Quote Originally Posted by Overt View Post
Here sorry for being annoying im too interested and have spent way to much time to get in contact with u karen. i saw a post u made back in 2006 and saw u were still active and i have way to many questions! heres a post a saw

it was a post regarding rats eating candle wax im just wondering how u even got here or started this website?
I also have another question asking where paul went because he has not been active since 2015.

sorry its really random im just interested because u made this post the year i was born!
This website is one my husband Paul and I started - Pet of the Day, back on September 1, 1997.

The forum was added in 2000 because people wanted to chat about the pets, dogs and cats featured on the homepage and grew from there to be what you see now.

Paul died suddenly on May 4, 2015. I miss him every day.