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Thread: Chihuahua -- Needs a good home - HELP!

  1. #1

    Chihuahua -- Needs a good home - HELP!

    I opened a thread under "Dog Breed" when I should have really posted it here. Sorry about that. Here it is again.

    I just found out the owner of Buffy's sister (the dog's name is "Baby) doesn't want her anymore. It gets me upset because when they got the puppy at 10 weeks old, they very much wanted to have her. Now Baby will get her feelings hurt and I need to find her a home. She's not as tiny as Buffy (I'll try to get a picture of her on Thursday), probably weighs around 5 pounds but she is adorable. She turned 1 year old on February 9th.

    I think part of the reason the owner doesn't want her is Baby runs away. Anytime the door is left a little bit open, she splits and they have to hunt her down all over the neighborhood. I still think it's sad there's no love connection there and I want to find her a good home.

    I can't keep her. As much as I want to, I'm in over my head with pets. If you're in the Miami area, you can come pick her up. If not, you could arrange for transportation. She is FREE to a good home. I'm not sure if she's had her vaccines, but I'll find out. Probably not the way things look.

    I'll post pics soon. In the meantime, can you guys spread the word to see if maybe someone you know wants a beautiful little (not tiny) long-hair chihuahua, BUT ONLY, if they really, really, really want her. I don't want Baby going thru this again, she deserves better.

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this one. Say a prayer for me. Thanks.

    4:20 p.m. Update: I spoke with the owner. She says she doesn't have the patience to deal with a dog right now. That she can't open the door without Baby storming out between her legs and she's tired of it. I asked her if she had taken Baby to the vet, and she said "no."

    Guys, I just think the chemistry is not there between them. I have seen Baby many times and she's very affectionate and beautiful. Her and Buffy get along really well, plus there are children in the house who play with her. I don't think there is absolutely anything wrong with this dog to prevent someone else from loving it and giving it a good home. HELP!!
    on behalf of Lady/Tobi/Buffy
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I hope you find someone - my Miami connection is a cousin who is in a wheelchair much of the time, and I think has a dog friend who visits a lot, so I doubt he'd be able to take her, but I'll ask! And maybe he knows someone, I'll let you know!

  3. #3
    i know someone who is looking for a chihuahua, but she lives in idaho. sorry, but i hope someone can give her a great loving home!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Barbiro. Have you had any luck finding a home for Baby??? I'm praying that this sweet little one will find a forever home very soon. Wish I lived closer! I'm getting so weary of this "throw away" mentality!!!!

    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    I wish I could take her I'm far away and I think I'm going to be acquiring an aggressive, non-adoptable rat terrier soon.

    Did you get the picture of Baby yet? I know it will just torture me to see her. I really really wish I could take her.
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  6. #6
    No luck finding her an owner yet. I won't give up. I'll keep you guys posted. I still haven't taken a picture but will soon.
    on behalf of Lady/Tobi/Buffy
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Columbia, MD
    If someone in idah wants a chihuahua, surely we could arrange something to get Baby there. What do you guys think? Assuming fun 4 u's friend would take Baby.

  8. #8
    Yeah! I talked to my friend, and she wants her sooooo much! Can anyone arrange something? Leg, perhaps? I want to see the doggie also!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    I am going to be driving down to FL (Orlando) the first week of May, in case the owner (or you) wanted to hold on to her for a couple of months extra? I don't know what I could do, but I would offer to transport her if there was someone north of FL that wanted me to transport her? I don't know what help that would be, but if it's at all helpful let me know and I can start making arrangments.

  10. #10
    Adoremydogs and everyone, thanks for all your help, but I think I found a possible owner right here in Miami. They'll let me know by the end of the week if they can stay with her. Chances are pretty good. Baby is still at the owner's house. She stated she would not mind keeping her for a while more. It's so sad. I still haven't gotten the chance to go over there with my digital camera to take some pics. I keep trying but it's hard to find time since she lives quite a distance from me. I'm anxious for all of you to see a picture of her.

    I'll keep everyone posted.
    on behalf of Lady/Tobi/Buffy
    a great site for all animal-lovers!
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  11. #11

    cool! i'm glad you found....

    someone! make sure to keep us posted!

  12. #12
    Well guys you're not going to believe this!

    I found a co-worker who wanted a small dog for her step-son and was thrilled when I told her about Baby. We had arranged to have her step-son and husband stop by tomorrow and I was going to pick up the dog and deliver it to her new owners. Guess what? I just spoke with the owner and she changed her mind!!!!!!!!! She will not surrender the dog. I am so upset.

    She says she can't bring herself to now give up Baby, that she didn't really mean it when she told me that. That she was looking at her while we spoke on the phone, and just couldn't bring herself to do it.


    I want to thank everyone who tried to help. I think I'll just keep a close eye on Baby for the future in case this happens to her again. I have a feeling that somewhere down the road, this lady will change her mind again. We'll just have to pray it doesn't happen. She really is a beautiful dog. I'll be stopping by their house tomorrow and will definitely take some pictures.
    on behalf of Lady/Tobi/Buffy
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