View Full Version : Toby

04-05-2006, 06:57 AM
Hi Toby....I think that you are so beautiful. It sounds like you are a wonderful baby. I have never had a pit bull terrier. But I think that they are so pretty.
I agree the owners are the ones to blame. Toby, I hope you and your family will have a long and wonderful life together. I am so glad that you have a family that loves you very much and will take good care of you.
A Dog Lover :p :p :p

Daisy and Delilah
04-05-2006, 07:06 AM
We're in love with the likes of you little man. You're just the cutest little boy and we find it hard to believe that you're the runt of your litter. What a healthy boy you are now after your loving and very wise family saved you. Our hat goes off to them for seeing that you needed help and giving you the good life you deserve. How very true Mom's bio of you is. Your breed is often treated unfairly by the public and we know that true love and care is the only thing you need to show everyone what good doggies you really are. Congrats on your big day cutie patootie!! We hope you have the best day ever little man. Please have Mom give you an extra million kisses today from us. We heart Tobias!! Continued happiness to all of you!! :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

04-05-2006, 08:18 AM
Congrats on being DOTD...wish I kiss you, you look like such a sweety! Play well today,

04-05-2006, 08:23 AM
Hello there Tobias!! Congrats on DOTD!! :D APBT's are very loved here, we have quite a few gorgeous pups on here. Toby, I hope you have the best day with your family. :)

04-05-2006, 09:28 AM
Congrats on being DOTD! :)

04-05-2006, 09:31 AM
Oh my yes you are a handsome man, that's for sure!
It's so nice that your mommy and daddy took you home with them, I'm sure they (and you too) think they couldn't have picked a better puppy than you! And smart? Wow are you ever! Learning all that stuff in a matter of months is nothing less than a miracle:D

I'm sure when you heard them pulling in they had brought you all kinds of goodies, geesh why not...it's your special day! Have fun sweetie!

04-05-2006, 10:27 AM
Wow you are soooo amazing ! I am in love with Pittbulls, and your picture has just made my day! You sound like such a little sweetie pie and a good boy too.
Congrats on your special day you sure deserve it!

04-05-2006, 10:31 AM
hi there, Toby! aren't you a handsome boy? You sound like you mean a lot to your family..:) Enjoy your special day sweetheart and congrats on being our dotd!! :D

Lori Jordan
04-05-2006, 10:58 AM
Congrats on being DOTD!!!

04-05-2006, 11:11 AM
SWOONS :eek:

You are so, so handsome. I am very happy that your family chose you and now you are the cherished family member that every dog deserves to be.

Congratulations, handsome Tobias! I love the name too!

Kisses on your sweet face from me!

04-05-2006, 11:30 AM
Hi Tobias! You are a GREAT looking APBT. Mommy spoiling you rotten I see.
I am so glad Mommy and Daddy rescued you! :D

You know, Mommy is right! The APBT is a beautiful dog and has a sweet disposition. It's not the breed, it's the deed. Most bad people that own Pitties have ruined a great breed. Most GOOD people cherish them!!

Did you know that the Pit Bull is the OFFICIAL DOG of the United States???
Congress back in 1941 (World War II) named the Pit Bull to represent the people of our great country. They were that impressed.
Other Pit Bulls?

Buster Browne and Tigue from Red Ball Shoes
Pete from Spanky and Our Gang
The Target Dog from the Target Commercials.

Make your day, buddy! You deserve it because you represent a great dynasty!

Dommidad, Ginger and Zoey Apsen (my two pitties)

04-05-2006, 11:41 AM
:) What a handsome white man you are Toby! Your family is so devoted to their pup, and we can all see why. Thank goodness you are safe, cutie. Congrats to TERRIFIC TOBY!! :) :D :)

blue girl
04-05-2006, 12:33 PM
Oh, Toby, you look so sad in your picture, but you are obviously a very happy boy and very much loved by your family! I'm always so happy to hear about Pit Bulls who are proving that the breed is not the 'monsters' we hear about--good for you and your responsible owners for taking the time to train and socialize!!! I wish you much luck in your agility training. Congratulations on being Dog of the Day!

04-05-2006, 03:01 PM
Tobey you are one top notch looking dog! You look like you are living a great life now which is wonderful. You're mom is totaly right about it being the owner, not the dog. We have a beautiful pitt by the name of Tyson and he's the biggest lover of all 7 dogs which include 3 beagles, 1 retriever mix, 1 austrialian cattle dog, 1 great pyrenees and the Ty. You keep up the good work by showing everyone what a wonder dog you are.

04-05-2006, 03:49 PM
Toby, you are such an adorable puppy! Congratulations on DOTD! I hope you're having a fun day! :D

04-05-2006, 04:58 PM
OMG!!! Cuteness overload:D:D:D Toby, you are too precious for words! God bless your wonderful family for giving such a deserving pup a paw up in life, allowing the true Pittie spirit to shine for all the world to see! And aren't you the smart little guy, but more importantly, the sweete3st, most loving and devoted best friend to your peeps:) You're awesome, Toby:) Congratulations sweetheart! What a wonderful choice you are for our Dog of the Day honors:) Hope you're being spoiled rotten on your well earned day in the spotlight! Please have your family give you bunches of extra hugs, kisses and treats for me!:)

04-05-2006, 05:07 PM
Hello Toby,

You sure are a handsome little pupster. :) many happy congrats
on being chosen for special honor as our DOG OF THE DAY. I agree with
your loving family and hope that in our lifetime, APBT's are able to regain
their reputations as America's family dog. Love ya sweetheart. :)

04-05-2006, 05:44 PM
I'm so glad to see you as our DOTD. :) Your breed has been given so much unfair, negative criticism lately. Mommy's comments and the PT community's comments about pitt bulls, help educate all of us. After all, what would we humans be like without lots of TLC and socializing. ;) Happy DOTD to a representative of our national dog. Wave your colors proudly and by the way, you sure are a handsome boy. :cool:

04-05-2006, 06:32 PM
The Target Dog from the Target Commercials.

thats a Bull Terrier,not a Pit Bull ;)

Toby you are so handsome!Congrats on being DOTD! :D