View Full Version : Our Cajun Boy is Gone....

Laura's Babies
03-22-2006, 09:13 AM
It is with great sadness that I have to report to our Pet Talk friends that one of our Cajun Boys has gone to Rainbow Bridge. I recieved this in a PM yesterday from Carla (Catfamily)

We had to put our dearest cat we ever owned down.He was the sweetest cat in the world and I am having a very hard time with this.Mike too.His heart just could not function properly anymore.The Vet said we got an extra year out of him because of the heart meds which made us feel better,plus he had so much love here.Between me,Mike and some of the other cats here.Everyone wanted to snuggle with Winston.He loved it too.He had litterbox issues but we never ever got upset with him.Just loved him more because he was sick and had a hard life (With the first owners tossing him out when he needed human care at the most crucial time in his life).We cared and cared and loved and loved.Just thankful he had you and your family to sweep him to safety.Thank you Laura.Thank You from Winston most of all.He really thanks you for all you and your family have done for him.

Carla and Mike are just to upset right now to post this so she gave me permission to do it for her. I feel like Winston belonged to all of us here at PT with the complete outpouring of love and support he recieved when he was found so sick in Kevlins front yard and how everyone has cheered him on since then.

Rest in peace sweet boy, we will always remember and love you and how you touched so many lives. You had such a rough beginning in life and life cheated you, but at least you left this world, knowing you were loved and adored, it had to make your passing easier.

Weep not for me though I am gone
Into that gentle night.
Grieve if you will, but not for long
Upon my soul's sweet flight.
I am at peace, my soul's at rest
There is no need for tears.
For with your love I was so blessed
For those few years.
There is no pain, I suffer not,
The fear now all is gone.
Put now these things out of your thoughts,
In your memory I live on.
Remember not my fight for breath
Remember not the strife.
Please do not dwell upon my death,
But celebrate my life.
Author Unknown

03-22-2006, 09:23 AM
This has not been a good week for kitties.

RIP sweet Winston. Your family (RL and PT) loved you more than you know and we know you loved us just as much.

Play hard at the RB.

03-22-2006, 09:25 AM

I am SO sorry for your loss. You gave him a wonderful life and I know he knew he was truly loved!

RIP sweet Winston. We will truly miss you. Godspeed to the Rainbow Bridge. Give kisses to Casey ("Bubba Dude") and Marina Mar.

(((((HUGS)))))))) to you, dear Laura.

03-22-2006, 09:25 AM
Winston was such a Good Dear Cat,and its sad to hear of his passing.
I was just watching Thomasina where she goes to Cat Heaven.
She walks past all the Egyptian Cat Gods and goes to a nice place where theres lots of Cats there.
Winston will not be at the Rainbow Bridge with all the Other Pets Angels
and will be a Happy Cat.
He misses Mike and Carla and will be with thier Companion Angels.
And will see them again,in a Happy Place.
One Fine Day.

03-22-2006, 09:39 AM
What a sad day. :(

Carla and Mike, you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Rest in Peace sweet Winston. You will be missed.

Cinder & Smoke
03-22-2006, 09:44 AM

So Sorry to hear Winston was called to The Bridge. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif

May you Rest In Eternal Peace, Dear Winston.

/s/ http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif Phred

03-22-2006, 09:56 AM
RIP dear Winston! :( Enjoy your eternal life at the RB.

03-22-2006, 09:58 AM
So very sorry to hear this, Laura. Thanks for letting us know.

RIP, sweet fella, your meowmie and daddy are missing you so much. Post when you can, Carla and Mike. We will be here for you. The love you showed to Winston was unsurpassed.

03-22-2006, 10:07 AM
It truly is a sad day, hearing about the passing of dear Winston. I am so sorry to hear of his passing, but he passed knowing that he was so loved (and always will be!) and that he will truly be missed by all. Play hard at the RB little one.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-22-2006, 11:26 AM
Oh gosh,Laura, Carla & Mike I'm so sorry. I knew little Winston had heart problems, but I had no idea they were this severe and immediate. Laura, the best day of his life was when Kevlin took him in and brought him to you. From then on, all he knew was love, from Kevlin & his family, from you and then from Carla, Mike and the rest of their cat family.

RIP little one. I know your heart is big and strong now. :(

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-22-2006, 11:32 AM
I just wanted to repost this picture (and thread) that Carla posted on 3/15/06 of Winston and Booboo. When I saw this pic, I knew how sick Booboo was so I had no idea that Winston would be leading the way to the RB. :(

And here's a link to the thread My two sickest cats together :( (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=100963)

Drat, it's not letting me repost the pic, so you'll have to go to the thread to see it.

Laura's Babies
03-22-2006, 11:36 AM
Boo Boo will be making his trip to Rainbow Bridge today. They are having to much to deal with right now but she knows you all are here for her.

