View Full Version : Hello Madison

06-14-2006, 09:07 AM
What a happy looking pup to see first thing in the morning. :) I am
so happy to see you sweetheart.I have a black lab mix named Maggie
and she is also a big fan of fetch. She, like you, never gets enough of
the game. Happy congratulations beautiful girl on being chosen as our
special DOG OF THE DAY. :) Big hugs & kisses sweetie, :)

finn's mom
06-14-2006, 10:07 AM
You are a pretty girl, Madison! My dog, Finn, has a friend in South Carolina named Madison (they call her Maddie). She's a yellow lab, too, but, she's almost white. Have a great day today, Dog of the Day!

06-14-2006, 11:46 AM
awww what a special girl you are! Congratulations on DOTD!!! :D :D :D :cool:

blue girl
06-14-2006, 11:48 AM
Madison, what a wonderful face to see when I got to work today! I have to admit that Labs are my absolute favorite, but you really are a pretty girl! What a great family you have; I can tell that you are very much loved by them! Congratulations on being Dog of the Day!

06-14-2006, 11:51 AM
I can imagine your ears flying straight out, parallel to the ground, during your open window car trips. :) I can also understand the kids away at college, wanting to see your pics first thing after opening email from home. :) You must keep mom and pop busy with the camera; it sounds as though you're up to the athletics involved in such an endeavor. :) Happy DOTD to you and your family. :) I know the kids are going to be especially happy today when they spot you on our community website. :cool:

06-14-2006, 02:32 PM
Hello Madison,

The picture of you as "Dog of the Day" is so suitable for framing. You are so beautiful!!!!

06-14-2006, 03:15 PM
Be still my Labbie loving heart:D Madsion, you are one awesome representative of your fabulous breed:D Life loving, fun loving, people loving, that's a Lab, that's YOU! lol My Lab Star agrees with you, outdoors and on the go is definitely the place to be and preferably, with your people! So, from your photo, looks like you were headed off on yet another fun adventure...so much living to do, right sweetheart?:) I hope you're enjoying a thoroughly labalicious day with your doggie pals and proud people, jam packed with all sorts of fun times, love and treats! Well, you are a Lab and we all know how you Labs love your treats!;) Big hugs, kisses and Labbie butt wiggles to you on your special day from me and my girl, Star! Yay Madison, our most beautiful and deserving DOG OF THE DAY!:)

06-14-2006, 06:35 PM
Madison, you are such a pretty girl. I wish my lab mix, Bella, could play with you. It must be so much fun for you to go camping with your people. Hope you get lots of hugs and treats today. Congratulations on being our DOTD.

06-14-2006, 06:39 PM
Madison, what a great photo of you looking out the window.
You sound like one pampered pooch....camping trips, dog parks, fetch....wow!

How nice it is to have such caring guardians:)

You're still very young--I bet you have tons of energy. Congrat's on being todays Dog of the Day--

'treats and tummy rubs from us.

Jasmine's Mom

06-14-2006, 09:11 PM
Hi there, beautiful Madison! :) You sound like you are very special and I hope you get to play extra hard today with your mommy! :) Enjoy your special day, sweetie pie and congrats on being our dotd! :)

06-14-2006, 11:26 PM
Ah! another beautiful, loving, clever, happy Labbie to fall in love with! I'm in line to give you oodles of hugs and kisses and wish you a fantastic day!

Minnie, Patches, and Jesse
06-29-2006, 03:47 PM
Hi, you cutie head!!!! :cool: Everyone who I show your picture to adores you!! Make sure mommy gives u tons of treats!! I had tons of fun readin ur bio! :eek: Congrats on bein DOTD!!!!

Love, Minnie the Maltese, Patches the Sheltie, and Jesse the Golden Retriever! ;)