View Full Version : Chelsey

06-25-2006, 06:32 PM
Chelsey our cat came into my life 16 years ago, after my first cat died. I found Chelsey at a county animal shelter. As I was there speaking to the person she stated they had no kittens, after speaking to the person, a lady came in with a litter of kittens, I inquired about them, and after some negotiating, Chelsey was in my arms driving home.

Chelsey was always there by me, my companion and friend. Every morning she was there having coffee with me. 1 arm on the coffee cup and one arm hanging down, she would be purring as I petted her. It was her way of saying good morning to me. Coming home from work, she was there looking at me, of course for food, she knew I would feed her, even though she may have already been fed. But she knew. When she was younger she would come up on the couch and lay on my stomach or the arm of the couch purring away.

As she got older she was always at the couch waiting for my hand to come down. She couldnt get up on the couch anymore, but she always looked for me.

Last year she developed renal failure, my wife and I had to make a decision to put her down or keep her alive, we chose to keep her alive, the vet said she would be ok for while as we had to give her IV Fluids. We kept her alive for about 1 1/2 years. We were devoted to keeping her comfortable. Last week Chelsey started urinating everywhere, this was a sign that it was the end, my wife and I made the decision to put her down. Friday I could not sleep and when Saturday came, I lost it and cried all day, our appointment at the vet was no better, she went peacefully. After the vet, I could not stop crying, had no appetite, and suffering from the lack of sleep, finally got to bed at 8:00 last night. This morning was no different, as I woke up at 4:00am as I could not sleep, pretty much all morning as I did not have my friend with me.

I even lost it at church this morning, but with friends who also lost pets, they were very supportive, and kept telling me, that Chelsey is in heaven pain free, I believe this and know someday I will see her again.

Today I found this site and thought I would write to tell a little story of Chelsey the cat. I miss Chelsey very much. We are bringing her ashes home where she belongs, but I know she is already home in heaven.

Thanks for the space to help me with the healing.


06-25-2006, 07:30 PM
She looks so sweet - old and rumpled, but LOVED! (Ever read the story 'The Velveteen Rabbit'? I just thought of it for Chelsey.)

Cry all you need to...she was family and more than that.

What a dear dear girl - and she had a longer and happier life because of the devotion of two loving people!

Prayers and hugs to you both.


06-25-2006, 07:46 PM
I had a cat, Naomi, who lived to be a little over 18 years old. She had kidney failure as well. I gave her fluids for six months but one day she couldn't walk anymore and that was it. It gets easier with time. Remember the good things. Yesterday, I had to put my cat Prudence to sleep who was only 5 years old. I wrote about her in another thread. Cats are so wonderful, but most of the time we outlive them.

06-26-2006, 06:35 AM
Chelsey was a good friend to you and your wife for so many years, and that is a blessing!!! Our Boo was getting the fluids for nearly four years. She did so well, but then it was time, and it happened so suddenly. Try to remember the good times, that is what we are doing now that we lost our Orangeman to lymphoma. Sleep softly dear Chelsey...

06-26-2006, 10:20 AM
Thank you all for the kind words. I couldnt go to work today because I now have a bad sinus headache, from crying all weekend. I am still distraught over losing Chelsey, yesterday I was out shopping with my wife and was having like an anxiety attack, wanting to get home to fire up my computer to see the pics of Chelsey. I actually felt better seeing her picture.

My wife and I have decided to get another cat, our daughters are very sad about Chelsey too, but excited that our decision to adopt another cat will happen.

I miss Chelsey very much, but have come to the conclusion that I love cats, even though we also have a dog, the house is empty without Chelsey. Another cat will not replace Chelsey, but to adopt another cat to share our love and to provide a good home to a cat that needs it, is probably the best thing for us.

I have a special place in my heart for Chelsey that I will never let go. She was truly loved and she loved us back. I also know in my heart that she is in heaven looking down at me and telling me she is without pain and just hangin out til we meet again.