03-22-2006, 01:25 PM
Oh my.... how very very sad for the family. But Booboo and Wonston will be together once again and they can comfort one another, just as they were in the last picture we saw of them. I have serious LES here. :( I am so sad for the family. I cannot imagine what they must be going through. Our hearts go out to them and prayers for a speedy trip to the RB Booboo, so that once again you can be with Winston and so many other of our PT kitties that will be there to greet you.

Prairie Purrs
03-22-2006, 01:45 PM
Such a sad day! RIP, sweet Winston, and BooBoo too. May you snuggle together at the Bridge, content and pain-free.

03-22-2006, 02:01 PM
OH NO. :( :( :( :( I knew his heart was weak, but it's too soon. :( All my prayers to Carla and Mike. LES. :(

03-22-2006, 03:57 PM
I want to thank ALL of you for your kind words at this time.We are so sad here.BooBoo was just put down today.His appointment was scheduled but Winston's was sudden.His heart just gave out and he needed to be rushed in.
I'm not doing to good today and haven't for 2 days at least.Today and yesterday are the worst.I wanted to go with Mike for BooBoo but could not.I would of totally flipped out in the office.We've been bonded for 17 years.He's with his brother now KIKI that died 3 years ago of Cancer of the Jaw.It was just us 3 for 10 years before Mike came along.Then ALL the other cats came after Me and Mike hitched up 7 years ago.
Winston was me and Mike's true love.We loved that Cat so darn much that we let him get away with ruining most of our furniture because of pee habits from a kitten I guess.That's why they (The first owners that were not nice people)tossed him and his brother out in Louisianna.But his pee habits I truly believe were from being a very sick kitten from birth.He was a sick cat and if he were with me from the start...I'll bet I would of gotten him living longer than he did.As it was he got more life just from us bringing him to a heart specialist and getting meds for it daily.They said he was stable after that for a long time but it caught up with him all at once.
So he and his brother ended happy in a nice clean home with lots of love and care.
Benson is doing VERY well.All he does is play and act goofy.He'll live a VERY long life.Everyone here loves Benson.Especially Trudy.They sleep wounded up together all the time.
I just got off the phone with the vet and after the rush is over...he'll come over in June...check all the cats teeth and schedule cleaning and pulling for the ones that need it.
I can't believe I asked him if he'd come over.It's much easier though.There are at least 4-5 cats that need dental.I don't want to bring them all in just to check.
Well...I guess I changed the subject a little so I can go on without crying.
Thank all of you for your support.Especially Laura and her family.Benson will have many happy years here.Thank you all for sending them both here.Winston and Benson really went to a wonderful cat home.

Laura's Babies
03-22-2006, 04:57 PM
It was the pulling together here at PT that save Winston's life. Heart felt "thanks" does not say enough to everyone who helped by supporting and praying in "Lucky Winston's" first hours of need when he was found. He made a miracle happen right here in PT Land like I had never seen. It bought him enough time to learn what really having unconditional love really is and that there are some really good humans out there in the world. That is what Pet Talk gave him, for that, I will be forever grateful. He was truely indeed, a LUCKY Cajun boy that went from rags to riches and got to live out his final days like a king....otherwise, he would have died in a ditch in Louisiana with owners that could have cared less.

I know it sounds so empty and shallow, but Carla... Just LOOK at what you and Mike gave him in his brief time he had with you. Just knowing he was love THAT much must have made him feel like he was king of the world and truely blessed.

I am so sorry about Boo Boo. I know that has had to have just torn your heart out. Just know that we are all here for you when you feel like returning.

Word just seem so useless at times like this..... but maybe you will find a tad bit of comfort in something someone says.

03-22-2006, 05:55 PM
I am so very sorry to hear this news - even though we all knew it was coming.

{{{{{ hugs }}}}} to Carla and Mike, and Laura and Benson and anyone else who needs them.

03-22-2006, 07:34 PM
It is never easy losing good friends like Boo and Winston. Prayers for you and your husband. Hope all the good memories will give you comfort. Sandra

03-22-2006, 07:42 PM
Carla, I am so sorry to hear this. My heart just goes out to you and to Mike.

May our little Cajun boy rest in peace, sweet little Winston. :(

Willie :(

P.S. I understand Boo Boo is gone too. So sorry for you and Mike. Rest in Peace sweet Boo Boo :(

03-22-2006, 08:25 PM
RIP two sweet angel boys. :( Carla & Mike I'm so sorry that both your babies went so suddenly. And also so glad you took the picture of Winston & Boo Boo comforting each other, what a precious momento. What a heartbreak though..I'm here anytime you need to cry, scream, or talk Carla...you know my numbers. Thank you for all the wonderful time and care you gave to those special boys. LES.... :( :( :(

03-22-2006, 09:59 PM
Oh gosh, it is so hard to see through the tears. Carla & Mike, I am so sorry on the loss of your two beloved boys, Boo Boo and Winston. My heart goes out to you. I am at a loss for words here. :(
To lose one is bad enough, but to lose two within a day of each other is just so devastating.

