View Full Version : Hi Jersey!

Daisy and Delilah
03-04-2006, 05:37 AM
What a great story your human Mom has written about you Jersey! Firstly, we love your name. It's just too cute! Too cute just like you sweetie! We found ourselves smiling from ear to ear while reading the story of you and your "doubting" human Dad. How sweet it is to read how you won him over with those undeniable charms little girl!! You surely have Dad wrapped around your little paw. Congrats on your big day sweetheart!! We hope you get to have all the fun in the world with endless celebration. Please have Mom/Dad give you some extra kisses for us today. Happiness to all of you always!! :D :D :D :D :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Sunny Florida :cool: :cool:

03-04-2006, 06:12 AM
Good Morning.. I love seeing Jersey as a dog of the day.. I , too , have a wonderful Yorkie.. all 4 lbs of her.. Her name is Tess and is almost 9 years old.. and she is the BOSS..(even though I have a 3yr old Chihauhau mix dog (Lucky) and a new 4 month old puppy, Zoe a Golden Retriever.. and a bunch of cats.. doesnt matter. she is the boss...Interesting story about Tess.. I had wanted a Yorkie for so long.. I cut a picture out of a magazine and stuck it above my desk and even thought of a name.. a whole year before she was born.. Looking in the newspaper one day I noticed a puppy for sale out of a house on the other side of town.. so close and .. ( I said to my daughter.. I will be right back I am checking out a puppy.. ) 2 hours later I came back with the tiniest puppy I had ever had.. AND she looked exactly like the picture I had.. unbelievable.. so she was meant to be.( and I found out an earlier caller was going to buy her, but didnt want to take her on a bus ride home.. ) so it was fate.. And she does the same thing as your dog does.. she hears me turn off my tv and runs to my bed.. but I have made little stairs so she can hop up there all by herself. Enjoy her she is so cute.. This is Tess with her buddy Lucky.

03-04-2006, 06:47 AM
Hi Jersey...When I saw your beautiful face this morning I thought that I was looking at my baby Chrissie. You look just like her. You are a beautiful baby. It sounds like you are spoiled rotten. Yorkie's give so much love it is hard not to spoil them. Congratulations on DOTD. I got to see you and to read good things about you. Have a wonderful life with your family.
A Dog Lover :p :p :p

03-04-2006, 06:48 AM
Jersey, you are adorable. I just love your name and I also love how you turned out to be daddy's little girl;). I don't know how any man could resist you. I hope you have a fabulous day with your family and that it is a very special day.

Congrats, Jersey!

03-04-2006, 07:21 AM
Good morning and congratulations to you little Jersey. I, too, love your name as I live in the state where you came from! I fell in love with Yorkies years ago watching Joan Rivers' Spike on TV and was so sad when he was called to the Rainbow Bridge. I had to smile as I read about how your human daddy was so easily won over by you. With men, the littler the dog I think the harder they fall. LOL! My hubby and I started out our married life with two 6 lb. toy poodles but he was as in love with them as I was. It is very easy for you tiny ones to worm your way into their hearts! ;) I hope you have a wonderful day and somehow I know you will. :) By the way, welcome to Pet Talk nipehuletr. It was nice meeting Tess and Lucky today too. :)

03-04-2006, 07:50 AM
Jersey, you sure are cute! It sounds like you are spoiled rotten! Congratulations on being DOTD! I hope you have a fun day! :D

03-04-2006, 08:22 AM
Hello Beautiful!

I just couldn't help but smile when I read your mom's write up on you:D Boy...sure sound like you've got your dad wrapped around that little paw of yours girl;) Us girls always know how to get what we wan't don't we?!

I'd love to hear so much more about you, maybe your mom will find her way to PT and share some more wonderful stories!

Hope you enjoy being DOTD, I'm sure you'll be treated like the queen you are!!!!

03-04-2006, 09:39 AM
What an adooorable and most beauuutiful little Yorkie girl you are Jersey! How sweet you are so close to your pop, daddy's little girl, too too cute! Nice to meet you this Saturday. Congrats to GORGEOUS JERSEY GIRL!! :) :D :)

03-04-2006, 12:25 PM
Hello Jersey!!! That is a great name that your human mom gave you!!!! :) Congratulations on dog of the day!!!!!!!!!Your human parents sound wonderfull!!!Keep having the great life, Jersey!!!! :)

03-04-2006, 01:46 PM
So, who's the most loved pupper on the planet??? That just might be you, Jersey!:D Being a "Daddy's girl" myself, I'm not surprised to hear how handily you won over your proud Papa's heart! Just look at that adorable face:) You may be a wee one sweetheart, but your heart and spirit are as big as they come! And I'm with Anna...get your Mom to share more heart tugging tales of Jersey with us Pet Talkers...and pics too!:) Congratulations to you precious Jersey, our super special and most deserving DOG OF THE DAY!!! Enjoy your much deserved day in the spotlight, Jersey! I have no worries that your Dad (and Mom!) will be spoiling you extra rotten today:D Big hugs and kisses to you, adorable Jersey!:)

03-04-2006, 02:42 PM
Happy DOTD!!! I'm glad to see you are an invaluable seventh member of the family. :cool:

03-04-2006, 04:26 PM
Hello Jersey,

What a precious little thing you are sweetie. Your sweet personality
and sweet ways make you a treasure in anyones life. :) Congratulations
and lots of hugs on being chosen as our DOG OF THE DAY.