:30 AM
Hi, Keeper! What a lucky little girl you are that you were adopted and are loved now! And it's great that you get to go to work every day with your human. I wish I could bring my doggie to work with me. I bet you get tons of attention and make the work atmosphere so much better! Enjoy your special day today. Congrats on DOTD! :D

blue girl
07-07-2006, 12:42 PM
Keeper, what a cutie you are! Your markings are very interesting--you almost look like a pitbull chihuahua! How lucky for you to have been in the right place at the right time and to have your forever home with such a great family! Congratulations on being Dog of the Day!

07-07-2006, 01:58 PM
What a GREAT STORY Keeper!!! You sound like you knew where to take a nap. AND maybe "YOU" adopted your MOM and not the other way around!!! SHHHHH... we won't tell Mommy! Have a great DOTD day Keeper - you deserve it!!!

Ginger's Mom
07-07-2006, 02:58 PM
Oh Keeper, it was such a pleasure to meet you today, sweetie. You are definitely one smart little girl who knew exactly where to lay and what car to jump into. ;) I am so glad to hear how well everything has turned out for you. From a stray to a celebrated Dog of the Day. What a story. :) Congratulations to you sweet Keeper, and lots of extra kisses and attention for you today!

07-07-2006, 03:38 PM
All I can say is what a LUCKY dog you are Keeper!! Cute name too.

Good job on charming everyone!

07-07-2006, 03:50 PM
It's hard to add to all the wonderful comments of other community members. :) I'm so glad you have a warm and loving home and a warm and loving job. ;) The fact that the boss wanted you to be taken to the vet's for an exam, really touches my heart. :) Sweetie, happy DOTD to you, the folks at home, and the folks at work. :cool:

07-07-2006, 03:52 PM
Way to go, Keeper !

When i first saw your photo i thought you were a pit bull but you're much, much better, congrats on being DOTD ! :D

07-07-2006, 04:06 PM
Oh Keeper! What a beautiful, heartwarming, life affirming tale of rescue! Keeper, you had me at jumping into the passenger side of the car:) I don't know who's luckier, you or your wonderful family, your loving co-workers and fans!!! A "keeper," that you are, for sure and one precious soul!:) I'm so, so happy to know that forever and always you will be safe, warm, loved, cherished and adored, just as you should be!:) Congratulations to you and your proud family, dear Keeper! I hope for you and your devoted family, a lifetime of unconditional love and companionship!:) Big hugs and kisses to you, sweetheart! Have a happy and fun filled Dog of the Day celebration and please have your Mom give some yummy treats for me, something your really, really love:D WE LOVE KEEPER! <3

07-07-2006, 04:21 PM
What a beautiful story. :) I'll bet you were waiting for just the right
person to come along and sure enough, they did. A special person who
would see what a great treasure you are. Happy congratulations on
being our very deserving DOG OF THE DAY.Wishing you a long, happy
and healthy life sweetheart. :)

07-07-2006, 10:16 PM
I wanted to save my reply as "last" but not "least", as everyone before me said such wonderful things about Keeper.

As for me,

I pray that I am so fortunate a person , to be in the right place at the right time.

I want my next dog to be a miracle in the making, just like Keeper.

Her photo , along with her story, hold the ingredients for a fine " Fairy Tale" come true.

susan Kelly
07-11-2006, 02:59 AM
Thank you so much for taking the initiative and realising that this little helpless creature was indeed lost! I had a similar experience some years ago when a large mixed breed wandered into my office car park one cold rainy day. I knew he was lost so I popped him into my car and covered him with a blanket. He was so exhausted he slept for five hours straight poor thing. Unfortunately I had to take him to the local pound as no-one could take him home and I wasn't able myself sadly, but I will never forget him and I still feel bad today for not being able to rescue him. So big congrats for doing so! :)