View Full Version : Couillion!!

07-03-2006, 06:58 AM
Hey boy, it's so nice to meet you! You are quite an attractive dog who just seemed to pop into your people's lives. You seem to make quite an impact on those around you and I'm sure have great things in store in the coming years. Congrats DOTD!!! :D

07-03-2006, 07:40 AM
Hi, Couillion! You are very handsome. Love your coat! You look very playful in that photo. Seems like you hit the doggie lotto when you chose your adoptive family. You knew what you were doing! It's great that you are so loved and well cared for. Enjoy your special day today. Congrats on DOTD! :D

07-03-2006, 08:25 AM
Our Cattle Dog "Jasmine" insisted that we give you a BIG hello this morning!
She thinks you are one gorgeous blue heeler......

Wow, it's great that you found and joined such a wonderful family!! You are one pampered pooch......
Jasmine used to be a frisbee freak too--but a torn ligament ended that, so YOU be careful chasing that disc.
You are young and it's wonderful that you have gotten training --very important with any breed but especially with the herding dogs--and we hope you have fun burning off all that pup energy!!

Jasmine sends you dog treats and belly scratches......congrat's on being in the spot light today.....

Jasmine's Mom

07-03-2006, 08:30 AM
Hi, Couillion!

It seems like your family loves you very much, and you are a spoiled little guy! :D At first, I thougt you were my Ellie Mae when I came here this morning! You're really that cute!

Have a great day sweetie, and congrats on being our Dog Of The Day! :D

07-03-2006, 12:47 PM
Couillion...You are a very handsome fellow. I beleive that you are loved very much. Congratulations on DOTD. Have a wonderful life. :p :p :p

07-03-2006, 02:20 PM
Hi there handsome Couillion! Wow, what a great name:D Yes, I've heard you Blue Heelers are "spirited!";) I loved reading your human's wonderful write up, what a great story! Your family may not have been looking for a pup but fate has a way of deciding these things for us and I can tell from her proud words, that she doesn't regret your serendipitous arrival one bit!:) As for you sweetheart, well, you knew just what you were doing when you chose your humans, didn't you!!!:) Dogs teach us so much about life, most of all, they teach us what unconditional love is all about, what a precious gift! I had to smile when read of your nightime ritual...

Not to mention my constant worry of him having bad breath, so I brush his teeth at night right along with cleaning his ears, washing his face and softening his paw pads with moisturizer.

Now, are we sure your Mom's not running a doggie spa?;) Wow, what a much loved, pampered pooch you are!:D

It was a joy meeting you today, Couillion! I hope for you and your wonderful family a long and happy lifetime of unconditional love and devoted companionship! Enjoy your well earned day in the Pet Talk spotlight, precious boy! Hope your Dog of the Day celebration is a very happy one, filled with endless Frisbee throwing, treats and lots and lots of love!:) Big hugs to you from me, too! Yay, Couillion!!!

blue girl
07-03-2006, 03:30 PM
Couillion, what a heart-warming story! It sounds like you were an angel sent from heaven. I'm so happy for you and your family--that you found eachother and that every thing is working out so good for all of you. Congratulations on being Dog of the Day!

07-03-2006, 04:03 PM
Hello Couillion,

What a beautiful smile you have sweetie.It's good to meet you & read
a little about your life story.I am very happy that you were found by great
people who loved your spirited & loving ways.Happy congrats to you on
being chosen for honors today as our very deserving DOG OF THE DAY. :)
I wish you a long, happy & healthy life.

Daisy and Delilah
07-03-2006, 04:56 PM
What a beautiful name you have sweetie. We also think you're a very very handsome boy at that. We love how you're living the good life now as a pampered pupperoo. Your humans take better care of you than some people do of themselves ;) We absolutely love it. It was a fateful day when your family got you and we're thrilled to hear how it all turned out. Congrats on your big day doll face!! We hope you've been having fun all day and we wish you happiness always. Kisses to you from us here in Florida :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

susan Kelly
07-03-2006, 06:45 PM
Hi Couillion from DownUnder in Aussie!! What a beautiful Blue Heeler/Cattle Dog you are and no wonder you want to run, you are built to run all day!
And to your human pals - don't worry too much about putting moisturiser on his paws , he needs them to be fairly tough to withstand hot and cold under foot. As well if you feed raw meaty beef bones two or three times a week that will help clean his teeth and gums and keep his mouth in top condition. He is a dog first and your pal second, hard as it may sound!! :)