View Full Version : Molly!

06-12-2006, 01:37 AM
Oh my goodness. I can't believe I am the first one to meet and greet you Molly and I can see the puppy mischief in your eyes. :) I would like to suggest that you have a great deal of Greater Swiss Mountain Dog in your background. In fact when I looked at your breed I was expecting to see pure bred Swissie. My daughter now has her second swissie and you could have fallen out of the family tree. Whatever your past, it looks like your future is bright. You have a family who is smitten with you, a fur sibling to play with and have walked away with the coveted title of Dog of the Day! ;)

This is my granddog, Harlee, as a puppy. See what I mean? :)
By the way, if you are a swissie you are going to be a very big girl. Harlee is 85 lbs. now. :) :)

06-12-2006, 05:33 AM
Hi Molly,

What is that you are playing with in the picture? Gosh, you are gorgeous :eek: I think you are a swissie after looking at the picture of Harlee that was posted by Pam. Your markings look almost idenical. Your family is so lucky Molly, whatever your breed. Congratulations to you as The Dog of the Day.

Daisy and Delilah
06-12-2006, 06:07 AM
It seems our "cuteness overload" warning is missing here this morning Miss Molly! You're such a cute little girl. That pine cone looks so big next to you but we too think you're going to be a pretty big girl someday. It won't be long until those pine cones are like bite sized morsels. Right girl?? ;) The resemblance to gorgeous Harlee is remarkable. No matter how you grow up, Molly, you'll be a very attractive, beautiful, girl. We hope Mum can join us here at Pet Talk and post pictures of your progression. We would love it!! Congrats on your big day sweetie pie. We hope you have a really fun day, celebrating and loving all the things you get to do. Please have your loving family give you some big kisses from us(Nippy too ;) ) and we wish you happiness always!! :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in "We Think It's Going to Rain" Florida :cool: :cool:

06-12-2006, 06:19 AM
Good morning, Molly. You are so adorable! I bet you get lots of hugs and kisses. Have a great day. Congrats on DOTD! :D

06-12-2006, 09:18 AM
Congrats on being chosen DOTD, Molly! You're so cute, you look like a darling little toy dog.

Animal Lover12
06-12-2006, 10:21 AM
Wow Molly! You are so cute! I can't believe it! You are too adorable. I can defaintely see the puppy in your eyes! I'm sure that you get LOTS of love and get to play with your owner a ton! Congrats on DOTD!

06-12-2006, 01:16 PM
Squeeeeeel...... Oh you're so cute!!
I agree with Pam, I see Swissie too!!!

06-12-2006, 02:08 PM
So much cuteness in such an adorable, cuddly package. I always look at all the dog's pics in everyone's posts, but today I must admit to being extra partial to your pic and Harlee's pic. Happy DOTD sweetie!!! :)

blue girl
06-12-2006, 02:11 PM
Molly, what a cutie you are! I just love puppies!!! You are so well-behaved and your family is so lucky to have you.
Congratulations on being Dog of the Day!

06-12-2006, 03:11 PM
Molly...You are so beautiful sitting there. I just love your color. I bet you are so sweet. I bet your family is very happy that they found you. I would be if you were mine. Congratulations on DOTD. Hope you and your family will have a long and wonderful life together. :p :p :p

06-12-2006, 04:13 PM
Molly, you are so cute!!!! :) You look so sweet. I love your markings!!!. You look like you have some beagle in your mix too!!!I love your name too!!!!!!! ;)

06-12-2006, 04:16 PM
Hi Molly,

You sure are a sweetie, just look at that sweet face. :) I hope you do
well with puppy classes & grow up to be the bestest pup on the block. :)
Happy congrats on being chosen as our special DOG OF THE DAY.

06-12-2006, 05:47 PM
Oh Molly!!!:D Oh, they just don't come any cuter than you!:) You're going to be my wallpaper for many days to come! I'll bet by now you're grown up to be even more beautiful, if that's possible...but I'd bet you've haven't grown out of that mischievous streak!:D What joy you will bring to your family, for many years to come! Thanks for the big smiles, sweetheart! And thanks to your proud family for sharing you with us all! You are SO adorable:) Hope you and Nippy and your Mum and Dad and human sibs are all having a very happy, fun and love filled Dog of the Day celebration! Congratulations to you precious Molly! Big hugs to you and Nippy!:)

06-12-2006, 07:15 PM
Hi there, Miss Molly! :) Aren't you a cutie?! :D You sound very special and seem to get your way often. ;) I can see why..you have those eyes that will suck you right in! :D I hope you enjoy your special day, sweetheart! :) Congrats on being our dotd! :)

06-13-2006, 09:01 AM
Oh Molly how cute you are!!!! CongratulationsSpecial Girl! :D Happy DOTD to a special girl like you!!! :D ;) :D ;) :p :D ;) :p