Rest in Peace sweet boys and have fun on the RB.

03-22-2006, 10:24 PM
Oh Carla, I'm just now seeing the news about BooBoo. I'm so sorry. You and Mike have had to deal with too much. My heart goes out to you both.

Rest in Peace sweet BooBoo. Stay close to Winston and KiKi at the RB.


03-22-2006, 11:18 PM
Oh Carla, I am just now seeing this thread. I am so very sorry that you have lost not one but two of your special babies! May God comfort you during this very sad time! :(

Hugs to you and Mike and to dear Laura as well!


Maya & Inka's mommy
03-23-2006, 03:09 AM
OMG , I am so sorry for your double loss :( . Losing 1 cat is so hard, so losing 2 in one go, it must be unbearable...... :(
At least, Booboo and Winston can play together for always, safe , at the RB

Lori Jordan
03-23-2006, 06:57 AM
I'm so so sorry for your loss,and may he rest in peace...I bet he has made so many new friends at the RB

03-23-2006, 11:42 AM
(((((Hugs))))) I'm so sorry for the losses of both of your precious kitty boys. :(

03-23-2006, 11:52 AM
Oh Carla, I am just so sorry for you. I know you loved him and that he was one lucky cat to have landed in your care. {{{HUGS}}}}

03-24-2006, 12:42 AM
Carla & Mike, I'm so sorry to hear about Booboo's and Winston's passing.:( I had no idea that Winston had a heart problem. RIP sweet Booboo and Winston and play hard at the Bridge.:( Please take care Carla & Mike. (((HUGS)))

03-24-2006, 04:07 AM
Just so everyone understands.Winston had an ENLARGED heart.
I was told when a young cat gets this they die fairly quick becuse it progressess faster.The meds helped the heart stay stable for a little extra time but the meds can't work forever.
I dated a guy a long time ago that had just had a heart transplant.He was 26 years old and we met 2 months after his procedure.He also had an ENLARGED heart(before his heart transplant).The disease ran in his family.His nephew has it now.His mothers brother had it.But I know a lot about enlarged hearts just from going out with him.
The only other option was heart transplant for Winston.I would never ever put that cajun boy through that.He was too tired.I know all of you agree.
When an older cat gets an enlarged heart the progress of enlarging is much slower and they can get a few more years of life than a younger one would with the same diagnosis.In most cases.So a younger cat getting this is much worse than an older cat getting this.The progress of the heart failing is faster in a younger cat.
Winston could of developed this from the disease he got when he was found in Louisianna.(Haemobartonellosis).A very bad disease.Fleas and ticks get it and pass it on.Same with Bartonnella.Which they both had when they came to me.(Not as serious as Haemobartonellosis)But serious enough to get it treated.Which of course I did.
Or it may have been in his gene pool.Or a number of other things could of caused his heart to enlarge.

Now...my Lucy has a heart problem but it's a leaky valve.She will live a long normal life.A leaky valve is not to dangerous in most cases.

Bartonnella is all over the country and I advise all cats to be tested for it.Like I said,it's not as serious as Winston's original disease but Bartonnella was in their system too which causes upper respiratory problems,Gum disease,Broncitis,some organ problems too if left untreated.It can cause ALL kinds of things to happen later down the road to make them not feel good.(even without showing it).Coughing too.Herpes of the eyes and much more.

Lori Jordan
03-24-2006, 08:18 AM
It is the hardest decision to come too on letting our beloved ones go..I had found an old stray tom cat back in 2003,We took him in and we got him fixed all that kind of stuff and he was doing great up until the day i had to put him down he took sick on the weekend and offcourse vets are not in on weekends..here i live in a very small town and there is only one vet 15 minutes away.
Now with spot i noticed him loosing weight and thought that the 2 kittens we had were not sharing but that Saturday he was walking funny only way i can explain it was he looked like he was a robot walking real slow and i was boggled did not know what to do anyways we got hold of the vet and were to bring him on Sunday so that night he stayed on my lap he jumped off to go to the kitchen to get a drink,he was in the middle of the floor Maggy and Lacy were still puppies and they started nudging him and he would just fall over i knew right then there was something seriously wrong because spot was a stray never around dogs unless he was most likely running away from them to protect himself..But by him laying there when before he would hiss and smack them..I was told that spot was 3 got to the vet and he said no he is 13 or even older his back end went on him and he was getting worse he ended up dieing before Dr.Grey even got the needle ready he passed March 8,2004..He was such a great cat and im glad the last year of his life he had a loving home to "retire" too may he rest in Peace

03-24-2006, 07:03 PM
Carla, Mike - I have just two kitties myself...I simply can't imagine losing them both within a day of each other.

Many, many hugs to you - I showed the pic of BooBoo and Winston to my mom the other day and she was very touched by it.

Precious keepsake along with memories.

Bless you for all your love and care.

They are free and healthy and playing at the Bridge.

Take care of yourselves, and each other - and Benson I am sure will give you a smile or two!
