Pet of the Day

October 30, 1999

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J.P., the Pet of the Day
Name: J.P.
Age: 27 years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Racebred Quarter Horse
Home: Gunter, Texas, USA
   Hello! This is J.P. His name is short for "Just Perfect" and that he is. He was given to us because at his old age he just needed a quiet place to live out his last years. He is an excellent baby sitter for my four-year-old sister. She is the only one allowed to ride him due to his frail state. He makes a great companion for Stoney, his pasture-mate. J.P. is so gentle that when he sees Samantha, my little sis, he puts his head down and allows her to hug him around the muzzle. He is such a sweetheart! Even though everyone else can't ride him, we still enjoy his wonderful company. He is like a giant puppy that everyone enjoys patting and loving on. Well, that's really all there is to say about the old faithful J.P. He is greatly loved by everyone in our household.

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