View Full Version : Chase

04-25-2006, 04:59 AM
Chase, you sure are cute! It sounds like you are a friendly pup. And very busy. Congratulations on being DOTD! I hope you have a fun day! :D

04-25-2006, 06:57 AM
Chase...You are a handsome fellow. And it sounds like you are special.
I would love to see you wag your tail up and down.I bet that is cute.
Have a wonderful DOTD.
A Dog Lover

Daisy and Delilah
04-25-2006, 07:13 AM
Good Morning to our gorgeous Golden Boy, Chase! How handsome you are Mr. C!! We first glanced at your picture and thought you were just a pup. Who would ever think you could be four years old. You have that look of youth and exuberance. Wagging your tail up and down is a very clever trick. We would live to see it ;) We hope your day is filled with lots of fun. We congratulate you and ask Mom to give you some extra kisses from us here in Florida. Milk Bones and cheese all around** Happiness to you and your loving family always Chase!! :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

04-25-2006, 09:05 AM
Great photo of you with your "football". :) You are one happy and smart Golden Retriever-doing all those high fives and wagging vertically, wow :p
It sounds like you have some very proud humans caring for you ;)
You represent your breed well!
Congrat's on being chosen as DOTD and we hope you celebrate with love and snacks all day long. :cool:
Have a great life, pretty boy!!

Jasmine's Mom

04-25-2006, 09:09 AM
Congratulations Chase for being a very handsome DOTD!!

04-25-2006, 10:42 AM
Hi chase!! Wow you can wag your tail up and down?! How cool is that! :eek: I would just love to see you do your tricks and play all those sports! How cool :cool: :cool: !! I hope you get lots of chances to wag that tail and get plenty of treats!!!!!! :) :) :rolleyes: :cool: :D ;) :p

04-25-2006, 11:59 AM
Hey, Chase, this is a surprise to have a Dog of the Day right in fairly close proximity to where I live. Believe me I will be checking out every Golden's tail from here on out for the chance that I may even run up on someone so famous. Geneva has lots of nice parks (hint) and perhaps you have visited our PetsMart on Randall Road.

You are a beauty Chase. Congrats for being Dog of the Day.

04-25-2006, 04:07 PM
Hi Chase,

You are a remarkable pupster, not only handsome but such fun
to be around. I would love to see your unique trick with your tail
sweetheart. Your familys description of you is so true. " sweet & gentle
with a playful heart" Happy congrats on being chosen as our special
DOG OF THE DAY. :) Big hugs & kisses sweetie. :)

04-25-2006, 05:38 PM
What a beauuutiful blond boy you are Chase!! I smiled when I heard about your special wag - too cute! You have such a loving face and cute black nose! Congrats to GORGEOUS CHASE!! :) :D :)

04-25-2006, 06:57 PM
Hey there handsome! Oh, aren't you the gorgeous Golden guy:) Not surprised to see you posting with a ball...of any sort! I've yet to meet a Retriever that could resist one!;) One look at that beautiful, loving face of yours Chase and I was goner!:D Something about you Goldens that just melts my heart Oh I know what it is, humor, warmth, playfulness, loyalty and uconditional love! That's a Golden for you, that's Chase! :) Hope you and your proud family and all of your adoring friends and fans are enjoying a very happy,fun and treat filled Dog of the Day celebration!:D Please have your Mom give you a great big hug for me! You're the best, Chase!:)