View Full Version : Cute Charlie!

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-10-2006, 06:04 AM
Oh, what a cutie you are! That pic in your mailbox is hilarious!!
So you like chasing lizzards hey? Ha ha, I would love to sse them run ffrom you!
Lots of hugs on your special day, Charlie!!

03-10-2006, 06:25 AM
Hi Charlie...You are so cute. You can come to my house and keep the lizards
away. And I just love to play ball.Congratulations on DOTD.
Have a wonderful life.

Cat's Meowm
03-10-2006, 06:27 AM
Well, once again started my day off with an *Awwwwe*...Charlie, you little sweetie! Congrats on Dog Of The Day!. I wish I were your mail-person so would greet me!

03-10-2006, 07:36 AM
Wouldn't I just love to open my mailbox to see you there (sure beats the heck out of bills) ;)

Charlie, your sweet little face and wonderful story has made my morning!

Congratulations to our special delivery-Charlie!!!! Dog of the Day!!

03-10-2006, 07:43 AM
Hey there little man! Aren't you a sight for sore eyes this morning:D I must say your picture is absolutely adorable!!!

Once again a beautiful bright sunny day in Florida and I bet your already having the time of your life chasing some of those lizards around;)

How much you want to bet that you'll be spoiled rotten today?! Hey...maybe today would be the day to ask for a new football, or at least a game in the yard...that would be nice too!

No matter what you do today, I'm sure your going to have a great time! Have fun little guy!

Daisy and Delilah
03-10-2006, 07:46 AM
Be still our hearts little guy!! Where is our "cuteness overload" warning? We were in desperate need of one before looking at your picture sweetie!! Can we just pick you up from that mailbox and carry you around all day? Please? We could also give you a billion kisses but since we aren't there in Bartow with you, please have Mom do the honors. How cute it has to be to see you running around after those lizards. Those little short legs are probably going 100 MPH in hot pursuit. What the heck Charlie. We have alot of extra ones running around anyway so somebody has to keep them in order. Right buddy? Our Mom always calls it a "bumper crop". ;) We send a hearty congratulations to you and your family today sweetheart. We hope your day is nothing but fun and excitement. Please tell Mom to join Pet Talk so we can see more pictures of you. Happiness always :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

Linda York
03-10-2006, 08:47 AM
:) :) Charlie, you are TOO cute. You are just the kind of mail that I would want to get (everyday!) What a special boy you are. :cool: Those are lizards to us, but at your eye level I bet they look a little more like dragons! :eek: You keep your yord free of them..... :)
Have a special day, congratualtions on being Dog of The Day, we are proud of you. What a little love bug!!!!!!!! :D

03-10-2006, 09:04 AM
Your guardians are very clever and took an exquisite photo of you :)

You must have a wonderful life in Florida with the sunshine :cool: and lizards.
I can tell that you are one happy doxie! At your young age, I'm sure your playtime must be in high octane chasing football or sock :D

You are smart too, gathering up your leash to go out........ :p I wish I could see you on the road with your ears flapping out the window in the breeze :eek:

Take care, handsome one. Congrat's on being the DOTD!!

Jasmine's mom

03-10-2006, 09:07 AM
Charlie, I'm going to have to agree with Linda and say you are exactly the kind of mail I would like to receive also! My goodness what an awesome photo. You are indeed a little cutie and I loved hearing all about you. I hope you have a wonderful day, handsome!

Congrats, Charlie!!!

Anita Cholaine
03-10-2006, 09:23 AM
Hey little gentleman!! :D Congrats on DOTD!!!

That pic of you is so freakin cute! I love the look in your eyes, so smart... I'm sure you're always having fun, so keep enjoying life, and especially enjoy your day, sweetie!! Make sure you get lots of treats... ;)

03-10-2006, 10:46 AM
:) :) Charlie, you are TOO cute. You are just the kind of mail that I would want to get (everyday!) :D

i bet most of us think the same LOL

03-10-2006, 11:01 AM
Oh my, what a cutie:D Charlie, your Dog of the Day photo is the best!:D What a handsome, adorable Doxie boy you are! I'm with Pipersmom...a lot more Charlies and fewer bills in my mailbox, please! I'd even pick up the postage!;)

Your life is certainly filled with fun, adventure and lots of good loving, sweet boy!:) And while we don't have an abundance of lizards to chase here up north, still, I offer you an open invitation to mail yourself up for a visit, anytime!:)

Congratulations to you cutie Charlie, our most adorable, most deserving Doxie DOG OF THE DAY!!! Lots of hugs and kisses to you, sweetheart! Enjoy your much deserved day in the Pet Talk spotlight and have FUN, FUN, FUN, today and every day of your wonderful life!:)

blue girl
03-10-2006, 12:55 PM
Charlie, you are such a cutie and you sound like such a fun guy! I would love to find someone like you in my mailbox! Congratulations on being Dog of the Day!

03-10-2006, 02:04 PM
Oh Charlie boy, you are soooo cute, what a splendid dachsie!! Your pic is terrific - you've got mail! How I would love to find you in my mailbox. Congrats to CHARMING CHARLIE!! :) :D :)

03-10-2006, 02:15 PM
Imagine the nasty surprise the mailman got when he came to deliver your Mom and Dad's mail, Charlie!! I was going to say he would be have had a frightful sight but no.. his whole opinion on dogs must have changed! :D

03-10-2006, 02:34 PM
Thank you all for all the nice things you posted about Charlie! :) He is our little sweetheart! He came to work with me today and had fun barking at the leaves blowing around outside. :D He could see them through my office door. He is just as sweet as he looks too! :p

Daisy and Delilah
03-10-2006, 04:24 PM
Yay!! We heard from Charlie's Mom! Thanks for checking in. We would love to see more pictures of that adorable little guy. Please give him some more extra kisses from us :D

03-10-2006, 04:37 PM
Charlie, you're a cutie! I'd love to find you in my mailbox! Congratulations on DOTD! :D

03-10-2006, 04:44 PM
Hi, Charlie. Congrats on DOTD! That is a great picture of you coming out of the mailbox. You are very handsome. I hope you have a great day with your family and have fun chasing lizards from the yard. Enjoy! :D

03-10-2006, 08:24 PM
Charlie, you are so cute in the mail box!!!!Congratulations for Dog of the Day!!!!! :) ;)