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Thread: Okay...I think I'm at some point UPDATE POST 18

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    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada

    Okay...I think I'm at some point UPDATE POST 18

    I really didn't think this was bothering me, but after getting easily overwhelmed at work and having a crying spell each of the last two days, I had to admit it was bugging me more than I thought.

    Bear with me, I'll recap in point form:

    1. Went for my med exam last fall. A fibroid seemed a little big, so off I go for an ultrasound. Fine.

    2. The ultrasound tech spent a lot of time on my left side near the kidney, and asked if I had had any pain there. NONE.

    3. My Dr's office says the theory is that a fibroid is pressing on my ureter. I get referred to a urologist, for which I wait just a couple of months, and go in for my 10-minute cystoscopy. This becomes a 40-minute uncomfortable deal (a few pinchy ows that weren't fun - the rest was ok) as Dr C said my "left kidney is not draining well at all". So he put a stent in. I could see the pic on the screen above me...and could see the kink straighten out.

    4. Dr C. is referring me to a gynecologist, and has ordered a CT scan "urgent", as whatever it is (fibroid) is starting to bump into my bladder as well. Maybe it always did, but the ultrasound didn't catch it.

    So, from the research I have done, and given my age (50) a hysterectomy seems likely. At the very least, there will surgery to get this Fibroid That Ate New York out of there.

    I thankfully have had no major health problems most of my life. I had the kid things - adenoids (they were supposed to get my tonsils, but never mind ), then tonsils and also a broken leg while skating. Pneumonia when I was 1 and then 9. Everything was over before I was 10.

    Had nose surgery to help nosebleeds about 12 years ago and that has been it.

    So I am at my PT family, and my mom is going to spend more time with me - my friend Irene has been great, and my guy very supportive. I guess I better stop 'being strong' and acknowledge that this is a big change for me, and that it is taking a while to sink in. It erupts in easy tearfulness.

    Any experience you can share, I would appreciate.

    Thanks...I know I have family here too, and I have to not hold this in.
    Last edited by Catty1; 04-05-2007 at 11:17 PM.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

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