View Full Version : Mackenzie!

06-08-2006, 01:53 AM
Oh boy, I know some of our PT'ers are going to be so very happy to see you today, darlin.

You look so happy, and I loved reading about your antics.

Have a great DOTD day sweetheart. :D

06-08-2006, 05:42 AM
Mackenzie you are soooo handsome! I love your story , you sound like one cute pooch!
Congrats on your special day big boy!!!

06-08-2006, 07:38 AM
it brought tears to my eyes Mackenzie reading the wonderful story about your home and the family that loves you. What fantastic people you must
share your life with to have written such a heartful story. I myself have
3 Goldens just like you and i know how very special and what an important
part of my life they are. Many hugs to you, may you live many more
wonderful years with that family that loves you so much.


06-08-2006, 07:59 AM
Your story is so remarkable, and you are a remarkable Golden Boy!!!! Your family is so blessed to have you with them.

I laughed while reading the part where you kick someone when you want to play. Gosh, the markings on your face are lovely.

You are some dog, Congratulations Menkenzie for being chosen as Dog of the Day.

blue girl
06-08-2006, 09:20 AM
Mackenzie, your bio brought tears to my eyes--its just so sweet! I can totally feel the love your family has for you.
What a lucky boy you are, and you are so smart and fun- loving! Congratulations on being Dog of the Day!

06-08-2006, 09:26 AM
Congratulations Mackenzie!!! What a special boy you are! It sounds like you love your owners very much! And they love you ! Happy DOTD! You truly are a special boy!!! :D :cool: ;) :p :) :p ;) :D :cool: :eek:

06-08-2006, 10:21 AM
There is nothing like a sweet, white faced Golden Boy! Mackenzie, you stirred my heart this morning!!!! We had the pleasure of knowing 3 beautiful Goldens in our home, two of them are right here with me and those girls are positively swooning over you!!!! :)

Congratulations on being a very special Golden Dog of the Day!!! :D

06-08-2006, 11:53 AM
What a blissfully happy face! You are so handsome MacKenzie. Congrats to MARVELOUS MACKENZIE!! :) :D :)

06-08-2006, 01:40 PM
Oh, Mackenzie, you are one of the most handsomest dogs in the world! What a beautiful golden you are. I'm so happy to see you as the DOTD. I loved reading you story. It was very sweet! You sound so smart,handsome and loyal! CONGRATS ON YOUR SPECIAL DAY! :D

06-08-2006, 01:55 PM
Mckenzie...You are a pretty boy. It sounds like you are a smart one too.
Glad that you have a family that loves you very much and that takes real
good care of you. Congratulations on DOTD. Have a wonderful day.
A Dog Lover :p :p :p

06-08-2006, 03:53 PM
You are one handsome, lovable and loving guy!!! It was such a pleasure to read your bio. :) Happy DOTD to you and your family. :cool:

06-08-2006, 04:07 PM
Hi Mackenzie,

You have such a sweet, happy looking face. It's a real pleasure to
meet you today fella.I'm so glad to hear you have an active life filled
with friends & family. :) Bless your heart. Happy congrats on being
chosen as our special DOG OF THE DAY. Long & happy life sweet boy. :)

06-08-2006, 05:23 PM
Oh precious MacKenzie:) Your family's loving words brought tears to my eyes too, that and your sweet, smiling face.:) Your Mom described the beauty of the human/canine bond so perfectly. However can we repay our beloved furkids for their unconditonal love, their devotion, the joy the bring to our lives:) Your family is blessed, so very blessed to have a best friend in you!!! You are everything "golden" and so much more! I wish for you and your family many more happy, love filled years together, sweetheart. And I hope you had a super fun day of celebration, perhaps off for a car ride, a hike, some water fun and all the extra hugs and kisses your heart can hold...and treats!:) Congratulations to you dear, precious Mackenzie, DOG OF THE DAY!:) I hope your family will give some extra hugs and kisses for me!

06-08-2006, 08:53 PM
There's nothing more I can add that the others haven't already said--especially tatsxxx11 !!
Except to say, that is an awesome photo of you. Your humans took a beautiful picture of you with the lovely scenery in the background.

Congrat's on being a wonderful Dog of the day !! ;) :) :)

Jasmine's mom;)