View Full Version : Hi Angel!!

Daisy and Delilah
06-07-2006, 06:45 AM
We're so happy to meet you this morning pretty girl. Even if you did just get out of the pond, you still possess incomparable good looks sweetie. ;) Thanks to your loving family for saving you. When some one else couldn't see your potential, they did, and look how it paid off. Look at you now! It makes us so happy to hear that you're now in a wonderful loving home and living a life that all doggies deserve. We can imagine that your therapy work is rewarding to all those people that get to meet you. Good job Angel girl!! Congrats on your big day today sweetheart!! We hope you have fun all day and we hope Mom can give you some kisses from us. Happiness always!! :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

06-07-2006, 08:11 AM
Congratulations Angel!!!! What a special girl you are!!! Very pretty and well tempered too ;). Thank goodness your owners found you! It sounds like you have a wonderful life! Your name fits you perfectly!!! You truly are an Angel! Congratulations Angel!!!

06-07-2006, 08:32 AM
Aren't you a sweetie sitting there in the grass so contently?
Your humans are great for adopting you from the shelter:)

Sounds like you are a laid back & well natured pooch who gets to
do therapy work and comfort those in need.

You get to stay busy and have fun too swimming in the pond and going for truck rides.
We send you our love and belly rubs. Have a super day in the spot light.

Jasmine's Mom

06-07-2006, 10:11 AM
oh how sweet she must be, i hope she has great day too .:)

06-07-2006, 12:18 PM
You sure are a beautiful girl, Angel! I would love to come kiss your happy face! That's so terrific that you comfort others as a therapy dog! Have a wonderful life, sweetheart!

06-07-2006, 01:19 PM
What a beautiful dog you are Angel! You look so happy and peaceful. Congrats to AWESOME ANGEL! :) :D :)

06-07-2006, 02:52 PM
Hello Angel....What a beautiful baby you are. You look just like you are smiling at us. You are so pretty. I bet you are loved by everybody. I would love to give you a hug but since I can't your mom will have to do it for me.
Congratulations on DOTD. Have a wonderful life.
A Dog Lover :p :p :p

06-07-2006, 03:36 PM
Angel, you are such a pretty girl. I'm glad you have a loving home now and that you are also able to help others. Your name definitely suits you! Congrats on DOTD! :)

06-07-2006, 04:18 PM
Hello Angel,

I am so glad to meet you today & offer my congratulations on
being the one special dog chosen as our honored DOG OF THE DAY. :)
You sure are one beautiful dog, both inside and out. I wish you a long
and happy life sweetheart. :)

06-07-2006, 07:13 PM
Oh Angel!!! What a fitting name for you sweetheart for you are truly heaven sent:) I smiled from ear to ear when I clicked on your beautiful photo, read your touching bio.! Oh, how blessed were your humans the day you came into their lives!:) What a very special girl you are, giving back so much love to those in need at the care facilities, despite the fact that you yourself were at one time, alone and in need. What a heart!!! I can't imagine a more deserving Dog of the Day than you, precious Angel) And I see from your photo that you've just enjoyed a bath or a swim...that would be the Labbie in you!:D Congratulations to you, beatuiful Angel! Long and happy life to you...I hope you and your proud people are enjoying a very special day of celebration! WE LOVE ANGEL!:) Please have your family give you a BIG hug and kiss for me!