Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Nikolaus the Lop Rabbit, the Pet of the Day
Name: Nikolaus
Age: Two years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Lop Rabbit
Home: Germany
   The name of my rabbit is Nikolaus, and he is two years old. He lives in a cage most of the time, but he likes when the weather is nice and he can go outside and nibble the fresh grass, instead of dry straw.

     I like Nikolaus because he's very sweet. He likes to be petted but only when he decides it is the right time. He sleeps when I am at school, so when I come home he is awake and ready to play. He likes apples and carrots best, but those are just treats, he eats his rabbit food and hay also. I love Nikolaus.

Talk about Nikolaus in Pet Talk!

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