Pet of the Day
BackBack June 1, 2021

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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Tank the Tank, the Pet of the Day
Name: Tank
Age: Two years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Tank
Home: Battleground, Washington, USA
   This is Tank, he is a Russian tortoise. He is loving. He likes to explore out of his cage. He is not good at knowing what he will and will not fit under, like a Tank he just goes straight for things, and only realizes when his shell bumps into something that he will not fit! He does not mind when I pick him up, and he will keep his head out so he can look around from up high.

      He is very strong and fast - do not believe the rumors about tortoises being slow! He is about two years old, so he really is still a baby, as tortoises can live a very long time! He is also beautiful I love him so much that I don't want to let him go. That's what makes him special to me.

Tank the Russian Tortoise, the Pet of the Day Tank the Russian Tortoise, the Pet of the Day

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