View Full Version : August!

Ginger's Mom
06-04-2006, 06:15 AM
Oh August, sweetie, you sure have put a big smile on my face this morning. :D Look at that beautiful Sammy smile. It sounds like you found yourself a wonderful home to share your love in and be spoiled, as a pretty girl like you should be. Congratulations on being our very special Dog of the Day, and enjoy your special day with your sister, the kitties and the turtles.

Daisy and Delilah
06-04-2006, 06:54 AM
We're so happy to see that Ginger's Mom, Joyce, has started this thread. We would have waited for her to do the honors this morning. Yes, it was a happy moment when we saw your face and read your beautiful story, gorgeous August. We're totally taken by your breathtaking good looks and wonderful smile. Left to fend for yourself, helpless with your little pups, your rescue story has really touched us. Who could abandon such a gentle soul? Bless Hearts United for Animals and your loving family for saving you. You are very deserving of the DOTD honors sweet girl. We congratulate you and hope there is nothing but a fun day planned for you today. Maybe a squirrel or two to play with? ;) Please have Mom give you lots of kisses on that sweet facie and we wish you all continued happiness forever!! Kisses to the fursibs too :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny, Hot, Florida :cool: :cool:

06-04-2006, 07:18 AM
August...You are so beautiful. I love your white hair. I would love to brush it for you. I have two yorkies and I brush their hair twice a day and they love it.
I am so sorry about your begining but am very happy that you have a family that loves you very much and takes good care of you. Congratulations on DOTD. Have a wonderful life.
A Dog Lover :p :p :p

06-04-2006, 08:15 AM
August, what a beauty you are! Such a terrible start to your life, but now you are loved. Congratulations sweetie on being DOTD! I hope you have a fun day! :D

06-04-2006, 09:06 AM
August, you are such a pretty girl. You have the cutest sweetest face of any dog. You sure look like a sweetie! :D

06-04-2006, 11:09 AM
What a beautiful white girl you are August! It was so nice to meet you and hear about your wonderful home. Congrats to AWESOME AUGUST!! :) :D :)

06-04-2006, 04:00 PM
Hello August,

My, what a pretty dog you are sweetie. :) I am a big fan of HUA myself
because they work so hard to find homes for precious furry critters just like
you girl.I'm so glad you found your forever home with folks who love and
treasure you. Many happy congratulations on being our very special
DOG OF THE DAY. Big hugs & kisses sweet girl. :)

06-04-2006, 04:26 PM
August, you are such a stuningly beautiful canine companion! I bet you you catch a lot of squirrels.
Hey that's definately fast, yet raw food for you, lol.
Congrats on your big day!! :D :D

06-04-2006, 05:27 PM
Hi Everyone! Thanks for all the compliments about August. She really is a fantastic dog. August would like everyone to know she has recently become a big sister! On April 13th, our family was blessed with the birth of our first child, Henry Thomas. As soon as we brought our baby home, August immediately laid down next to his infant car seat carrier and proceeded to gently sniff him and lick his head. She also growled at all the cats when they tried to come over and check him out! She and her dog sister Bessie have been completely devoted to Henry from day one and continue to love him like he was their very own pup.

I've attached a photo of August, Bessie, and the baby. Enjoy!

August's Mom, Scarlett


06-04-2006, 05:35 PM
Hi Scarlett!
You have such a lovely family.
Thanks for the pic and congratulations on the birth of your Henry! :) :) :)

06-04-2006, 05:39 PM
What a beautiful, beautiful family...I'm awash in tears:) Oh, what a story of rescue, renewal, birth...Congratualtions to you all, Henry Thomas, August, Bessie. the kitties...What a family!:) Much love to you all, especially you dear August, our most EXTRA SPECIAL DOG OF THE DAY! And God bless your family for resucing such a deserving doggie!:) Hugs and kisses all around!

06-04-2006, 06:15 PM
August, you are a beauty!!! I'm especially happy to see a HUA alum as our Dog of the Day. More people need to know about this wonderful organization, and they have our heart felt thanks for being there when you needed their help. It would have been a sad day if you had not made it to your forever home. There is joy in our hearts to have heard your uplifting story of rescue and a wonderful home for the most deserving and especially lovely August.

06-04-2006, 06:25 PM
Comgratulations August!!! You are a special boy!!! HappyDOTD!!! :D :D :D ;) :) :p :rolleyes: :cool:

Daisy and Delilah
06-04-2006, 06:51 PM
Hi Scarlett and welcome to Pet Talk!! I am always so thrilled to see a DOTD owner come in and join us after their precious furkid has become our distinguished honoree. How special it is that you all now have little Henry in your lives. Congratulations!! The photo is so sweet, I'm also in tears. Such devotion and love. Please don't be a stranger to us and more pictures will be greatly appreciated :) :) :)

Terry, Daisy, and Delilah :D