View Full Version : Raving over Rocco!

03-21-2006, 05:36 AM
Oh my gosh Rocco! When I clicked on your picture today my heart stopped. Do you know the excitement you have caused in this household? :) It's not every day that my poodles, Bella and Ripley, get such an opportunity to see *one of their own* honored as Dog of the Day! You are a big boy Rocco and my Bella is just smitten with your *hunkiness.* :p She is wishing that you didn't live so far away because she would love running along your grandpa's fence with you. You are a handsome boy Rocco that is for sure and your human has captured your smile beautifully. If you should ever get up to NJ please march right up to our door and give a bark. We'd love to have you. Congratulations to handsome Rocco our Dog of the Day! :cool: :cool: :cool:

03-21-2006, 06:38 AM
Rocco....What a handsome little boy you are. Such a pretty face to greet
us this rainy morning. It sounds like you are a very smart fellow. I bet your family loves you very much. Congratulations on DOTD. Have a wonderful day.
A Dog Lover :p :p :p

03-21-2006, 07:04 AM
Good job Rocco. Seems like there are lots of us GA pups as DOTD recently. That's because Southern Belles and Beaus are the best. March 15th dog was Tippy from Leesburg.

03-21-2006, 07:45 AM
Hi Rocco,
It was like looking in the mirror (almost) to see your handsome face this morning ;) I am almost 4 years old, blonde and beautiful. I am 2" taller and weigh a hefty 95 but am also a real love, so my mom says. Bet we would make good buddies. My name is Toby (after Toby Keith). I love wearing hats because everyone makes over me and gives me treats. I have lots of holiday hats and cowboy hats. Bet you would look great in them also. Isn't it amazing how much attention we get when we go out in public? :) :) :) Meridith

03-21-2006, 07:46 AM
Oh now how did I know that our Pam would be the first one here to congratulate you;):D

I've never had a standard like yourself but I have had smaller ones and they are wonderful! It's not hard to see why your family says you are the sweetest dog they've ever known:D

I hope you have a fun day today and get some yummy cheese and ice cream!!

03-21-2006, 09:07 AM
Yup, I had no doubts that our dear friend Pam would be the first to congratlate you today, Big Boy! And I can tell you first hand Rocco, that Bella is one beauuuuutiful Poodle babe so look her up!;)

What a treat it is to meet you Rocco, learning all about you and your wonderful life! What a handsome boy you are and in true Standard Poodle style, quite the sportsman as well!:D Wow, what a blast you must have visiting Grampa's, running that fence row and romping with the cows! lol Now you in the front seat of your car, sporting your stylin' shades, that I would love to see!:D Oh, how heads must turn when you come tooling by and I'll just bet you get more than a swooooon or two from the ladies, too! I know I'd be putty in your paws!

Congratulations to you handsome, amazing Rocco, our extra special and most deserving DOG OF THE DAY!!! I hope you and your proud Mom and Dad, Grampa and all of your adoring friends and fans enjoy a very special, fun and adventure filled "top dog" celebration! Hugs and kisses to you, adorable Rocco!:)

blue girl
03-21-2006, 10:00 AM
Rocco, what a pretty boy you are! I just love Standard Poodles! You are so smart too. Congratulations on being Dog of the Day!

03-21-2006, 10:51 AM
Ohhh, Rocco, I am in love!! Ever since I first saw Bella here at Pet Talk I have dreamed of having a Standard Poodle. When I saw your picture I let out a gasp. You are so handsome!!! I am going to have to show hubby your picture. Maybe you can win him over...lol. He is stuck on getting a male akita but maybe I can convince him that a male poodle would be just as nice;)

I'm so glad you are our dog of the day. It was such an honor to meet you. I wish I could reach in a pet you and give you a big hug.

Congrats, Rocco!!! Enjoy your special day! :)

Lori Jordan
03-21-2006, 12:17 PM
Congrats on being DOTD

03-21-2006, 01:33 PM
Thank you all for posting such sweet responses to my DOTD selection. I am so happy to be chosen. The photo is of me at the beach. I love the beach too! My human takes me out on the shore sometimes, even though I'm not legally supposed to be out there. But I love it so much! It is fun to run in the sand! I have attached a couple photos of me. Thank you again!!

03-21-2006, 01:38 PM
WOW! What a magnificent poodle you are, gorgeous Rocco! :eek: :eek: You are indeed a big hunk of sweet dog. We can tell how smitten your parents are, and we can easily see why - they are lucky to have such a great boy. It was so nice to meet you!!

03-21-2006, 01:40 PM
Omigosh! Those action shots of Rocco are fabulous! I laughed out loud when I saw him in his Doggles, too too cute!! Yeah Rocco! :)

03-21-2006, 02:16 PM
I am currently owned by a Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, but have lived with poodles for most of my life. I know first hand how sweet standards are!! I grew up with a standard named Whitney and she was like a sister to me...the heart of that dog was amazing, she was so human.

Congrats on being DOTD!!! You are one handsome fellow!!! We never had male standards (only a male toy), so it is hard to imagine how big you are for a poodle...75lbs is a lot of poodle!!! :) Love to meet you in person!

03-21-2006, 02:44 PM
Welcome to Rocco's mom!!! It's so nice to meet you and I hope that you might make yourself at home on this board so we can all see and hear more about Rocco! The pictures you attached are terrific!! Yesiree Bella would love to be by the fence with Rocco barking at those cows. Of course Bella has never seen a cow that close up so she might be a little intimidated at first. Maybe Rocco could hold her paw until she felt brave. :p What a cool looking guy he is in those shades. :cool: Oh boy now I will never get Bella off this computer chair!! :)

03-21-2006, 03:54 PM
Hello Rocco,

You have a great smile sweetie. :) I'm so glad to know what a fun
times you have a Grandpa's farm.Love your goggles too dude. :D
Happy congrats on being chosen for special honors as our DOG OF THE DAY.

03-21-2006, 04:28 PM
Congrats on DOTD :D

03-21-2006, 06:30 PM
I am so happy you got to create the first post on the darlin Rocco!!! :D

Welcome, too, to Rocco's human!

Congrats darlin' on being our very special DOTD today!

03-21-2006, 11:32 PM
Handsome and a Georgia boy, too! Hope your day was filled with love and treats. What a great life you lead. May God bless you with good health and lots of happy adventures. It's been a pleasure to read your story and get to know you a wee bit. Take care!
Love and purrs...Nonie & Star (meow)