View Full Version : Werid Dreams :-s

05-24-2006, 05:29 PM
I'm always having this dream about my RB Kitty, Ms. Kitty. This happens about 2-3 times a week. It's where we bring Kitty home from the vet (in the box:( ) and we take her out and shes FINE! And another dream is I see her walking and i ask people around me if they see her but they cant :confused: And she looks so good, not rugged and blind like she did when she passed. But most of my dreams are about her sitting on my lap or what not and me talking to my parents and they said "i wonder why the medicine to put her to sleep didnt work? well im glad it didnt, she looks so good now" or something like that. When we first put her to sleep, I NEVER had dreams about her, even BEFORE (when she was alive) i NEVER had dreams about her, its so werid that i'm having them now. :eek:

05-26-2006, 04:54 PM
I Know What You Mean, As I Had Dreams That Pouncer Was Not An Angel, But Was In The Kitchen Waiting To Be Fed.
And I Had A Dream Last Night, That All My Rb Cats Were In The Porch, Yowling For Food.
I Actually Had Emptied Two Cans.
I Am Sure The Porch Cats Had A Feast.
I Know Your Dear Cat Sent You Those Dreams To Tell You That She Was All Right At The Rainbow Bridge, And That You Would Be Together Again.
One Fine Day.